Sunday, March 20, 2022

The New Era - Loch Lomond Suite (Music Video II)

Yea, the American Corporate Media has become a HUGE problem... 
It makes you cringe in expectation as to what story they are going peddle next. 
(They are basically owned by only about 6 corporations now, and since Bill Clinton signed into law the Telecommunications Act of 1996). It's sorta' like, in the movie Network (all those years ago) where the acclaimed anchor Howard Beale was killed because of falling ratings! Like many of our politicians, our media is now mostly beholden to their corporate donors and sponsors and what gets the most ratings, as opposed to uncovering the truth and promoting peace for instance. And it very well may just be another sad example of a nation in decline. (But I hope not myself). Once again, decent people have to wake up. (Which is why allot of people get their news from YouTube and Social Media now, like in this video commentary from Jimmy Dore). 
In other words, its all about greed now. (Instead of Integrity). For the most part anyway...
Disclaimer: Just want to say, that I do not necessarily agree with EVERYTHING Jimmy Dore says either. But on this point, for example, I strongly believe he is RIGHT ON!
He's got to stop the tongue thing though (in my opinion) it makes him look a little unbalanced. Its like someone who just told you something that blows your mind, and then like, starts scratching their ass or something! It makes you go: "Noo. Aagghh!!!" 
(Similar thing with Gerald Celente for instance, who often says things that just makes you cringe, after just saying something else that makes you go wow). Sorry Jimmy. 
No offense. Just some constructive criticism there...

Friday, March 18, 2022

US/NATO Refusing To Negotiate With Putin – Ukrainians Pay The Price

Yep, its just like I said in a previous post, as a definite possibility, and what the implications of that could very well be. And definitely no further comment, if the sociopaths are reading this. Whew. It seems there is just no end to their folly. (And most people don't even get it!) Damn. Although, it is really not written in stone yet, our nation is still dangerously close. Its like karma, in a way. (America's crimes are VERY great). But my prayer is still, that God makes a way out for decent, honest people, who deserve better; whichever way it goes... 
And now, some of our leaders (and media) are actually pushing the narrative that Russia may launch a biological weapon attack! Instead of negotiating peace. 
(We've seen this scenario before). 
Yea, these guys have their head up their ass, to say the least. No doubt about it. Wow. And, once again, I can't help but thinking about what Gerald Celente has said: 
"The 20th Century was the U.S. century, but the 21st Century will be China's century." And I am not a big fan of China either; as far as its political system anyway...

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The New Era - Meant to Be... (A Demo from The Walkersville Sessions)

Chris Hedges: 'Merchants Of Death Are Flirting With A Nuclear Holocaust'

As soon as I heard Biden, seeming deliberately (and in a sociopath-like manner) praise George W. Bush in one of his speeches about a month or so ago, I instinctively knew (for sure) we had some serious problems; and wallah! Putin (who IS obviously a madman) knows Bush and Cheney, for example, were like War Criminals themselves, and he (as well as other dictators) uses it as propaganda with his own people. 
That's one of the BIG reasons, I myself have always believed, that there HAS TO BE accountability when our own people commit war crimes themselves; but sadly, former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (for instance) was pretty much just about the only one who actually called for the impeachment of Pres. Bush himself! As mind boggling as that is in itself. (To me, anyway). And that's (once again, sadly) but just one example of course. So now, what we have, is basically "the pot calling the kettle black". A REALLY bad position to be in, except for the fact, that as Chris Hedges states here, Putin foolishly took the bait (because, as many self-centered dictators who have gone before him, has become totally irrational) and gone ahead and murderously killed innocent civilians, including women and children. (Instead of prudently and wisely holding back, and taking the matter of the NATO expansion thing for instance, to the UN). Thus making him a pariah (as he deserves to be) in the eyes of most of the free world; but has now also become even more dangerous then he was before! (Let's just hope this doesn't become like that final scene from Planet of The Apes, w Charlton Heston cursing our leaders as he beats his fist into the sand!) Just my two cents here. But yea, this is really serious. The COVID pandemic thing may have just been a prelude. (See my previous post). 
But hopefully, they will surprisingly come to their senses, and cooler heads will prevail. Maybe, something like a vision of hell that the children were shown in the alleged visions of Our Lady of Fatima?! Only kidding. But not really... 
(Yea, that's the ticket. Like in that scene from High Anxiety. Have their aides drop acid in their drinks, and then before they turn around, put on like a fake pair of fangs and scare the sh*t out of them! Na'. I prefer the Lady of Fatima thing myself). You knuckleheads. WHAT WILL THEY DO NEXT?!
"Hell and destruction are never full, so the eyes of man are never satisfied. 
-Proverbs 27:20" (generalmax/YouTube Viewer). May be...

Oh, yea. You crazy MF's. 'I KNOW' you're capable. No doubt about it...

"Possibly the most iconic ending in movie history." -Tom McFarland (YouTube Viewer)
"I was 11 when I saw this movie and I've never forgotten the horror gasp from the audience of this ending. It's etched in my mind forever." -Steve Jorfi (YouTube Viewer)

Way ahead of his time. He said it years ago, man. "Good people have to wake up"...

Whoa. I was never a fan of Putin myself (I really don't like the guy) to be perfectly honest, but yea, lets face it, our Western Media, and many of our leaders for instance, have lost ALLOT of credibility, especially over the last several decades or so (and that's being kind) so I am always kinda' skeptical that we are getting the WHOLE truth to begin with; and therefore, do not necessarily buy into EVERYTHING they may be telling us. (Just from experience alone). We are basically only getting one side of the story from our Corporate Media. But never-the-less, if I was Putin, I would show myself the better man, and just get out of Ukraine. It's DEFINITELY not worth World War III. (Not to mention the continuing sanctions on his country and his people). In that case, NOBODY wins! Although (as much as I hate to say it) I do get the fact (I mean, I know our people like a book now) that it does look like the West (particularly the U.S.) did provoke him with breaking the agreement NOT TO EXPAND NATO! End of story. 
(I mean, this was ALL predicted as to what would happen, if the West tried to do JUST THAT! It was like a NO BRAINER). I mean, who really wants peace here? There HAS GOT TO BE some kind of truce, and a seriously sincere consideration of peace talks. By not putting that on the table (to begin with) and continuing to squeeze Putin, is only going to be considered by him as an act of aggression. Especially, if he REALLY HAS BECOME, ya know, somewhat disconnected from reality to begin with. It would be like (deliberately) provoking a bear trying to protect her cubs. (No pun intended). It would be like playing with fire, and EXTREMELY dangerous. Let's just hope to God, that's not what Biden (and his military advisors) really wanted to do. Because, in all honesty, Biden himself... Yea, I'm not even going to go there. Have to see where this all goes. Once again! (Because they can't fool ME, man. I know too much, and am too smart. Just being honest. I know myself. I'm an honest person by nature. But that's besides the point). Whew. What a bunch of characters, man...

Wow. Another political commentary by Celente, as only he can lose his mind! (Damn). 
Yea, it never seems to end with these guys. Holy sh*t. How do they sleep at night?
You have to be like, borderline insane, I guess...