Yep, right once again, regarding what I said on my website. (That something was most likely going to happen now, and to watch what comes out in the Mainstream Media,
and what some of the pundits and politicians say, in more ways then one).
Yea, I'm not a big fan of Iran myself, but there are certain truths expressed in this video, that are just too hard to ignore. (And that I understand myself). Its all just a sick game, by individuals playing both sides of the fence, because of all the Military/Defense related money they take, and for other reasons...
Once again, President Eisenhower himself warned us all those years ago, when he said in so many words: "Watch America's newly formed: 'Military Industrial Complex', because we may have a very serious problem there, and which may have to be dealt with later on..." He himself, was basically saying, that he knows that all the money now flowing into that industry (and the quest for more money) may very well cause an extremely serious corruption problem, that has the potential to effect not only the U.S., but the entire world itself...
As American history continues, my prediction, is that we are going to see a greater and greater distinction between the legitimately tuned in, and the mindless, and even quite possibly, the mass exodus of those who are wise enough to know the difference and understand all the warning signs. And, who (like myself) despise the deep insanity; recognizing the very serious dangers of its resulting senselessness, and lunacy...
Albert Einstein recognized that very similar kind of deep insanity himself, during the rise of the Third Reich in Germany, for instance, and was smart enough to get out of a place that he knew was headed for deliberate self-destruction, as he also watched the persecution of those who seemed to be cut from a different cloth. (Including himself).
As a matter of fact, this influenced, and formed the basis for allot of Einstein's views.
Case in point...
And here we go again! It seems like once you watch a video on YouTube from a certain channel you are subscribed to, YouTube will keep recommending other similar content, even if you just happen to be viewing something else. (Which I really don't mind, and think is kinda cool). But because of that, I just inadvertantly came across another very similar subject matter by Jimmy Dore, like the video above it. And it just happens to be another mind blower. Ya know, I really don't want to believe EVERYONE in the FBI is like this, or we got some real serious problems. Although, I'm not naive either, I DEFINITELY know there are bad apples within the agency, but wow, once again, this is some incredible information, and would kind of explain allot; and really, is extremely important, and has some serious repercussions for the whole country. Therefore, I'm just gonna' take a chance and post my own comment to this post on Jimmy's YouTube channel below...
"Whoa. Wait a minute. (Never saw this before). Did I just read and understand that correctly, Jimmy? The Intercept tweet, posted by Glenn Greenwald, that you presented here, mentions some kind of 2016 spying scandal, not only by the FBI, but by the Mainstream Media as well?!!! (Hmm). Damn. That's mind boggling, to say the least.
So, does that mean there are bad elements within the agency, that are actually presenting shit to other bad elements within these media outlets like MSNBC and CNN for example? Like some kind of MK ULTRA shit? For like personal reasons and things like that? Ya know, that's a VERY serious crime, right? Just sayin' man. Thanks for presenting this, Jimmy. Makes ME think. Because, I myself, have heard some like incredibly strange, sociopath type shit coming out of the mouths of some these hosts, pundits, and politicians. Ya see, I was one of the few honest people who lived in the area of Maryland, where the Feds themselves had traced the source of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. I sorta like witnessed the cover-up as it was happening. So, I am sure, they already know, that I know, what was really going on. Because, I was being targeted myself. Not necessarily by the FBI, but by the seriously sick individuals involved in the crime. (Ya see, I know the crime was definitely not the work of one 'lone' scientist). However, it kinda opens up a whole nother' can of worms, if you know what I mean? Because, of course, to cover up a crime, makes one guilty of a crime. Whew.
Kinda' makes sense in a way, but not gonna' go there. Ya think I should get legal representation? In other words, do you think I got a case? I know I probably wont get an answer, but anyone's guess is as good as mine, as to what kind of attorney would be willing to go down that rabbit hole... However, most likely would make them famous,
as being the case of the century, HANDS DOWN!!!"
Now, of course, regarding the searching for legal assistance thing (and at the risk of sounding paranoid and all) common sense would tell one, that this opens up a whole 'nother can of worms as well, in relation to the content in this video, and my comment above, as to, the illegal spying issue for malicious reasons, or gain. Which would be another VERY serious crime, in itself. (Spooks possibly involved in the crime, or to just keep the whole matter from being exposed, would have the kind of technology that most ordinary citizens just wouldn't have, for instance). But not gonna' go there either.
So, any decent person just trying to live their life in peace and unhindered, can see the seriousness, and dangers, as to what is presented in the above video, and that certain laws would have to be amended or changed, at the very least, to protect a person's civil rights, and who has commited no crime especially (or who may be the witness of a crime) from certain rogue shit. (If you know what I mean?) But, I still would like to believe, the majority of individuals within the FBI are decent people, although I also am aware, that money (such as bribes to look the other way, and the like) definitely has the potential to corrupt. (And there is definitely a history there, of this kind of abuse of power as well, and even where certain individuals within the agency have also gone to prison). Especially, if the individual who is being targeted, does not know what is really going on, and if these things are sorta' like being done behind the scenes; and when it is in relation to a certain kind of VERY serious, conspiratorial related crime, that I mention above for instance. As these things, of course, can also be used to attempt to set up that person in some way, as part of that cover-up, or for whatever reason. And that's something else I picked up on, that I am not going to get into here, as well...
Bottom line, if there is deep corruption within the agency itself, it has to be cleaned up, and people would have to go to prison (including certain individuals who may be involved in the media itself). Because, as many of our politicians are now saying themselves: "No one is above the law". (But that is beyond the scope of this post).
End of story...
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