Thursday, June 21, 2018

NY Times Blames Obama For Trump’s Immigration Horribleness w/Abby Martin

Look, I have to be honest regarding some of the statements made by Trump
-whether or not he is just playing to that part of his fringe base, and notwithstanding the ridiculousness of the so called 'Border Wall' and all - that too many of the people that are coming here illegally ARE (unfortunately) bad people. I know this for a fact myself. (For reasons that I am just not going to get into here). MS-13 is just one example - as to the fact that there must obviously be a problem - for these amimals to be thriving here in this country to begin with. Right? Duh!
However, with that said, I do believe in the Asylum rule myself - which is in relation to decent, law abiding individuals, who may be fleeing their country, ironically, for possibly those very same reasons! And despite Trump's executive order (which I do applaud him for), it DOES seem like his administration has still sorta' like taken the whole matter to another level, with the recent ruling by his attorney general Jeff Sessions for instance - that 'victims of domestic, gang violence generally wont qualify for asylum'! As reported for example in The Washington Post.
Never-the-less, I do also agree with what Jimmy Dore and Abby Martin are also saying in this video regarding the hypocrisy - that brought us to this point in the first place.
But, I also agree with those on the other side of the fence (whether sincere in what they say or not - to possibly get conservative votes for example) that we got a problem that has gotten WAY out of control for WAY too long. I agree, because I have my own mind. (And am my own person). Both sides are right, regardless of their possible motives.
The truth is the truth, whether you acknowledge it as the truth or not.
But I also DEFINITELY agree with those who say that innocent children should not be used as bargaining chips either - as unfortunately is all too often the case - where they become the innocent victims of a mess that was created by adults in power, who should know better, and who may not have done the right thing to begin with...
Just FREAKIN' prosecute the bad guys, and send them back to where they came from, or put them in prison, and help those who really need it, and everything should be fine right? Not with our county it seems. Because we have WAY too much corruption ourselves. (And that, ironically, is what very well may make it even that much more attractive to the bad guys to begin with). Damn, what a country. Enough said.
Except for one more thing. Remember what I said, (I think it was on my Google+ profile), about "the pot calling the kettle black"? That is EXACTLY what we are seeing going on right now. And in more ways then one. (Just as I had predicted). As has been the case for quite some time now. (And even as we had seen and heard in the 2016 presidential debates for example). There is a reason for that. And a big indication that the system itself (including the two party political system, as it primarily stands right now) is broken. And (as in the brilliant words of Abraham Lincoln himself), "a nation divided against itself cannot stand." Sad. Not to even mention the mass shootings we now have in this country on a regular basis. I mean, anybody with half a brain has got to realize that something is seriously wrong. Don't want to beat a dead horse, so I am not even going to get into all that here. But we are at a point now, where we are at the true measure of a nation, and a people. Take it for what its worth. Too deep...

And as we now begin to enter another July 4th/Independence Day holiday season, (with my own birthday falling under the astrological sign of Cancer as well), this song seems to come to mind - with its somewhat hopeful and comforting message...

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