Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Fall Of Empires: Rome vs USA (Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 9)

There is allot of truth and food for thought in this very informative video, however, I do also agree with at least most of the comment from a YouTube viewer here - where he says: "This is very sophisticated propaganda, facts mixed with half-thruths and lies. Make no mistake, that "financial writer" and the forbes guy are both lackeys of the billionaire-oligarchs. These super-rich control today all of government, simply by buying elections. They are never satisfied with their wealth, no matter how many billlions they are piling up, it`s never enough. There is one thing they want: MORE. And they are getting it, by depleting the last natural sources, by grinding people with slave like jobs and by cannibalizing public assets like schools, water supply etc etc Privatizing derives from the word privateer, that again derives from the latin word privo which literally means robbing.Money is not the issue, it`s owners vs the people that actually work. Warren Buffet said it himself: “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” -Mr. D

Never-the-less, the historical fact, at least here in the U.S. - is that it was President Nixon who took the country off of the Gold Standard, and in my opinion anyway, that was a very bad thing; and this video documentary also makes another extremely important point, that this was a disaster for previous civilizations as well, especially when they used it in the endless cycle of imperialism - to fund more and more wars (instead of for the benefit of the general public) as was the case with the Roman Empire, and a big reason as to why it eventually fell...

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