Friday, March 18, 2022

US/NATO Refusing To Negotiate With Putin – Ukrainians Pay The Price

Yep, its just like I said in a previous post, as a definite possibility, and what the implications of that could very well be. And definitely no further comment, if the sociopaths are reading this. Whew. It seems there is just no end to their folly. (And most people don't even get it!) Damn. Although, it is really not written in stone yet, our nation is still dangerously close. Its like karma, in a way. (America's crimes are VERY great). But my prayer is still, that God makes a way out for decent, honest people, who deserve better; whichever way it goes... 
And now, some of our leaders (and media) are actually pushing the narrative that Russia may launch a biological weapon attack! Instead of negotiating peace. 
(We've seen this scenario before). 
Yea, these guys have their head up their ass, to say the least. No doubt about it. Wow. And, once again, I can't help but thinking about what Gerald Celente has said: 
"The 20th Century was the U.S. century, but the 21st Century will be China's century." And I am not a big fan of China either; as far as its political system anyway...

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