Monday, September 7, 2020

Joe Rogan Looks at Famous Paintings with Aliens in Them

Hmm. All things considered though, I personally don't believe EVERYTHING in the Bible should be taken literally (and that there may even be a certain danger in that) as it IS an ancient book to begin with, as well as also being a compilation of various books written by various individuals, but I never-the-less do believe there are certain things that do stand out, and really make ya' think (especially when we look at certain things, and events, that have happened, and are currently happening in society, for instance) which could possibly explain in some way, certain spiritual realities, and what may really be behind certain things, that kinda' don't seem to make any sense, or add up. 
Because (for instance) as far as the Devil, and the demonic thing, ya' just have to ask someone who has experimented with a Ouija board, or who has been involved in some kind of satanic cult, etc. if there is any verifiable truth to it. And, as I said, certain things written in the Bible do kinda' stand out (to me, anyway) such as: "The deceiver of the whole world." "We wrestle against principalities and powers in high places, and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world..." etc.
But, I just put this here as some food for thought, in the context of this particular blog post, as being somewhat interesting, when you really think about it, and in relation to the supernatural, the paranormal, and the unexplained; and mostly for my own interest and understanding, if nothin' else. Too deep...

"This is exactly what the corporates are doing to the world now.. Hollywood knows. We're given signs all the time." -Riki Cooper (YouTube Viewer, from 4 yrs ago, no less).
"To worship our false selves is to worship nothing. And the worship of 'nothing' is hell." 
-Thomas Merton

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