"The wicked are an abomination to the just, and the just, an abomination to the wicked." -Proverbs
Its what I have been saying all along myself, that the American Main Stream Media and the Military Industrial Complex wants endless, perpetual war. Totally sad and disgusting. And so easy to see through. How can anyone tolerate this sh*t? These guys have lost all credibility, and therefore, networks like this are becoming more and more irrelevant. (And, which is why allot of people get their news from YouTube, and social media).
If our leaders don't come to their senses, and the war mongers are not voted out of office and removed from positions of influence, this endless war scenario (that has been going on for far too long now) could very well be the nation's downfall. (The final nail in the coffin!) It happened to Rome, and every other major empire since...
"Funny how every time we are about to leave a country, something happens that would keep us there." -nashntth (YouTube Viewer)
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