Monday, March 25, 2019

SCARY Parallels Between America And Rome's Demise

Okay, in looking for a home for some other content from my Google Plus profile, which is going away soon (and in keeping with the theme of my last several blog posts) I also came across this particular post, that I thought was at least worth saving as well.
Here are some of my thoughts, that I had initially posted to my profile there...

Fair and balanced reason in sharing this interview and commentary...
There ARE several interesting FACTS here though; in that much of the architecture of Washington DC for instance, is ironically based on Roman architecture, and that our government (among other things) seems to have borrowed the term "Senator" (and also 'Governor,' if I'm not mistaken) from the Romans themselves! So, it does seems like, at least some of the founders of the United States had the Roman Empire in mind, when the country was first established, to begin with...
O.K. if you want to go a step further, and add some more irony (and food for thought) to this, most Catholic scholars for instance, are in agreement that the Beast spoken of in the Book of Revelation was most likely, at least, a (indirect) veiled reference to Nero.
He was one of the last Roman Emperors' I believe (before Constantine) who among his many atrocities, also persecuted and brutally murdered the early Christians. He was a corrupt, psychopath, mafia-like tyrant, who had the city of Rome burnt to the ground, to then blame it on the Christians! (Hence, the veiled reference to him in the Christian Bible). Sound familiar? (It should). Even many of the Roman people themselves despised him, although he had a following...
Also, from what I understand, most of the founding fathers of the United States were Freemasons, and not really Christians themselves, as many of the Religious Right (and Conservative Politicians) would have you believe. But, they knew the Bible. (For the Freemasons, though considered to be a Secret Society, have as their core beliefs, a rather odd mix - that includes some elements of Christianity, Astrology, and the Occult). So their design of Washington DC and their original design for this country, therefore, may very well have been sorta like an intentional self-fulfilling prophecy, if you know what I mean?
Some even say, that Washington DC was actually, deliberately designed in the shape of a Pentagram! I kid you not...
Not to even mention, some of the odd Freemason/Occult related symbolism on the Dollar Bill for example. (Although, to be fair, most of the early founders WERE also against Banking Institutions having a monopoly on the money supply, and would have therefore, definitely also been against the creation of The Federal Reserve for instance).
So take it for what its worth, but there does seem to be ALLOT of food for thought here as well, and some of it even seems to make some kind of strange sense, when you really think about it. Just sayin'...
One last thing, for whatever its worth. If I can be honest and frank here (or John, Ringo, or Paul) I personally think there are also (currently anyway) some scary parallels to Yugoslavia, several decades ago, and what was going on in that country, at the time. Once again, just sayin'. Think about it. Not good..

And in the beginning, the tone (and stage) was (arguably) set. The untold story of Christopher Columbus...

Some interesting YouTube viewer comments: "American history is so screwed up, they can't tell the truth."  -Kj Hammerman
This one, I didn't know about myself: "I understand that Native people now refer to this as a national day of mourning..."  -HeFockingLeftTheBand (But whoa, what kind of freakin' YouTube account name is that? Weird, and somewhat strangely ironic. But kinda' typical of some of the commentators on YouTube to begin with).
Also, though, from what I understand, Columbus took with him some pretty bad people, at least on his first voyage to the Americas; individuals for instance, who were in prison for murder, theft, etc. So it is also small wonder, there were problems. Duh. But such bad judgement (usually) comes from bad character to begin with. It seems that Spain and most of Europe has since come a long way since these early days of Spanish (and European) Imperialism. But unfortunately, it also looks like, it may have taken several brutal world wars, that left much of Europe devastated and in ruins...

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