Thursday, September 26, 2019

U.S.Navy Confirms UFO Sightings By Pilots, WTF?

I don't necessarily fully agree with everything Jimmy Dore says in this video, but post it here, because of the previous video blog post interview with Steven Greer, and because this particular UFO story interestingly made the news within the Mainstream Media, for whatever reason...

Joe Rogan Experience #331 - Dr. Steven Greer

"This interview is fully blacklisted you will never find it on YouTube just try searching it, thanks for uploading, if you can please download and keep re uploading so people can watch." -Invective (YouTube Viewer).

This statement seems to be true. I had to repost the above video (which is of poorer quality) because the original was 'made private by the user', for some reason...

Interestingly, Steven Greer mentions Northrop Grumman (somewhat briely however) at least several times during the course of this interview, particularly, at aproximately 1 hour and 30 minutes into the video, which kinda caught me by surprise. (Just sayin'). But remember that now infamous news story, when then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, on Sept. 10th, 2001 (no less) oddly indicated that the Pentagon could not account for something like 2.3 Trillion dollars?!!! Oh, yea. Incredible stuff...
Try to wrap your mind around all the incredible, mind boggling implications of all that for just one moment, if you're smart. (Bad guys, career criminals, and sociopaths will reason one way, and honest, smart people, who want to fix things, will reason a different way). Small wonder though, therefore, the reason why allot of people freak out when someone like a Bernie Sanders for instance, comes along, and mentions additional taxes as a means to pay for his 'Medicare for All' plan. (Although, to be fair, his plan would eliminate all deductibles and any out of pocket medical expenses, which if the additional tax burden is comparitively slight, is still a REALLY good deal).
As my point is, that most ordinary working people know that too many of our politicians are just totally out of touch with reality, especially in light of the above statement (about the missing trillions of dollars from an extremely bloated military budget that is, as you have most of the wasted money to fund Universal Health Care right there) as just one VERY important example, and that the U.S. is really awash in cash, but too many of our politicians basically do not know what the f*ck they're doing, and/or really just don't care; and that they are just freakin' out of touch with the financial burdens of the ordinary (honest) American citizen. Or, they know, and they just don't give a shit, and are in politics for all the wrong reasons, and basically just to line their own pockets. (Which kinda' leads us to the next video). But anyway, Mr. Greer is a very interesting individual, and this is a really great interview...

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Angel Olsen - Lark

From what I understand, this music video begins in the mountains around Asheville, North Carolina and ends on the Outer Banks. Interesting sound. Totally unique style. Very etheral and deep. Fantastic music video. She's like a visionary artist...

Jimmy Dore and Why Everyone Hates the Media | Useful Idiots