Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Blogger System Issues...

There currently seems to be some kind of system issue with Blogger. Not sure what it is yet. (But my blogger site seems to be frozen for some reason, among other things). Attempting to troubleshoot. However, I'm not sure at this point in time, if it is some kind of site wide outage or not. Currently attempting to work on a new Blog here on Blogspot at: https://theneweraproject.blogspot.com 'The New Era Project - Blog' just in case...

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Is The Universe Made of Math? Is 3-6-9 like a Code - within some kind of Computer Simulation?

Gerald Celente's Commentary on the State of the Economy and Trends in The News - for Sept 11th, 2020

Right to the point, and cutting thru all the bullsh*t as usual. And ya' know what's funny? (For lack of a better word). Celente is right about the official definition for 'Politician.' Because when you google: 'politician definition' (or use Bing for instance) this is what you get: "A person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office." Okay, understandable definition. But also, and here's the real interesting part: "A person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization." Whoa, he was right! Just had to finally check that out for myself, regarding what I have heard Celente say, on more then one occasion. I'm not saying ALL politicians fit this 2nd (alternate) definition, but it definitely makes ya think, and also, unfortunately makes ALLOT of sense, for what (at least) by now, should be obvious reasons. Because, it really is sad, what is currently goin' on. 
No doubt about it. I see the W.H.O. though, as being a big part of this. Just sayin'...

"It couldn't be any more obvious." So true. When you're right, you're right. But this is about more then just being a Democrat or a Republican. Or a Conservative or Liberal. (Even though now, it seems like the Democrats have become the bad guys). It's a matter of being right or wrong. It's about character and ethics. And that's the problem with political labels, and our current two party system. And why it keeps going back and forth. It's just not working anymore. Both parties are bought. And this current state of affairs has like made that more obvious then ever before. We need a completely new political system... 
I was surprised to come across this video by Scott Baio, and thought it was worth posting here, because of some of the things he brings up. As they are very important things that need to be said. Yea, I agree, dudes like Newsom, Cuomo, De Blasio, etc are monsters. And they pretty much fu*ked their cause, and proved that they weren't sincere (or good people) to begin with, in my strong opinion anyway. In fact, they may have permanently ruined it for allot of people in this country, who want things like a federally mandated livable minimum wage, Universal Health Care, getting off of fossil fuels to renewable energy, etc. But, as I have said before, pretty much more then any other country in the free world, the U.S. has ALL the warning signs; and (currently, at least) we seem to be living in like, a failed state...


For instance, most of the Scandinavian countries like Sweden for example, are considered somewhat "Socialist" countries, and have never locked-down, and are doing just fine. But our country, in particular, has locked on to this COVID 19 Pandemic hysteria, like flies on shit, for a reason. But many people just can't, or really don't want to see it, or admit, that our two party system is just not working anymore, and that we need a whole new system. But that takes allot of work, unity of purpose, and allot of integrity (and wisdom) on a pretty large scale, to make that happen; and many of our politicians (because they're basically just incredibly corrupt) are betting on the opposite. And, so far at least, they seem to be right. And that's why we have all what is going on right now. (It seems to have been brewing for a long time). There's like just no common sense any more. (And that goes back to the wisdom, and character, thing). Sad...

Monday, September 7, 2020

Joe Rogan Looks at Famous Paintings with Aliens in Them

Hmm. All things considered though, I personally don't believe EVERYTHING in the Bible should be taken literally (and that there may even be a certain danger in that) as it IS an ancient book to begin with, as well as also being a compilation of various books written by various individuals, but I never-the-less do believe there are certain things that do stand out, and really make ya' think (especially when we look at certain things, and events, that have happened, and are currently happening in society, for instance) which could possibly explain in some way, certain spiritual realities, and what may really be behind certain things, that kinda' don't seem to make any sense, or add up. 
Because (for instance) as far as the Devil, and the demonic thing, ya' just have to ask someone who has experimented with a Ouija board, or who has been involved in some kind of satanic cult, etc. if there is any verifiable truth to it. And, as I said, certain things written in the Bible do kinda' stand out (to me, anyway) such as: "The deceiver of the whole world." "We wrestle against principalities and powers in high places, and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world..." etc.
But, I just put this here as some food for thought, in the context of this particular blog post, as being somewhat interesting, when you really think about it, and in relation to the supernatural, the paranormal, and the unexplained; and mostly for my own interest and understanding, if nothin' else. Too deep...

"This is exactly what the corporates are doing to the world now.. Hollywood knows. We're given signs all the time." -Riki Cooper (YouTube Viewer, from 4 yrs ago, no less).
"To worship our false selves is to worship nothing. And the worship of 'nothing' is hell." 
-Thomas Merton