Friday, March 13, 2020

Gov't Imbeciles Destroying Global Economy

Yea, I may not always agree with Gerald Celente's choice of words, expressions, and such, but I think he is right on. And looks like I was RIGHT ON once again myself. Because, remember what I wrote in my previous post below dated March 8th? I said: "The course the country is presently on, is basically unsustainable. I mean, its like a law of physics. Which leads me to believe, this is all leading to something, in relation to some kind of agenda, quite possibly. As I know, that many of the type of individuals involved, are also certifiably insane." Well, here we go. Just like I said. ('Cause I know their psychological profile LIKE A BOOK now!) And this may not even be the "end all, be all," as the saying goes. This could eventually fizzle out, and they could come up with something else to take its place. Or they could possibly continue this indefinitely, or until a certain purpose is achieved. Either way, it all boils down to the same thing. One way or the other. I have to say though, this definitely reminds me of 9/11 in allot of ways. That's what I mean: Same sh*t, different story. Jeez, no further comment...
They're watching this. (The bad guys, I mean). I'm getting that strong impression again. (But why?) Hmm. It'll come to me. It ALWAYS does...


Yea, I agree with some of the comments on YouTube regarding this video, in particular, the comment in reference to it all being about the Globalist agenda, and control.
I don't necessarily believe that EVERYONE (among the elite) is evil, or that EVERTHING is a conspiracy though. (Although, of course, the bad guys watching this thing, IS like conspiracy related, from what I am seeing, hearing, and intuitively picking up).
I do think (or would like to think, anyway) that there are still some pretty good leaders out there, though some may also be somewhat mis-guided. And I do also believe, that there is always hope, although much of that also depends on a mass awakening of decent people doing the right thing, and acting in the right way; which will determine which countries (and communities) ultimately succeed (or fail) and which countries learn from the experience, or just stay out of this mess altogether, like Iceland, for example...

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