Sunday, December 17, 2023

AMERICA'S LEADING PSYCHIC Reveals ALARMING Predictions for MANKIND! | James Van Praagh

"Anything 'extreme' is bad." I like that. So true. The prediction towards the end of the video though, is a little concerning. But notice what he says: "Yea, its inevitable." (Although, he does put a somewhat positive spin on it, in a spiritual sense). I mean, just look at the subject of the last blog post here for example. I mean, I always said it (in some of my other blog posts particularly) that man is basically (generally speaking) a flawed and fallen creature to begin with. (Hence, the 'inevitable' part). And something, I myself know ALL TOO WELL (and have learned) from experience, if nothing else. 
But what he says, and what I have heard others like him say before, is that: "We are basically here to learn." Although, that is a pretty general statement, I guess, I get it. 
I do like the statement he makes in relation to the spiritual dimension side of things though, where he says something to the effect: "You take the things that work for you, and what you can relate to, and throw out the rest." That's just about always the way I have believed myself. Sorta' like a reaffirmation, for me, anyway. Needed to hear that part at least. Some other good stuff as well...

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