Saturday, March 30, 2019

Trump Makes INSANE Promise

Oh yea, here they go again. Ya see, I always believed myself (knowing these guys like a book now) that the sorta' like inadvertent removal of the individual mandate from the so called Affordable Care Act by the Republicans was going to come with consequences, one way or the other. Because, there is no more control! (And always felt, that they were therefore, going to try and bring it back, one way or another).
Of course, that was really the worst part of the ACA. (In my strong opinion anyway).
I mean, it was still a step up from Cobra, but lets face it, people, understandably, do not want to have to purchase an incredibly high deductible health insurance plan (because it is all they can afford) so as not to be fined if they don't. And the reason for that, is because, it is not really a government run, health insurance plan. It is, of course, really administered by a 'for profit' health insurance company- only PARTIALLY subsidized by the federal government. It is basically Romney Care. A right-wing health insurance plan.
(And the Republicans still vehemently fought against it, for all the wrong reasons, and because, as they themselves openly stated, they wanted Obama to fail as president to begin with). And it is a program, that was basically flawed from the beginning. Ya see, Obama had promised during his campaign for president for instance, that he would fight for either a Public Option or a Single Payer health care system, if he ever got elected.
Of course, it was a lie. Because he was basically just as bought as most of the Republicans are, as he is really not a liberal, or a Socialist, as they would falsely like to call him, but a neo-liberal. (The other side of the same coin as a neo-con). And that is why, we're in the mess we're in, in the first place...
Trump, of course, is an even bigger con-man then Obama was (once again, in my strong opinion, and what should be so obvious by now) so one has to DEFINITELY be incredulous and VERY suspicious as to why, all of a sudden, he is doing this.
And, that cheshire, cat-like grin on reptilian, Mitch ('I want your soul') McConnell's face just speaks volumes. These guys are somethin' else man. No shame, AT ALL!
They lie, and try to deceive you right to your face, like they're speaking to morons, and like they're actually doing us a favor. When we pay their salaries. In part, at least, because the lobbying money in politics has become so out of control now, that many of them are bought, for instance, by those very same for profit, health insurance and big pharma companies! So (until we get an amendment to the constitution) they really work for them. (Because, lets face it, they have ALLOT more money). Incredible...

This is all in good fun, I guess. HIT IT GUYS!
As serious as these things are, I still think President Trump can be pretty funny man. And Mitch McConnell, was like born to be goofed on. (These guys are like set for life anyway, at our expense). By the way, has anyone ever seen any kind of footage of Donald Trump (or McConnell) laughing? Ever?! I mean, they're like not human. Damn...

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