Sunday, October 22, 2023

Israel: The Refugees of 1948

I do want to say, that not ALL views of The 700 Club (or CBN) are necessarily my own, but I just inadvertently came across this, and with all the violence and misinformation, I felt it was just WAY too important not to share. Whether some of the warmongers in the U.S. just see this as another opportunity, or not, the truth is still the truth...

"WOW...I love this girl, she's telling it like it is. I'm from the a to z community & I stand with Israel!!! Celebrating in the streets the murder of innocent civilians, and especially babies is horrific !!! May God continue to bless this young lady." -meanonymous8793 (YouTube Viewer).

Ya see, the terrorists (in this case, Hamas) don't like to see people having a good time to begin with. (And part of the reason why they really hate the Israeli Jews so much). Their form of religion, is a dark, sick, sadistic, and masochistic form of religion, as strict fundamentalist religion (in my opinion anyway) is just another reason why the world is so fu**ed up in the first place...

"He forgot to write the most famous quote from an Israeli, Abba Eban, about the Palestinians: "They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity" -texclydes (YouTube Viewer).

"Every American high schooler and college student should be required to watch this and do their own research to verify statements made. Our students' stupidity is disgraceful." -twalk6164 (YouTube Viewer).

Friday, October 13, 2023

Officials: Over 200 found dead at music festival site after Hamas attack

"The 'leader' of gaza doesn't even live in gaza. How telling of how he cares about his people." -carfo (YouTube Viewer).

"The very fact that Hamas knew ahead of their assault that Israel would have to respond by bombarding Gaza with all its civilians having no where to go, IS EXACTLY the use of civilians as human shields." -adirsab (YouTube Viewer).

Yea, I can understand allot of people being upset when they see the strikes on GAZA, but it all really started here. HAMAS IS a criminal, murderous, terrorist organization. What did they think was going to happen after committing an abomination like this? (Except to quite possibly make Israel look like the bad guys, because they knew they were going to have to retaliate for such an atrocity. That's how the psychopath mind works). They don't care about their people. (Its all bullsh*t). Should be a no-brainer by now. Regardless, this was a HUGE intelligence failure for sure. I don't get it? 
But because of the extremely sensitive nature of this situation, no further comment. Except to say, Israel is really now left with no choice, but to try to save the hostages, and even attempt to eliminate HAMAS. They are animals, and should be treated like the animals that they are. I've seen clips of these guys actually shooting into porta-potties at the music festival, where the initial attack took place. I actually worked with people like this. So, I think I know where they even got their funding from, and how they got it...

"Seeing a video like this of your daughter and seeing men spit on her and treat her like she’s nothing, and you can’t do anything has to be one of the worst feelings ever." -lalo7768 (YouTube Viewer).