Yea, I don't necessarily agree with the premise: "Trump all bad, his opponents all good." You have some crazy (and bad) people on the left as well. Ironically, this was at least part of the reason he won the election in the first place. For instance, I can still remember the hearings at the Capital that lasted for something like a freakin' year after Trump left office! With much of the American electorate languishing. It's like they were deliberately trying to provoke him, at the expense of everyone else. And with the daughter of Dick Cheney (who is a man considered by many around the world to be a war criminal of all things!) leading the charge?! (It understandably succeeded). How bizarre. And that is just one example. They virtually demonized both him, and his family! (Trump has free will, and we still have to see what he does, to see if it REALLY does go in a very bad direction or not, or if he has learned something that has actually made him want to prove himself better then his enemies, and detractors, for instance; or if many of his critics who are already pre-disposed against him are really right, or not. And about, some of his most staunch supporters, really being an existential threat and danger to democracy, and society, for instance. But not from someone like a Liz or Dick Cheney. Are you kiddin' me? I mean, we all know the ole' saying: "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!" No?)
I do agree (for the most part) with the Shadow and Persona psychology thing though, that the narrator goes into here. (Which is, as he concedes as well, confirms this theory, on BOTH sides. There is definitely ALLOT of truth in what this gentleman says here in relation to certain types of human psychology, and how that effects a society. No doubt about it. (And how that reflects the fact, that there is definitely enough blame to go around). In fact, I can testify myself, that I still remember working at a somewhat shady company in Maryland, and watching at least several individuals shaving their heads and acting really peculiar after President Bush gave the order to launch an unprovoked attack on a nation that did us no harm! (As just one example, of many of the psychological theories to be valid that this guy goes thru here. And much of it being just good ole' common sense. Duh). Therefore, I still maintain what I said in the past: "Trump is not the problem, he is a symptom of the problem"! (Although, that can change, and it is for the most part, up to him). But we still have to see what he does, and therefore which way it goes, and who are most of the people he drags by his coattails. And to see, if it will REALLY be in relation to something like this. Although, I also realize that at that point, it may already be too late. I mean, some say, a Trump presidency will look like this...
But I say, hang me up and beat me with a stick, BUT MAYBE NOT! How's that?
Only kiddin'. (But not really). Na, kiddin'. The movie does make ya' think though.
It is funny though (for lack of a better term?) when I saw Kamala Harris accept the endorsement of Dick Cheney and appear in town halls with Liz Cheney and all, I do have to admit that (after a few drinks later) I did go back and watch this movie on HBO. (No sh*t). Na, Donald, if you watching, I think this scene was really (wait for it) just a freakin' "LOVE FEST"!!! That's right baby, it was actually a Love Fest man. They look like they were really having the friggin' TIME OF THEIR LIVES...
Alright, I get it, too negative. No further comment. Just tryin' to be funny... 😟 O.M.G.
O.K. the fact still remains, that it does seem Trump did win the election fair and square, and that the majority of the American people (the one's who voted at least) have spoken. (And let's face it, especially guys like in the scene above. Just call it a lucky guess). Let's hope we at least, don't go through that old fiasco again, that Russia stole the election, and the like though, never-the-less. Most people (including myself) are fed-up with that garbage. (And like in the past, it would only further solidify support for him anyway). Most of us all saw through that sh*t, one way or the other; Whether Trump really does admire dictators like Putin, or not, and for whatever reason. As concerning as that may be, I'm at least not going to go there. But here, I will go. Funny stuff...
Sometimes, you just have to have a good sense of humor about things...
And in my opinion, one of the most brilliantly funny movies ever created. No pun intended. Okay, pun intended. In other words, this has almost always been in the psychotics playbook (In fact, some of them even tried to do it with John Lennon vs Richard Nixon for instance. But Lennon would have no part of it. He was basically too smart for them). Whether or not Trump himself, and his most staunch supporters for that matter, takes the bait or not, is up to them. One way or the other, we very well may be (once again) in for one wild ride man. (And this country was basically founded on violence to begin with. Even our freakin' weather is violent! Gives ya' pause. Gives ME pause, anyway. I mean, just look at what they did to Lennon). America, what an experiment, man. (Damn). No pun intended again...
Oh yea, one last thing, (And I just have to say this). I thought Trump's (seemingly out of character) campaign commercials in relation to no taxes on Social Security, is more then VERY interesting, to say the least, considering my blog post here of January 6th, 2024 and all. (Check it out). Does that mean, he saw it? (And sending some kind of message?) Mmm. Very well may be. I'd be AMAZED, to say the least, if he keeps that particular campaign promise alone. (In fact, it would be a miracle, not only if he really was sincerely concerned about following up on that one, but if he could actually muster the votes to get it passed). Or, maybe that wasn't really his intent with the commercial, if you know what I mean? (Besides just being somewhat of a cynical goof on Bernie Sanders and the Democrats; and me, for that matter, which I guess they kinda' deserve, but not me. But I get it). I guess, we have to see, huh? Yep. Wow. No further comment...
Except to say... I have always wondered why Dick Cheney (Okay, a war criminal, but a staunch Conservative never-the-less, but also mind you, a NeoCon Republican) has such a hard-on for Donald Trump? Hasn't anyone else ever REALLY wondered about this? Not to even mention the fact, that the Establishment has gone after Trump (and I'm not necessarily saying that absolutely NONE of it has merit, although at the same time, some do seem to be frivolous and even hypocritical) when they barely even touched Cheney! Hmm? Personally, I DEFINITELY think there is something to it, and I'll probably even eventually fully figure it out, but I do think it is more then a little suspicious, if you ask me. (And that may be part of Trump's appeal with many voters, the obvious unfairness of it all, when you compare it to a monster like Dick Cheney, and quite frankly, even George Bush, in my opinion). But that's another matter...
Okay, back to some scenes from one of the funniest movies ever created. Shall we?
This is the funny movie I was referring to (above) before I got carried away with some of my comments, and started rambling all over the place. In other words, this was initially supposed to be allot higher in the blog here. Sort of lost its punch now. But still freakin' funny. Gene Wilder was one of the most brilliant comic actors who ever lived...
Hot sh*t. Good stuff...
Are we starting to see a pattern here yet? I am. This time however, I do remember one, out of many peculiar quotes by Donald Trump during his campaign, of something to the effect: that if he is elected, we will never have to vote again! Yea, kinda' makes the release of that Civil War movie just a little more interesting, huh? I mean, that's why I went to see it, anyway. I have noticed myself (just from past experience) that Hollywood sometimes DOES seem to (subliminally at least) reflect what is really going on. (Sometimes even before it happens). Just look at the movie 'The Long Kiss Goodnight' as just one example. Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is set in stone though. I have faith in the American people man! That's right, baby! O.M.G. 😕
But this all goes to some deeper issues that are somewhat reflected (and addressed) in the initial (first) video posted here (at the very top). But that is beyond the scope of this blog post. Too Deep for allot of people, I guess. Just too far gone, if I can be frank...
And that, some of them (who ARE dark and dangerous psychological types) may even be watching this, yea, enough said. Brilliantly funny commentary here though.
(No further comment). Next video...
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