Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Eric Clapton - This Has Gotta Stop (Official Music Video)

Freakin' brilliant. "Enough is enough!" Dig it...
"While most artists are selling out and being part of the establishment, Eric Clapton is taking a stand. Bravo." -Hang The Bankers (YouTube Viewer)

Yea, when Eric Clapton himself starts doing protest songs like this, you know something's not right. He's no idiot, and DEFINITELY not a right winger. Just sayin'...

"What I've learned: Most people do not understand how many psychopaths and sociopaths are running things these days. That includes icons. The information was/is out there for anyone with the curiosity and open mind to find the Truth. Question EVERYTHING." -Michael Hoffman

"He's a real man among the gaggle of shallow celebrities we normally get to hear from.  His perspective is one of doing right regardless of the fallout, and that is admirable. Courage is so rare these days." -Tim Carter (YouTube Viewer)

Note: I do want to make one thing clear here though; I am not necessarily what they call an: "Anti-Vaxer." But I am about common sense, freedom of speech, and civil liberties, and do agree that ALLOT of things are just not adding up regarding the whole COVID mess; and that it has irrationally been taken to the extreme, and used by the MSM (and many of our maniacal political leaders) as a form of control. And, has been used to excessively promote fear and hysteria for alterior motives, rather then being based on rational thinking. In other words, its gotten like, WAY out of control now! 
"Enough is enough"...

"I knew this would happen. The goal is to silence Clapton and tear him down and revise history as well." -The Real Music Observer

And just to switch gears a little here, and in relation to the last day of the pull-out of the troops from Afghanistan, an ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE figure to wrap your mind around, that is brought up here during this conversation: $300 million dollars a day spent on the war in Afghanistan, for the last 20 years!!! I don't necessarily agree with Michael Moore on everything, but I DEFINITELY agree with him on this: That is a mind-boggling (and absolutely outrageous) amount of wasted money, to say the least. Whew. (Its actually a frightening figure, really). We definitely got to get our priorities straight.
Or they're going to run this country right into the ground. "This has gotta stop" is right! (And in more ways then one). Damn. (And, once again, everything is relative). 
So don't let them tell you, they can't afford to spend that money on the people whom they were elected to serve; in light of just the Afghan war alone, you'd be a fool if you believed that! (And that's why, white or black, left or right no mater what, political labels and that way of thinking, are almost always a bad thing). You have to honestly think for yourself. Just sayin'. And maybe, that at least, is where change (potentially) begins. One way, or the other...

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Permanent War Advocates Exploit the Kabul Bombing to Demand More War - And how the U.S. has become a War Based Economy...

"The wicked are an abomination to the just, and the just, an abomination to the wicked." -Proverbs

Its what I have been saying all along myself, that the American Main Stream Media and the Military Industrial Complex wants endless, perpetual war. Totally sad and disgusting. And so easy to see through. How can anyone tolerate this sh*t? These guys have lost all credibility, and therefore, networks like this are becoming more and more irrelevant. (And, which is why allot of people get their news from YouTube, and social media).
If our leaders don't come to their senses, and the war mongers are not voted out of office and removed from positions of influence, this endless war scenario (that has been going on for far too long now) could very well be the nation's downfall. (The final nail in the coffin!) It happened to Rome, and every other major empire since...
"Funny how every time we are about to leave a country, something happens that would keep us there." -nashntth (YouTube Viewer)

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

ALEX JONES: "You Will Own NOTHING And Be Happy" | People Are Waking Up To The Truth!

Yep, looks like YouTube pulled the video! See below...

Well, all I want to say here, is that we now know 'Operation Northwoods' (for instance) is not just a conspiracy theory. It is an actual fact! There's no refuting it. Why is this so incredibly important and relevant? You figure it out. But, I also know, the bad guys just love this sh*t. It gives them an excuse. (Its basically, Criminal Psychology 101). Sad. (No further comment). Just surprised to catch this video interview, on YouTube no less! Just hope its not taken down. Jones at least deserves his say. Its called: free speech...

"Nice to you're giving Alex the credit he deserves. In hindsight, he's been right about a lot of things." -Daniel McGregor (YouTube Viewer)

Just some evidence here, that I am not making this up. There's allot more. But this is a BIG one. May God have mercy on this country, because they say: "Karma's a bitch!" And I know, there are allot of crazy people who want to bring everyone down with them. Its part of that same criminally insane psychological profile. There has to be justice. 
Its the only way to reverse that Karma. Exposing it, is just the first part. And then, it becomes like a domino effect, but in the opposite direction...

Note: With all this said, I just want to make clear, that I do not necessarily agree with EVERYTHING Alex Jones says. Just the things that can be verified. 'Cause, I also know, that you can get carried away (and obsessed) with this sh*t. Especially, if you've been through some related trauma in your own life. And, as is (understandably) the case, with Alex Jones, it IS somewhat personal. (Which I am not going to get into here). But I can definitely relate, and understand why, myself. And, we also have to remember that 'everything IS relative' never-the-less. For instance, a psychological profile, is a psychological profile, as any good, honest, investigator or psychological profiler (worth their weight in salt) will tell you. (And what is happening now with the COVID thing IS pretty weird). Too Deep. But I have come to learn, that you just listen to what they say. You just have to read between the lines. The sociopath mind will always (one way or another) give away their true intentions, and motives. You just have to be smart and insightful (and honest) enough to see (and pick up on) it; and just understand and learn from history itself, what human nature can really be capable of. It's all about character, and common sense, and to think for yourself. Because, everything has consequences...

Aug 26th, 2021 UPDATE
Yep, it looks like YouTube pulled the Alex Jones Interview video! (Just as I had suspected it would). Damn. And I have to say, it was just about the best interview with Jones I think I have ever seen myself. Motherfu**ers. I'm not even necessarily a big fan of Jones, but yea, that wasn't right. (What are they really afraid of?) But it looks like Alex is now on Rumble. Good for him. Don't want to waste this blog post, so (to go right up their ass) here's a link to his Video Channel there... The Alex Jones Show on Rumble
In fact, here's a video from his Channel...

Well, all I know, is that in the state of North Carolina (according to the local news media) the vaccination rate keeps going up, but so is the supposed infection rate!!! 
So, you tell me, WHAT THE FU*K is goin' on? Who (and what) is this REALLY about? Absolutely Orwellian, man. (And strange as all f*ck). Whew. I mean, when you're right, you're right! Damn. License for criminal psychopaths, if you ask me... 
That's my take on it. So far, at least. Or, at least until something starts adding up. 
And, so far, IT IS NOT! Just sayin'. And that's why allot of people are becoming more and more suspicious, and afraid to take the shot. (Because, now it seems more then ever, that it's just like blatant contradictions, and lies!) Duh... 
Its like they're not even hiding it anymore! Holy sh*t. Are you kiddin' me? That's the very textbook definition of a psychopath. Its a virus alright. Of the insane! So it would seem, anyway. And its like the gift that keeps on givin'. (Especially, to our corporate controlled media). That's just about all they talk about whenever you turn on the news: "Fear!!!"
Totally UNPRECEDENTED in human history. Crazy sh*t. Its like a big mind f*ck!!!
Not to even mention, that the big drug companies are making BILLIONS!!! Duh...
And just one last thing, because I know the psychological profile of these freaks all too well (and actually having lived in the area where the Feds traced the source of the 2001 anthrax attacks and all) one of my biggest concerns is that, that certain Cabal of criminal psychopaths (who seem to always negatively seek me out for some reason) are going to perpetrate some kind of false flag biological weapons attack, if everything else fails to really bring down the country, just to attempt to f*ck up my own life! 
(And just to add to the chaos and hide behind the cover). Call me crazy, but I DEFINITELY would not put it past them. So yea, there's got to be a reason. (Besides the fact that they're just criminally insane). Too many extremely strange coincidences now. (In fact, they seem to actually be getting bolder and bolder). No further comment...
Except to say, may God curse them (as they attempt to curse my own life) and cause it to backfire on them 100 fold! (As I did no wrong to these people). Because, it seems to me (much to my own astonishment) that they're intent on stopping at nothing...

And to switch gears here, but just one more example of how everything is relative...
(Actually needed a place for the video, which really brings home some interesting facts).

What just happened in Afghanistan with the troop pull-out and all, just goes to show, and is just one more terrible example, that the whole war on terror was bullsh*t from the very beginning! Duh. I mean, was this what it was like before the U.S. invaded Afghanistan 20 yrs ago? No. So what was the military doing there for all that time to begin with? Seems the situation there actually got ALLOT worse, because where did all these Taliban come from, if they were such a threat in the first place?! (I mean, Afghanistan at least had a functioning government back then, no?) Get it? Also, remember when Bush astonishingly said, that he was no longer concerned about Osama Bin Laden?! (Soo, again, why were we there? And why didn't the U.S. pull out back then after he said that?) So many contradictions, because, all of this just proves that it was ALL just a BIG lie to begin with. It was a no-brainer. (To me, anyway). And maybe, unfortunately, just one more sign of a nation in decline, and the reasons why. Sad...

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Housing Crash 2021 Starts HERE

Of course! (I myself, believe the housing market is DEFINITELY going to crash). 
In fact, this really, should be a no-brainer. i.e. Similarities to the housing market crash of around 2008 for one. The historically incredible increase in home prices going on for something like a year now, is artificial, and basically unsustainable to begin with, for reasons I'm not going to get into here. It just doesn't add up, for at least some of the reasons this guy does go into. (Not to even mention the COVID thing). But it really goes even deeper then that. It's becoming an increasingly serious issue, with many underlying factors, that has been going on for some time now... 
And after the last big housing bubble that began after Sept. 2001, the banks DID eventually tighten their lending restrictions (when that market had crashed around 2008) so that it made it very difficult for ordinary homeowners to refinance their mortgage, or take out a home equity loan for example, because their loan to value ratio had plummeted; as the housing market back then, was also artificially inflated, but then forced to crash! (When all the exotic type loans the banks were offering back then, eventually came due - with accrued interest no less!) And that's why I believe there are sort of like some of the same similarities, or factors there, that led to this present bubble. (In other words, if the bubble doesn't make sense to begin with, and is built on a house of cards in the first place, it WILL eventually crash!) I know all the signs, because I worked in the Mortgage Industry for some time, and learned allot over the years. 
(And the signs are DEFINITELY there with the current housing bubble). And the Loan Modification program implemented by the Obama Administration at that time, was (for the most part anyway) a disaster; exacerbating the situation. It mostly bailed out the banks, but not the honest mortgager, who was now faced with a worsening economy... 
And there was ALLOT of fraud. Which caused the housing bubble in the first place. 
As (I strongly believe) is the case now. So these are some of the similarities I am talking about. And interest rates sunk to a historic low back then as well, after 9/11. (Which helped facilitate the mortgage bubble, that made some people very rich. Especially the CEO's of the banks, who now had all these new loans on their balance sheets, before the market crashed and they were bailed out!) Like it is now (and what seems to be happening now) with the COVID thing. Once again, "same sh*t, different day"...

"This is where we are at right now. as a whole. No one is left out of the loop. We are experiencing a reality based on a thin veneer of lies and illusions. A world where, greed is our God and wisdom is sin, where the ego - driven cleverness of the mind is praised, rather than the intelligence of the heart. " - Bill Hicks 12/16/61- 2/26 
(David Shultz - YouTube Viewer)

Yea, this video very interestingly points out, that it was when President Nixon (the crooked assh*le that he was) took the U.S. currency off the Gold Standard back in 1971, was pretty much when (hidden) inflation kicked in like never before. 
(And when everything pretty much changed!) All you have to do is look at commodities like the cost of milk, bread, gas, housing, etc. back then, and now, to see that this is probably not too far from the truth. And then, the Federal Reserve kicked in to make up the difference, to the point where now, everyone is like, in debt to the Fed (and the Central Banks) WITH INTEREST!!! So selfishly corrupt has this financial (and its related economic) system become, that some have even likened it to 'The Beast' of Revelation!
"This video was very educational.. I graduated over 20 years ago but this was never explained ever." -Jessa Lyn (YouTube Viewer)
"Yeah, the creation of the "fed" is never explained either...that's our real downfall" -Andre Fecteau (YouTube Viewer)
"They do explain it in school, but only in the best interest of bankers. They tell you how FED is good for the well being of the United States and individual citizens. When in fact, they are straight up robbing people through reckless fractional reserve lending, bailing banks out by massive money printing when the markets are down, and lying to the public that money printing is beneficial for the masses and this was some how all an accident." -Cafe Latte (YouTube Viewer)
"Yeah. No one seems to know what 'fiat currency' is. Bad money and good money does not mix." -300 BLK (YouTube Viewer)

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? - George Orwell's Warning to the World

Some VERY interesting (and surprisingly wise) comments here, that I can definitely relate to myself...

"Anyone who has ever been close to a psychopath or sociopath recognises all these patterns. Our culture unfortunately rewards such people, putting them in positions of leadership and looking to them for answers. Until we start valuing humility and compassion as leadership qualities we are doomed to create such suffering." 
-Heal YourSelf (YouTube Viewer)

"I unwittingly became best friends with a textbook sociopath, back in high school. Believe me when i say, i’m glad he had no political ambitions; they are worse than any movie villain. Diseased humans capable of fantastic cruelty. Most sociopaths though, destroy themselves before they get anywhere." 
-ARC Commander CT-420 (YouTube Viewer)

"Spot on. So many of us targeted by a Psychopath, Sociopath or Narcissist have noticed the same patterns of behaviour in what's currently going on in the world. 
Your last sentence is spot on too." -S (YouTube Viewer)

It's always the same ole' story. "Same sh*t, different day"...

And Dennis Kucinich is a very clear example of a politician who is not corrupt...

And the paradigm shift has begun...