Saturday, April 4, 2020

Tucker Carlson Tonight 4/3/20

Okay, don't know how long this particular video (of the full episode) is going to last, but another great show. Pretty much, the only thing I disagree with Carlson about, of course, is his somewhat brief, yet rather harsh assessment of Alexandria Cortez towards the end of the program. I do get some of his points however, but saying something to the effect of her being like a rich girl who kinda' doesn't understand real hardship was kind of bizarre, and WAY off the mark. Cortez worked as a waitress before she got elected to Congress, and even knew what it was like for her and her family to go through foreclosure, during the mortgage crisis and the great recession of the last decade. (That kinda' does say something about Carlson's character himself, but I also understand some of the Democrats sort of brought allot of these things on themselves; and/or possibly Carlson is a little mis-guided, although he does work for Fox, which really is part of the Mainstream Media itself). But with all that being said, there is an excellent part of the segment where he interviews someone who does seem pretty credible, regarding a potential cure for the Corona Virus, which just about no one else is talking about at this time, and which the Democrats should DEFINITELY take heed about. But ya' know, its going back to that ole' wise saying by Abraham Lincoln:
"A nation divided against itself cannot stand." And what an unwise nation it has become. And so, I predicted allot of what is now going on, but I just wasn't EXACTLY sure how they were going to go about it. I still choose to believe, however, where there are wise people of good character, who cannot be deceived, there is always hope, in some way. Sad though. Really is. That those of us who are cut from a different cloth and all, have to go through this...


"The cure cannot be worse then the disease." Exactly. The solution should not be worse then the problem itself. That's insanity. And needless to say (in my opinion) at least somewhat suspicious...


And this goes back to the (actual and perfect example, meaning, and spirit of) the quote that: "A nation divided against itself cannot stand." For Trump (if sincere) seems to be giving Sanders an opportunity for a common sense solution, but Sanders seems to (stupidly) insist on continuing to call Trump the worst president in american history, for seemingly political motives. Which, I think, is a bad strategy. I mean, worse then Bush? Come on? (Okay, even given the fact that Trump at one point, did actually shut down the government and all). Yet, all things considered, in relation to some of the positive things Sanders did fight for in the stimulus bill, I agree with some of the points made here, in the sense, that Sanders once again did seem to (deliberately) screw up; where he could have at least really tried, to seize on this opportunity, for the benefit of the country, and the millions of people who are now going to be without health insurance...
Never-the-less, I have to say, he is still at least, light years better then Biden, and Clinton, for example, which is really not saying much to begin with. But, it also goes to just another example, as to why our country has become so messed up: A lack of wisdom, and true, honest leadership. For, "a nation divided against itself cannot stand."
And with all the things already against him, Sanders has to at least come across as being real, sincere, firm, and wise. Sad. Once again, sad. What a freakin' mess...


In other words: "You break it, you fix it!"(?) It therefore, becomes the responsibility of those who created this mess in the first place, if we have any kind of decency left among our leaders, and politicians, to begin with...
For the same reasons as indicated above however, I do not necessarily agree with absolutely everything spoken about during this interview. Enough said. Whew...
"What a difference from the Biden interviews lately" -evolused (YouTube Viewer)

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