Wednesday, December 8, 2021

How Lockdowns Devastate You While Boosting Billionaires

Just inadvertently came across this on YouTube. Yea, this really has nothing to do with being a conservative or a liberal (or anything in between) this is just (obviously) total insanity (and just shows how they even use labels such as this to divide and pit people against each other) and indicates to me anyway, that something else (behind the scenes) may very well be going on here. Just sayin'. Crazy sh*t... 
I hate to say it, but could this actually be an attempt at: "The New World Order" that many had been predicting and warning about? Let's hope not. Because, it really is unprecedented sh*t, that really doesn't seem to have any kind of rational explanation. 
I mean, its more like: The New World Disorder! And no matter what your faith or what you believe, things like this are just one more sad example, that mankind (generally speaking) is basically just a fallen race. Not withstanding, any kind of possible evolution from this sh*t. Because, lets face it, anything else would just mean ultimate self-destruction. (While attempting to bring those who are smart enough to know better, down with them). Whew...

"PLEASE PRAY FOR US! We can't speak out without being arrested, we are losing our jobs, our freedoms and our basic rights as human beings! They claim everything is fine and we are a democratic nation but we have quickly become more of a communist state since Covid all started. We can't even leave the country if we want to relocate. WE ARE LITERALLY TRAPPED HERE AND THEY ARE NOT LETTING US LEAVE."  -T Ve (YouTube Viewer)

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