Monday, May 30, 2022

Texas Shooting Exposes Rot At Core Of U.S. Society

Whew. Sick sh*t. Yea, some deep cultural pathologies for sure. Once again, just one more example as to why we need at least a (strong, credible, and effective) 3rd major political party, not beholden to anyone except their constituents. The 2 party system is just not working anymore, and more often then not, seems to particularly attract sociopaths. But (once again) that's up to the American people themselves. (Generally speaking). Everything is relative... 

And neither here nor there, but while I'm on this (in my strong opinion) we also need members of Congress with the guts and credibility (possibly even using the anti-trust laws already on the books) to break-up the corporate monopoly strangle-hold and control the Main Stream Media has on so much of the information we get. Because, I get the strong feeling (and can plainly see and hear myself) that there's definitely something going on there. For instance, it's actually become like they have more power then our lawmakers! And that's a problem...

Another case in point, that all these things is a result of deep cultural pathologies that seem to be particularly unique to the United States: Our very society has become sick. No doubt about it. This is just one more example of that. In fact, I have seen and read way too many scenarios similar to this, myself...

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Half Of Biden’s Twitter Followers Are FAKE & Trends In The News...

Yea, this is a strange thing on Twitter. (This definitely doesn't only apply to Joe Biden). And it's DEFINITELY something that I have noticed myself: There's ALLOT of weird (and suspicious) accounts on Twitter! Finally, we at least get something here about it...


And here we go. Ready? ITS TIME FOR GERALD!

Disclaimer: Don't agree with everything (and quite the way he puts it) but still right-on...

Sunday, May 15, 2022

We’re gonna shut it down: Sen. Rand Paul

Yea, its odd that they're attempting to do this now, I'll give you that. Could be something or someone else trying to pull their strings (in some way) for some reason...
I do have to say (and agree) though, that in using Anthony Fauci as a spokesman for Disinformation is ironic at best, and almost laughable, if it wasn't so sad and disturbing. Just my opinion, mind you. But speaking of irony, the Nazis themselves used the same kind of (propaganda) tactics like: "Protecting 'The Homeland' from disinformation." (For instance). Believe it, or not. Not to even mention, the fact that allot of these guys take money from the pharmaceutical industry to begin with. Bottom line: If it is an insult to one's intelligence, it is suspect...

Yea, some really interesting stuff here, but I still believe Putin is a monster, and Zelensky really had no other honorable choice but to defend his country... 
With all that being said however, I do think that the Pope hit the nail on the head, about Putin (possibly) being deliberately provoked, and the related (possible) reasons as to why that could be. (Interesting turn of events when you consider that the Vatican basically did nothing during the Holocaust. Although, of course, there was different Pope at the helm back then). But, no further comment. Sad...