Monday, June 26, 2023

JFK’s Most Amazing Speech On Peace

I agree with Jimmy, as far as the reasons JFK very well may have been murdered. 
As far as me, myself personally, I think the ultimate reason is really hidden in what transpired with Operation Northwoods
If Kennedy would have had his Joint Chief of Staff tried for treason, for instance, instead of just removing him from office, for suggesting a false flag operation against Cuba, that would have deliberately killed innocent Americans, things may very well have turned out ALLOT differently! (And it would have sent a very strong and important message). 
John F. Kennedy, of course, was still a great man, and a great president. I mean, he still puts guys like George W. Bush (and Dick Cheney for that matter) to shame, who saw War (and killing innocent people) as an opportunity. Not to even mention the fact, that the Secret Service at the time, actually allowed the president to ride around in a vehicle WITH NO TOP ON IT!!! IN PUBLIC!!! 
That still blows my mind till this day. (No pun intended). Damn. So yea, there's allot, man. But not even gonna' go there. But yea, as far as our Presidents after Kennedy go (and our law enforcement for that matter, federal or otherwise) my point is: If justice (and doing the right thing) is repugnant to you, you're in the WRONG LINE OF WORK!!! (At least, consider the Karma thing).
Just had to go to Jimmy's point towards the end of the video (which was although to the point, still kind of negative, with no positive answers really) while still sharing this great speech by a great president; as I know how many of our politicians think, if they ever see what he says here (not to mention, those who watched the video on YouTube or even maybe here on this Blog) and how deep our society has sunk. I mean, just look at all the mass shootings that happen on almost a daily basis now. That HAS GOT to tell you something! (If you have any smarts at all). Let's face it, our leaders set the tone... 
It was all psychological warfare (with the killing of JFK) that the selfish, greedy warmongers are expert at. And Kennedy wanted to end a senseless war, based on lies, that benefited NO ONE! Except the Military Industrial Complex, that Pres. Eisenhower (the other great president before him) warned the American people about. (And, on the contrary, it actually destroyed ALLOT of lives). I mean, how do people with that kind of mindset even sleep at night? (And the United States has never really been the same since. As we can see now). I mean, is it just me who sees (and understands) these things? (Can't be). I don't get it? No further comment. Jesus...

Sound familiar? It should. The bad guys seem to get it...