Thursday, August 12, 2021

Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? - George Orwell's Warning to the World

Some VERY interesting (and surprisingly wise) comments here, that I can definitely relate to myself...

"Anyone who has ever been close to a psychopath or sociopath recognises all these patterns. Our culture unfortunately rewards such people, putting them in positions of leadership and looking to them for answers. Until we start valuing humility and compassion as leadership qualities we are doomed to create such suffering." 
-Heal YourSelf (YouTube Viewer)

"I unwittingly became best friends with a textbook sociopath, back in high school. Believe me when i say, i’m glad he had no political ambitions; they are worse than any movie villain. Diseased humans capable of fantastic cruelty. Most sociopaths though, destroy themselves before they get anywhere." 
-ARC Commander CT-420 (YouTube Viewer)

"Spot on. So many of us targeted by a Psychopath, Sociopath or Narcissist have noticed the same patterns of behaviour in what's currently going on in the world. 
Your last sentence is spot on too." -S (YouTube Viewer)

It's always the same ole' story. "Same sh*t, different day"...

And Dennis Kucinich is a very clear example of a politician who is not corrupt...

And the paradigm shift has begun...

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