Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Jeremy Camp - Walk By Faith

Yea, I really admire this guy. (Just saw the movie). Good man. One of those few genuine people, who really seems like he has dedicated his life to give encouragement to others (through his own past suffering and trials) and lead them to what he believes is the truth. I mean, dig the words in this song:  "Well, I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see. Well, because this broken road, prepares your will for me." (Seemingly turning a negative into a positve). Once again, I really think some Christian music is so powerful, full of light, comfort, and hope, in an often crazy world, where there is so much darkness, indifference, malice, deceit, and despair. (As we can also see and hear how toxic and depressing our own main stream media can be, and the real reasons as to why that is). What else is there, when you really think about it?
What does it all mean? Nobody can really explain it...
Things, like that burst of intuition, a word of knowledge, insight, discernment, et cetera...
Where does it really all ultimately come from? But it takes faith, I think is what this song is really saying. As in that part in the movie (and music video) where they are in the planetarium, gazing at the incredible majesty of the universe itself. Yet, some people see it (when you realize at least that much) and others don't. That, very well, may be a sign of the seeds of faith right there, I don't know. But one way or the other, its an incredible mystery, that's for sure. Mind blower...
But, never-the-less, I believe what Camp is also saying in this song, is that God is a personal God, who does care about human suffering, and the direction the world is going in. And that changes everything. And, that faith, is like a gift. (As I believe that is what the Bible says). For instance, I remember there is a very wise quote somewhere in the Bible that says: "They are always learning, but never really coming to a knowledge of the truth." Makes allot of sense, in so many ways. It sorta' reminds me of a track,
that lines up with that part in that song by Michael W. Smith: 'Live and Learn' where it seems to be quoting from some poem at the beginning of the track, that goes something like this: "Tis the blink of an eye. Tis the dawn of a breath. Till the paleness of death. Oh why, should the spirit of mortal man be proud?" So true...
Enough said, as I'm still living and learning myself. (And for other reasons).
But that much, I understand. For the believer its: "We walk by faith, not by sight."
(A quote somewhere in the Bible). It seems that's the quote that this song is primarily based on. Something to think about, I guess. Seems there's allot of meaning there...