Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why Are You Protesting Against Israel

Being that I consider myself a 'Progressive' Democrat in most of my political views, I "liked" this video however, because I think it makes a strong point about how some people can be misled or even brainwashed into believing things that are just not based on fact, because someone else says it is so. (We see that so much on the other side of the spectrum, within the tea party movement, for example). And therefore, in the end, hurt their cause. Especially, for others who believe in the just principles of so much of that cause. I strongly believe, one should always have their own mind, and do their own honest, un-biased research on a matter, if you really want to know the truth. Because things aren't always black or white, based on a particular ideology. I think that is part of the problem we have going on in this country right now. And that is why Lincoln coined that very wise saying, "that a house divided against itself cannot stand." Honest people (whether in government or the secular world) who are seeking "honest" answers to very serious problems, have to find some kind of common ground on things that can truly make this world (and this country) a better place to live, for all our sakes; And try to seek out truth, unity, and peace first, rather then division and war; Or, it is never going to happen. The Jewish people (in my opinion) are a perfect example of a race (as a whole) that has suffered so much persecution over the centruries, because just too many people turned the other way, in the face of great evil and injustice. We see much of that prejudice lingering on, till the present day; As indicated in this video...

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