Sunday, May 15, 2022

We’re gonna shut it down: Sen. Rand Paul

Yea, its odd that they're attempting to do this now, I'll give you that. Could be something or someone else trying to pull their strings (in some way) for some reason...
I do have to say (and agree) though, that in using Anthony Fauci as a spokesman for Disinformation is ironic at best, and almost laughable, if it wasn't so sad and disturbing. Just my opinion, mind you. But speaking of irony, the Nazis themselves used the same kind of (propaganda) tactics like: "Protecting 'The Homeland' from disinformation." (For instance). Believe it, or not. Not to even mention, the fact that allot of these guys take money from the pharmaceutical industry to begin with. Bottom line: If it is an insult to one's intelligence, it is suspect...

Yea, some really interesting stuff here, but I still believe Putin is a monster, and Zelensky really had no other honorable choice but to defend his country... 
With all that being said however, I do think that the Pope hit the nail on the head, about Putin (possibly) being deliberately provoked, and the related (possible) reasons as to why that could be. (Interesting turn of events when you consider that the Vatican basically did nothing during the Holocaust. Although, of course, there was different Pope at the helm back then). But, no further comment. Sad...

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