Saturday, January 28, 2023

International Holocaust Remembrance Day - The TRAGIC Execution Of Czesława Kwoka - The Girl Of Auschwitz

Czeslawa Kwoka
(May you Rest In Peace)

The International Holocaust Remembrance Day actually falls on Jan. 27th. (So I'm one day late for this post). But I was so moved by this story (from a post I saw on Twitter) that I just had to share it here, and in honor of this poor girl's memory. Yea, Hitler and the Nazis were an evil regime for sure. So evil, they were most likely even demonic, in my strong opinion anyway. If THEY weren't under demonic influence, then there is no such thing. (And remember, Adolph Hitler and his followers actually believed that Hitler himself was chosen by God! They were that insane. In fact, they were actually the Conservative party, on STEROIDS! NOT a socialist party, in the true sense of the term). In my opinion, the Nazi Party (and doctrine) itself was (and is) demonic. You could write a whole treatise on their psychology... 
In fact (unfortunately) I see many of these same disturbing traits in the extremist 
(far-right) faction (and ideology) of the Republican/Conservative Party, for one, I regret to say; and some, whom I even consider to be EXTREMELY dangerous (and deeply sociopathic) personality types. (Although, I do understand that the Democratic Party has issues as well, but I'm not even going to go there. That's how well I know certain types of human psychology myself). Just sayin'...

Yea, Josef Mengele was a particularly vile, cruel, sick, and sadistic human being (within the Nazi Regime). I remember reading a book (in a educated old friend's library) many years ago already, that (among some of the other atrocities mentioned in this video) he would also sometimes experiment on pregnant women, by tying their legs as they were giving birth! He was a freakin' monster. (As most of them were). So, I (and for my own reasons) definitely understand (not withstanding the fact, that there is basically good and bad in every nationality) as to why the Jewish people in particular are so zealous about remembering the Holocaust, and as to why they put aside at least several days every year, to commemorate this horrific time in their history. (As it makes me myself, almost ashamed to be a member of the human race). It should NEVER be forgotten...

"Funny. I’ve been telling people about this since I learned it ten years ago. The funny part is I’m accused of being a conspiracy theorist along with the fact that no one believes me. Sad that people would rather attempt to prove someone wrong instead of doing homework and looking into it themselves. But that would take effort and time." 
-Jimmy Grail (YouTube Viewer).

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