Tuesday, February 19, 2019


What an amazing human being. God bless him, and the kids he cares for...

The Flower Kings- Love Is The Only Answer

I like this. Heard this track for the first time on a local Indie Music radio station on Valentines Day. Kinda' reminiscent of such Progressive Rock groups as: Gentle Giant, Nektar, and early Genesis...

Monday, February 4, 2019

Psychiatrist Warns Trump Could Become “Extremely Dangerous” As Mueller Gets Closer

I totally agree, as Trump definitely seems to be mentally unstable to begin with.
We've already seen this with the recent Government Shutdown, as just one extremely disturbing example. Whether Mueller is really getting close to say, indicting the president for instance, is another matter; which I am not going to get into here (for various reasons) regarding my own opinion of what this may really be all about...
But this investigation has really been going on a LONG TIME now. I mean, come on, "sh*t or get off the pot" already! (As the saying goes). Because, I mean, it should be quite obvious by now, that it's just making an unstable president even more unstable, and even more dangerous (and spiteful) then he already is. (I mean, in my opinion, and from past experience, if this was really about protecting the country to begin with, Mueller and the Special Counsel would have wisely recognized a particular urgency to expedite and openly present their case to congress during the government shutdown, when millions of lives were hanging in the balance, from a corrupt, out of control, and borderline treasonous president). Give me a break. Please! But this seems to be typical for these guys. (In fact, for whatever its worth, I predicted these very things were going to happen, from the very beginning. Sorta' like an: "Uh, oh. Here we go again!") Unbelievable...
But, in all fairness, we got to see where they are ultimately going with this, I guess.
But, I myself (for reasons I am not going to get into here) don't put much faith in these guys to begin with. As, it seems to be, just another classic, sad and disturbing (American) clown show, if you ask me. Oh, my God...

Hey Billionaires, NOBODY Wants You To Run For President!