Yea, this is not only troubling, but it is also unlawful; and a violation of The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and The Bill of Rights. End of story...
"The most basic question is not what is best, but who decides what is best."
- Thomas Sowell (Ricardo Juliet, YouTube Viewer)
"Let’s give them the reset they deserve. Reset the government and remove lobbyists, add term limits, and restrict political public trading." -Dirt Opera (YouTube Viewer) Exactly!
Yea (once again) I am not particularly very religious, but this passage from the Christian Bible is kinda' interesting (for more reasons then one) as it also seems to sorta' line up with many other so called (spiritual) prophecies within other cultures (and religions) around the world as well...
And while I'm on this, just to show what absolute morons these guys really are, there is another very interesting quote in the Bible that says: "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but only to lose his own soul?" I mean, David Rockefeller himself, and many others (like JP Morgan, David Koch, etc., with their plans for world domination and all) are all dead now! (In other words, nobody lives forever). Duh. I don't get it?
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