Friday, July 30, 2010

Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., lashes out at GOP for Rejecting 9/11 Responders Legislation.

Ditto on this one, as my previous blog-post comment. What a damn shame, man. I mean, you got to tell it like it is. Majority of GOP actually vote against health benefits and insurance for 9/11 First Responders?! I don't get it? Many of these respoders were heros, and had suffered severe ailments and even death, because of their exposure to the toxic fumes at Ground Zero. It does'nt get much worse then this, man...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Alan Grayson Crushes GOP On Unemployment Benefits

Yea! Progressive Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson slams the GOP with a two by four! I love this guy. Here is one politician not afraid to really tell it like it is, and do the right thing. I definitely believe we need more like him in Washington. In fact, I think he should be the next president! If only our country was that wise, man. One of the few democrats with real backbone, and who is willing to stand-up to the ruthless and heartless Neo-Cons, and give them the beating they deserve. Especially, when they cross the line. Like when they actually have the balls to try to deny unemployment benefits to people in their time of need! You got to be kidding me. I'm sorry man, but I think that makes you pretty low, in my opinion; And actually worse then useless as a politician, and lawmaker;  Who were elected by the people, and for the people; To serve the people. Not one's own self-interests, under the guise and phony argument of busting the budget. (We all know how they treated the budget during the Bush Administration). Yet, when it comes to funding billions upon billions of dollars for two bogus wars, they are right on board with that one. (Most of them anyway). Absolutely outrageous stance, if you ask me. Rep. Grayson is once again right-on with this issue. And needless to say, I totally agree with him. One hundred percent! The Neo-Cons, (all who voted against this bill) have no conscience man, and rightly deserve the way Grayson severely criticised them. It was a condemnation that was long overdue. And a point brilliantly made...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

WikiLeaks Over 75,000 Secret US Military Reports Covering Afghanistan War

On July 26th, 2010 "WikiLeaks over 75,000 secret US military reports covering the war in Afghanistan. The Afghan War Diary is an extraordinary secret compendium of over 91,000 reports covering the war in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010. They include the number of persons internally stated to be killed, wounded, or detained during each action, together with the precise geographical location of each event, and the military units involved and major weapon systems used. The Afghan War Diary is the most significant archive about the reality of war to have been released during the course of war". -WikiLeaks

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dennis Kucinich - Pakistan House Concurrent Resolution 301

From the electdennis YouTube Channel. I absolutely agree with this congressman's views about occupying foreign nations, for no good reason. Especially, in the case of the current war in Afghanistan. I believe the time has long past, regarding this effort. It is a mess that the Bush Administration got us in, in the first place, and then deliberately screwed-up! Because they were really bent on an unprovoked attack and invasion of Iraq. And yet, we are still there! Something like nine years later, no less. It is complete and total bullsh*t! A total waste of billions of tax dollars that we could use here at home, as well as a waste of human lives, that I strongly believe is actually making us less safe, and creating even more enemies and people who resent us. It is a total travesty and waste of resources, that benefits absolutely no one; In the middle-class, that is. Except for those, I guess, who look at it as a possible career opportunity in the military...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Carpenters - Crystal Lullaby

On a much lighter note, I think this is one very creative and enchanting video put to an absolutely gorgeous melody of a song performed by The Carpenters, that I found on YouTube; Inspired by this surreal dream I had several nights ago, regarding an old musician friend on Facebook, in refrence to her birthday and a gathering of musicians that we used to play with at one time. And some of the memories attached to that. Enjoy!

Noam Chomsky Compares Right-Wing Media to Nazi Germany

And just to bring home my point regarding my previous blog post and comment on this matter. Here, seems to be an expert who seems to have very similar views, concerns, and criticism in refrence to the current state of affairs...

The Rise of Right Wing Hate

Brilliant video of the psychology behind the current face of the Right-Wing propaganda machine, which I strongly believe is strikingly similar to the subliminal tactics used by the Natzi party in Hitler's Germany. Like when, they ironically portray President Obama as Hitler himself, or the Joker, or other inhumane characters with dehumanizing characteristics, for no apparent or valid reason. And then, making it appear urgent that the President and the Progressives of this country for example, have to be stopped at all costs...

Tea Party Activists Just 'Tip of the Iceberg'? - John Boehner

Surprise! Rep. Boehner aligns himself with The Tea Party Movement. Which makes him culpable, in a way. Some very curious stuff coming out of his mouth in this video regarding his views about this very disturbing, at least to me, Right-Wing movement. Which in reality, it really is. Especially, with such strong support from individuals like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman, among others on the far-right; Playing to many on the lunatic fringe of society...

Geithner Praises Elizabeth Warren for Consumer Watchdog Agency

I personally think Elizabeth Warren would be an excellent choice to head the Consumer Protection Agency, if that is what is being discussed here. Was not aware, if so, that this new agency was part of the Finance Reform bill recently enacted into law...