Saturday, December 16, 2023

Story of a Woman Sold Into An Elite P*dophile Network...

Hmm? Inadvertently just came across this. Really makes ya' think, of what a dark world we really live in. This also seems to jive with the following video. (That I shared to the Gilgo Beach Murder Case blog post). So, it very well may be ALLOT more pervasive then many of us who have never been involved in this kind of puke can even imagine. 
I think so. Unfortunately. In other words (as with anything else dark and malevolent) if it looks like a duck and smells like a duck, its usually a duck. Just to put it another way. And its usually related to something else just as weird and criminal...

EXCELLENT flick, based on a true story. Says ALLOT... Traffik Movie on Prime Video

"I love how Dr. Phil just covered this and let it slip into history with no follow-up or even the slightest HINT of rescuing the others Kendall mentions in this episode and holding the rich people—some of whom he may cross paths with given the $69 million per year he makes — accountable in a court of law. Shame on him for merely “covering his bases” during Pizzagate and apparently doing nothing more." -YouTube Viewer

"I think she altered her appearance with wig/glasses/no makeup, so she doesn't look attractive (she knows her value via 'man who owns her') STILL you'd THINK Phil would follow-up and have protected her more (??)! 😡 All about the RATINGS for him!" 
-YouTube Viewer

Yea, what this guy indicates here, usually means that it goes high-up, and runs deep. Psychological warfare as well, is ALWAYS a sign that some seriously sick (and dangerous) minds are involved. Its like hell material. And their calling card. I know...

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