Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Is Jesus Too 'Liberal' For U.S. Evangelicals?

Just to switch gears a little bit here, it may also be important to note (and what most people don't know) is that in the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) there are mainly two separate schools of thought, sometimes even side by side from one passage (or book) to another passage or book (in fact, you actually have two separate stories of creation side by side in the book of Genesis for example) which, if you will, can generally be broken down to say: The Right Hand of God (Strict adherence to the law) and The Left Hand of God (Social Justice, Compassion, Wisdom, exceptions to the most archaic parts of the law, 'God looks at the heart', Noahidism, Righteous Gentiles, Jewish individuals dedicated to social justice causes, such as Senator Bernie Sanders, etc.) Just sayin'. To break this down even further, in the Introductory Commentary to the Pentateuch (The Torah) the official Catholic Bible (The New American Bible) states that "this historic sweep is the result of a careful and complex joining of several historical traditions, or sources. These are primarily four: the so called Yahwist, Elohist, Priestly and Deuteronomic strands that run through the Pentateuch. Each brings to the Torah its own characteristics, it own theological viewpoint..." And in that respect, it makes it somewhat different, and yet, somewhat similar to the New Testament, where although some of the writers sometimes quote from the Hebrew bible itself, as what they believe is the basis for their new religion, there are also allot of certain difficult to reconcile contradictions, such as the condoning of slavery! And also, most of the early Christians actually believed that Jesus was returning during their lifetime. So many of the writings were based on the "Kingdom of Heaven" being literally at hand, and just around the corner, so to speak. (This is a fact). And yea (Cenk is actually right on this one) there IS a passage in the Old Testament in relation to a form of (non-intentional) abortion! Believe it, or not. But yea, these guys (the people in question) have sort of like turned the whole thing on its head. It's the oldest trick in the book: using religion as a form of control, and for their own selfish ambitions and agenda. (In fact, it's almost Taliban-like).
And furthermore, with all this being said, there are several particular passages in The New Testament, which I myself find VERY interesting (for more reasons then one). 
The first one seems to contradict many of the statements taught by the most influential of the evangelicals, but the second one, actually seems to even defy logic and reason. The first one is allegedly spoken by Jesus himself where he says: "Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the one who does the will of my father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.’" The second one is also allegedly spoken by Jesus, and is probably the basis (and justification) for more wars and persecutions in the name of religion then any other verse in the Bible. It is from the Gospel of Mark (and from memory, had to look up all these things myself) where it is written: "He said to them, 'Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned'"!!! Now, from what I understand, most Christian scholars do agree that this is a longer end to the document, and added much later then when the original gospel was written. And, that would seem to imply (at least to me anyway) a certain agenda there. (Most likely, by the early Catholic Church). 
I mean, common sense alone, would tell one what this passage is saying; is that any one who doesn't believe in Jesus will be condemned! That raises up ALL kinds of problems. i.e. What about the millions upon millions of people who never even heard of Jesus, for one? What about all the Jewish people, who in good conscience for instance, not only cannot accept Jesus as their messiah, but would also (understandably) consider it blasphemy to worship him as God?! But are still (like many of the others) good (and righteous) people for instance? 
I mean, you could go on and on, really. And it opens up a whole can of worms. So, we can see, that this problem goes back to the very beginning of Christianity itself, which really began as a religious cult. So, my point is, is that it looks like the very doctrine itself seems to have been tampered with to fit a certain agenda from the very beginning, going back to my point, that it is like "the oldest trick in the book", and the reason why it often also seems to attract crazy people. (For instance, in my strong opinion, people who use religion to prey on the vulnerable, the hurting, the lost, etc. are among the worst people in society). Its absolutely disgusting, to say the least. As we can see till this day. (Nothing has really changed). Just sayin'. And, just couldn't resist putting my two cents in here. Had to just get if off my chest. I still have an open mind, but am a sensible person by nature, to begin with. But, that's me...
And so, as not to despair, what does all this mean, in a spiritual sense? Because, it is still pretty obvious (to me anyway) that something had to have put this all here. Ya know, our world being like a huge biosphere and all? To incidentally (and conveniently) include: one Sun, one Moon, an ozone layer and an exact distance from the sun that protects us from burning up, or totally freezing; the moon being instrumental in controlling the ocean tides, the magnetic field created from the earth's inner core that protects us from the suns radiation! The amazing complexity of life, etcetera, etcetera. Well, it just could very well be, that we are living on some kind of alien prison planet. (Which, by the way, may also be hinted at, in a mythological sense, in the beginning of the book of Genesis, for example). And that many of our ancestors were banned here because of things like mental illness and violent and criminal behavior. (And are being monitored in some way by a higher form of life). Now, in nature, there are good mutations, and there are bad mutations. It just may be, that those of us who are like, not of this ilk, are like, good mutations. (As just one possible part of this theory). Although, I do have a pretty compelling video on this blog (and on my website) in reference to all the possible aspects of this theory. It made ME think anyway, but that is beyond the scope of this post. Just something to consider, it would seem to me. As our actual existence, still basically remains a mystery. But that is why, I myself, am not a full blown atheist, but something of an Agnostic, like Albert Einstein was considered to be, for instance. In other words, my own personal belief is that everything that had a beginning, ultimately had to come from something that had no beginning, and that includes the possible existence of extraterrestrials. Too Deep...
And something else in the book of Genesis that one may want to consider, is where it is written: "And God said: 'Let us make man in our image and after our likeness'"!!! 
Yea, definitely too deep, and definitely beyond the scope of this blog post...
It may be relevant to note however, just like Jiu-Jitsu is in relation to most of the other Martial Arts (as considered the oldest of the martial arts itself, and from which all the others originated) for example, so is Judaism (in like manner, as being the foundation) to the other major (Monotheistic) World religions...

Uh, oh. Yea, I get it. (Oldie, but goodie). Its (still) always the way...

And so I end this, with a message of hope. There IS always hope...

And, just to further wrap this up and end this, it may also be relevant to note (being now at that age) that I was able to bring MANY YEARS of learning, knowledge, and experience to this blog post. So (for whatever its worth) one can surely rest assured, that I at least know what I'm talking about, if nothing else. In fact, this seems to have turned into some kind of work of art, instead of a blog post! I, at least, learned something here, I think. But, that's me...

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