Sunday, September 20, 2009

Did Syko Sam act alone?

Rather reluctant to blog about this, because it so depressing, and sick. (As if some of my other blog posts weren't depressing enough). This one, is regarding a very disturbing story on the 'News' page today, about a suspect in 4 Virginia killings, who is an "aspiring rapper in the underground horrorcore genre, which sets violent lyrics to hip-hop beats", and who went by the name of 'Syko Sam' on his MySpace Web page, but whose real name is: Richard Alden Samuel McCroskey III. One of the reasons I was so interested in this very disturbing story, is a personal one; And have indirectly known individuals, who have that same type of chilling, psychological profile; Not unlike, the individual whose MySpace page I visited today -
(I'll leave it at that). Yet, I never-the-less, wanted to check-out the validity (and accuracy) of the story for myself. What I found was very shocking, to say the least. Which you can see and hear for yourself, as well. I mean, regardless of the fact that this very disturbed individual was actually spelling out the details of what sounds like his planning and/or involvement in either one, or several murders, I also found interesting, the title and lyrics to the song: "Sick Minds Think Alike". Dig it! Because, I was also amazed by all the friends who seemed to share this guy's views on his MySpace page! I mean, let me tell you something. I certainly wouldn't friend a sick f_ck like that! Would you? (Excuse my language). His website and music pretty much seems to say it all, though. Now, I am not saying that is definitely the case regarding this crime. That there is more then one person involved, that is. I do not know enough about this story at this time to determine that. But what I am saying, is that, I would not be surprised if that was the case. Even though, that may not be what they finally tell us. Take it from me, and from experience: It's always the way! What I also find very interesting regarding this kind of stuff, is what very obviously appears to be this strange and chilling identification with the demonic. I am not particularly very religious myself, even though, I used to be as a kid, (and that is besides the point); But "they" definitely seem to believe in it; And therefore, seem to actually make a deliberately conscious choice, by an act of their own free-will, to choose evil over good, and malice over compassion; As well as, darkness, instead of light; Deceitfulness, over the truth; Death, instead of life, etc. (You get the picture). And it would seem to me, therefore, making a conscious choice to deliberately open themselves up to some kind of deeply negative influence; With the bizarre personality traits that are usually associated with it. Being a student of psychology myself, (as well as business, and music, science, etc.), in relation to how it effects our world, I have found this type of psychology to be the most dangerous. I mean, (for whatever it's worth) it's sort of like a "no-brainer". Whether or not, you believe in God, the devil, heaven and hell, etc. You see, they believe in it! And what they are saying, whether through their music, actions, words, or whatever; That they, believe in good and evil, God and the Devil, and heaven and hell. If you will. And they, willingly choose hell! And it gets that much more dangerous, when it goes beyond the kid level, and is embraced by adults. With influence, and authority, no less! If you know what I mean? But I'll leave it that, for now. (Although, I know what I mean. In fact, out of all my blog posts, let's see if they post any comments here, on this one. Shall we? That's how well, I unfortunately know this type of psychology. It's like a magnet. Wait and see).
But, whatever the case may be, may God be with, and comfort the families of the victims of this very disturbing crime; And raise-up truly good (and wise) people in this world, who will expose and set-up a standard (and hedge of protection) against such things...
Now, let's see. Are there any comments? Surprise, there are!!! You think, they're focused on this particular blog post? And are particularly, how can ya' put it? Sort of like, "fascinated" with me? In a sick, twisted, sort of way, that is? Naaaa. Yea, right.
Once again, "it's always the way"...

Update (09/23/09): I checked-out the website again today to see if it had been taken down. Because once again, "it's always the way". (With all due respect to the families of the victims who may have found it very offensive and who have every right to want it taken down. If that is the case). However, it often seems to be some kind of pattern, in cases like this, for some reason; It would seem to me. Hopefully, not to cover-up a very serious crime, that other people should have every right to know about, and be aware of. The site itself, does not look like it has been taken down at this time. However, I do find it very curious that the songs (which would be a very key piece of evidence) seem to have been deleted from the website's music player! (As of now). I heard these songs myself, and they are extremely disturbing, and I believe should have been left intact, because not only are they an important piece of evidence, but once again, other people have a right to know what is going on, and to be able to hold law enforcement's "feet to the fire", if you will.
I mean, why would anyone want to deliberately hide this from the public, in the first place? Unless, there was something else going on? Let's hope that is not really the case. But let me just say this much, once again, from experience; That, I would not be surprised, if that is exactly what is going on. (And I have seen more then one cover-up, in my lifetime).
Once again, let's hope that is not really the reason the songs seem to have disappeared. Because, the lyrics were VERY explicit, and very detailed; As well as, being very graphic. For whatever it's worth, I posted one of the photo URLs here, so the reader can see for themselves, (before the website is possibly taken down). Next, let's see what happens to this story. (If anything). Again, as I started out in this particular blog post, I want to see if there is not a pattern in some way, regarding the usual covering-up of this particular kind of creepy stuff. I have my own reasons for wanting to know. Here, is one of the photos from this guy's MySpace website. Defiinately not playing with a full-deck, if you ask me...

New Default, thanks to



  2. okay so i do not believe what everybody says about Sam :\ i mean you only know what you hear or see! i on the other hand KNOW what Sam is like and how he feels about all this, Like he said to be in a letter "They have nothing better to do and they can't keep my name out of their mouths and heads" dude THAT is so true i mean c'mon people?! take the time to get to know HIM not what you fucking see or hear! i got much love for Sam ♥♥

    -Take a step back and reflect on how HE feels about the murders and what has happened! you guys are low life's. Is that all you do is judge others? Take a look on your life, I bet you have done some pretty fucked up things in your life!
