Yep, it's the same ole', same ole'. And its always certifiable...
Yea, I have to say, Jimmy Dore (once again) hits it out of the park with this one.
Would be VERY difficult to 'HONESTLY' dispute his findings here, if those findings are indeed credible. And it sure seems that they are...
Once again, this really has nothing to do with the Left or the Right, being that Kelly keeps referring to the 'leftist media' here (as if those on the left are bad, and those on the right are good) as much as it has to do with things like common sense, and the usual, unprecedented corruption (sorta' like an oxymoron, because they keep outdoing themselves) among other things...
Most of the pundits on CNN and MSNBC for instance, are really Neo-Liberals.
(Not so much a label, as a clarification, like in the same socio-economic, self-described political system such as 'Capitalism'). And are pretty much on the other side of the same coin as the Neo-Conservatives. As both, are pretty much for many of the same things, such as foreign involvement, war, corporate socialism, control, etc. They are just as much a part of the 'Corporate Media' as Fox News, but on the other side of the same fence, is somewhat my point. In other words, each one pretty much have their own particular agenda, according to their big money donors, and corporate sponsors.
But yet, there are still some things that can be learned, and both networks (in their own way) do sometimes get some stories right. But that's besides the point...
I mention this, because this is extremely important to understand. And because labels are generally bad, and I am usually kind of suspicious of people who use labels in certain ways, like putting them all in the same box and summing them all up as 'the leftist media' for example. (As some independent, 'left' leaning news programs and journalists for example, ARE really good most of the time, and sometimes even brilliant). Although, I do think I get what Kelly is saying here. I hope...
Bottom line. You have to think for yourself and have your own mind; and glean for yourself, what makes sense, and what doesn't. Anything else, is pretty much being like a zombie, and just mimicking certain talking points that really don't make much sense.
(And that's just one more reason why, I strongly believe, like in many European countries, we need more then just two major political parties to begin with).
And that is why I have this video here, because allot of the things Megan Kelly is saying in this particular commentary (even regardless of whether she may be sincere or not) does still make sense. But that's me. I have an open mind, to begin with...
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