Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Trends Journal: From Dirty Cash to Digital Trash

Yea, I TOTALLY agree, Governor Cuomo is freakin' OUT OF CONTROL!
He is PURE ego, and arrogance, and a dangerous sociopath, in my strong opinion anyway. It seems to me, that he is like 10x worse then even his father...
I lived in New York, when his father, Mario, was governor. He was an extreme Neo-Liberal (who never saw an oppressive tax that he didn't like) and the main reason why I had become a registered Republican back then, before eventually, years later, registering as a Democrat during the disaster that was the Bush presidency...
But yea, Andrew Cuomo is a POTENTIAL disaster himself. He is using this situation for his own political ends. He is a potential NIGHTMARE! Take it from me...
Looks like the establishment Democrats have really fu**ed themselves BIG TIME this time around. With all that said, however, I do not necessarily agree with Celente's rather brief assesment of FDR, when he became president at the beginning of the Great Depression back in the 1930's. Cuomo is DEFINITELY NO FDR! (Even if he is attempting to pretend to be, for political reasons, and negative political motives). Although, in all honesty, I would need to do more reseach regarding what Celente is saying, that seems to be in reference to the confiscation of gold during that presidency, and as a response to the severity of the Depression back then. (Which many believe, was sorta' like, an indirect result of the somewhat recently established Federal Reserve, and its influence on the economy and the stock market, to begin with). I mean, FDR may not have been perfect, and maybe even made some mistakes, but one thing is for sure, neither Cuomo nor Biden are even REMOTELY close to being like FDR...
Neither here nor there, but I am beginning to start to believe (as often suggested by Jimmy Dore for instance) that we need some kind of separate, alternative, major third party, with the base foundation of its platform being the public funding of elections. Because (once again) its like WAY out of control now. But again, that's basically up to the american people. Some interesting YouTube viewer comments:
"The country is committing suicide out of fear of death." -D. Anderson   
"This is not about a virus." -Bk Bk

Case in point...

However, with all these things being said, and what Jimmy Dore fails to mention, here anyway, is that Bernie Sanders (an Independent, who often votes along Democratic lines) did fight (big time) for a just Unemployment Insurance Compensation package, that many of the Republicans, like Lindsey Graham for instance, are against. Let's face it, they totally screwed up the economy to begin with, with all the forced business closings, so what are people supposed to do? Work for min wage, if they can even get that? (Most people cannot pay their bills with that to begin with). And I think Pres. Trump would still sign this bill, which does go to what Dore has been saying, about Trump actually going to the left of some of the establishment Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Manchin, for instance. However, the fear mongering among many of the Democrats, HAS JUST GOT to stop. Its scaring people half to death, and what has been a primary factor in causing the destruction of the economy to begin with.
In other words, they owe it to the country to begin wtih, for fu**ing it up, in the first place!
And it very well may turn out to be, just all smoke and mirrors, as it is now all just digital money anyway; because with a flick of the switch (so to speak) the Federal Reserve (and Central Banks) could technically establish, like a year of Jubilee, and wipe out all world debt to begin with! So, we have to see where this ultimately all REALLY goes,
it seems to me...

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