Sunday, December 24, 2023

What NOBODY Says about Christmas & Saturnalia

Crazy sh*t. But life back then must have been so hard to begin with. Makes you (or me at least) feel sorry for some of the people. (As life, and death, is hard enough as it is). And it still doesn't explain how we all got here, and what really ultimately created it all. (Although, the Jewish One God thing is probably the closest to reality, I would think. 
In some way, shape, or form at least). Because, all we have right now, is mostly mythology to explain how it all got so fu**ed up. (Other then man's own free will). And why there is that contradiction. (And how man himself has, generally speaking, become such a flawed and fallen creature, in light of the brilliance of creation itself, and some kind of obviously apparent intelligent design). Some REALLY interesting (and enlightening) stuff here though, for sure. In the end really, its all about compassion. I can't stand people who (deliberately) do not have at least that much common sense. And isn't that what Christmas is really all about anyway? Or, what it has at least developed (and evolved) into, after all these centuries? I think, that at least, is a good thing. "Good will to all people" as the holiday saying goes. And in making this time here a little easier. And, anyone who uses religion in just the opposite way, is nothing but pure evil. I don't care who you are. If the story of Jesus is real in some way (despite all the contradictions in the Christian New Testament) then it would be a response to the suffering of humanity. In other words, the Creator saying: "I get it. You didn't ask to be born. Therefore, you didn't deserve to have a migraine headache as if your head was crowned with thorns. Or a leper, as if your flesh was unjustly torn from your body. I will do something no other strange god has done. I will take this suffering on myself, to show you that I do get it. And that I do understand. And that there is hope. And that there is an answer. And I will not turn away anyone who comes to me with an affliction, but will heal them all! To show you that I AM (unlike the false gods) real; and that I do care, and that I am a good God." That is the only answer, for God to be represented in Jesus. Everything else (as we can already see) is just contradiction. (Either a complete, or at least a partial contradiction). Therefore, if God is real and a personal God (who really wants to dwell among men) he doesn't need anyone to prove he is God, except himself. And anyone he uses to do that. Therefore, it wouldn't be just for God to ask Jesus to do what he did, unless God did it himself. So therefore, if there is any truth to the story at all (that the REAL God would take on the suffering of humanity itself, to show how much he really does love us and understands our suffering) then Jesus would have to be God himself. There could be NO OTHER WAY. (For him to really be, a just and a good God, who takes responsibility for his creation). And would have to, therefore, suffer death himself, but would also have to rise from the dead, to give the final proof that HE IS GOD! Jesus was just the body he needed to do these things, and experience these things himself. Just sayin'. (The ascension thing is another matter). 

Yea, this is another one in relation to the contradiction thing, and its another BIG one!
And I agree, that these things are important to know, in relation to potentially making a decision about what you believe, and who you pray to. Especially, with all the (crazy) televangelists out there asking for your money. Crazy beliefs = crazy people. Not really knocking Christianity here though. (Of course, there are still good, sincere people who claim to be devout Christians as well). But, as I said, these things (in my opinion anyway) are extremely important to know, for what should be obvious reasons...
There's some crazy sh*t in the Old Testament as well. Yet, with all due respect to the Jewish people, there's some brilliant and positive things there too, but it's definitely not immune from contradictions itself. One has to just keep in mind that religion is not God!
And that is why you have more then just a few contradictions, like the passage in the Hebrew bible, where (allegedly) Moses states that God told him to tell the people to stone to death the man who was caught gathering sticks on the sabbath!!! Which, of course, makes Moses a murderer, not completely unlike Charles Manson himself! 
(And maybe, that's really the reason he didn't make it into the promised land? I don't know. But its DEFINITELY strange though). And then, you have these comparatively positive, deeply compassionate and just passages like this one...
"How long will you judge unjustly and favor the cause of the wicked? Defend the lowly and fatherless; render justice to the afflicted and needy. Rescue the lowly and poor; deliver them from the hand of the wicked... Arise, O God, judge of the earth, for yours are all the nations." -Ps. 82: 2-4, 8. 
Hmm? (Interesting). Just sayin'. (And something you'll just about never hear among the Christian Right). Wow. And that's a HUGE contradiction in itself. I don't get it? 
Except, for the fact, that the bible DID have many different authors to begin with. 
(And that DOES say ALLOT in itself, no matter what anybody tells you. I don't care who it is. It's right there in black and white. There's no refuting it). Whew. I mean, that's spiritually powerful stuff. It covers pretty much everything, including Karma...
In fact, they say that much of the brilliant and incredibly insightful wisdom stuff in the 'Wisdom' books of the Hebrew Bible was attributed to King Solomon, or those who wrote in his spirit. (And I believe, these works even surpass the writings of Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching). Another interesting fact, is that the Jewish authors themselves, had indicated in their writings, that most of the ancient Israelite kings were evil! Hmm? Though, Solomon, was considered to be one of the few wise and just Israelite Kings. Although, from what I understand, that even though most of the Book of Proverbs for instance, is a compilation of wisdom quotes attributed to Solomon, much of the preface was considered to have been added by another writer, to be taken as a warning to the King himself, because "he loved many women." Which is why it kind of seems out of place. Neither here nor there, but interestingly, both King David and King Solomon, actually had a harem! Which was actually considered to be perfectly acceptable in those days. (Once again, so much for those on the Christian Right, who consider the entire Bible to be the infallible and inerrant word of God). But anyway, yea, the ancient Wisdom Books of the Hebrew Bible (whether considered canonical or not) seem to be like a blueprint for a just society; inspired by King Solomon himself... 
(And much of it seems to even contradict some of the negative stuff in other parts of the Hebrew scriptures, attributed to other writers). And out of much of this, also came the ancient mystical wisdom centered practice known as Kabbalah. I mention these things, so those (like myself) who ARE honest, and who sincerely want to know the truth (after seeing some of the videos here) would not despair. It's all just mostly critical thinking and objective reasoning, that I mostly posted here as a reference, for myself, if nothing else. (Although, the fool will deliberately reason as a fool). As there are so many bad things in this world to begin with, and allot of bad people with bad motives, and bad answers, that just do not add up. Because, as I stated before, religion is not God... 
And true wisdom (like God) is really beyond (any man made) religion, and beyond Christian Fundamentalism (or any other fundamentalism) for that matter. Too deep...

"I always thought the great flood was the cause of "the Gods," because they were always in conflict with each other. One side giving humans knowledge, while the other side didn't want that. Right before the flood the Gods came to certain humans to tell them what's about to happen and to prepare. That's why Noah build a huge boat, in Turkey they build an insanely large underground tunnel system to survive for hundreds or thousands of years. Same shit in every continent on Earth about preparing for a catastrophic event." -YouTube Viewer

Excellent, and very informative discussion in relation to Christian Extremism and Christian Nationalism, covering some of the usual suspects and more; from someone who REALLY seems to know what he is talking about, from an insider perspective...

Just a different perspective on things, particularly, because it mentions the study of Kabbalah. But the theory does bring with it as many questions as answers. I personally believe myself (and what makes the most sense to me) is that we very well may be living on some kind of Prison Planet, which the beginning of the book of Genesis seems to hint at, in a mythological sense, but which really has a deeper meaning: that our ancestors were banned here (from a place of paradise, possibly from another planet) because of their destructive tendencies. (Hence, the UFO thing). This may also at least partly explain (for instance) why we always seem to get these evil rulers, who are extremely self-centered and destructive by their very nature to begin with. Vladimir Putin as just one excellent example. Our world could be a paradise, but there seems to be a deeper explanation as to why it isn't. And at the same time, there are those of us who do seem to have evolved past this primitive gene pool, regardless. Who do seem to get it. (And who are evident here and there, down thru the generations). And that could be where the future of this planet lies, unless mankind destroys itself in the meantime...

"When I was young, around 9 years, I used to think to myself, "What if this world is all but a dream?". Now I'm 20, and realize that it is, and I too have the responsibility to create heaven on earth now. Thank you." -YouTube Viewer

"I actually had gnostic beliefs as a child before I even knew what Gnosticism was." 
-YouTube Viewer

Yea, this sorta goes to the previous video about the 2 different types of God thing, and the contradictions in the Old Testament that understandably make many question much of its validity in this regard to begin with. (Of course, there are contradictions in the New Testament as well, as has already been noted and proven). For, as we can see at the beginning of this video, (supposedly) God (allegedly) commands Saul thru the prophet Samuel to actually commit murder! (As there was actually a thing in the Old Testament called 'Putting Everything Under The Ban'. In other words, when there was a war for instance, it meant going into that city or town and deliberately killing everyone, including women and children!) And of course, that's REALLY bad, in more ways then one. Because, I myself (among many others) strongly believe that there are certain spiritual laws built into the very fabric of the Universe itself, that when you commit really grievace crimes such as this, it will have some pretty negative repercussions. (In somewhat of a spiritual sense). Like karma, if you will. (But I'm not going to go there). 
Its really interesting stuff though, again, because it makes you question many of the things that we have been told, as really not being the truth, or questionable at best. 
And that makes all the difference in the world. Because, once again, I definitely believe we need some kind of Paradigm Shift, in more ways then one, because the old models are just not working anymore, and really never did work. (And nothing ever really did change with the development of Christianity as we know it). Also, because, for the first time in human history, we have the nuclear capability of destroying the world many times over, and making it virtually uninhabitable...

"Thank you for your comment. You raise some interesting points. In Matthew 10:28 Jesus does not reference 'Hell' but 'Gehenna.' They are not the same thing. The verb apollumi indicates ruination, or destruction as a completed action, so nothing to do with "eternal torture." Matthew 23:33 also is about Gehenna. John 3:36 is more interesting. I think that you and I would both have a problem with that text What does the 'orge' of God mean? It can mean anger, fate, reckoning, or judgement. If we interpret it as "anger" in the sense of it being impossible ever to appease God's fury if we offend him by  rejecting the son, this means we are describing a God who signally fails to live up to the morality which Jesus taught us. Indeed if that is the interpretation then this unforgiving God could hardly fail on a more dramatic scale! The illogic of that has to be called out. Health and Peace, Paul." 
-Paul Wallis replying to a viewer's comment on YouTube.
Yea, that may be because, God may not really send individuals to hell (or even Heaven) to begin with. It very well may be more like a state of mind (a state of being, if you will). For instance (and this is kind of difficult to put into words, but I know what I mean) I worked with a pretty strange individual (if I can be frank) who had this REALLY hideous, seemingly demonic looking background image on his computer, that I found really disturbing, sick, and abhorrent. (Call me funny that way). But to me, it also spoke volumes in itself in relation to this person. Now, I kinda' hate to say it, but a guy with that kind of mentality, and fondness of such images, would more then likely not really like what is just the opposite of that image. Get me? So heaven would be like abhorrent to him, in a way. And if that is really what is in his soul (his spirit and mind) and what that image really represents, he may even contaminate such a place, ruining it for others. So, there would therefore, even have to be some kind of boundary line between him and those like him, so that one couldn't cross over to the other side. (Especially, if God is a just God). Same thing with someone who is a serial killer, for instance. (As an extreme example). Heaven would really be like Hell, to such a person, if you know what I mean? (And visa, versa). This also seems to be verified by some psychic-mediums for example, that this concept is really beyond religion. Some religions (particularly mainstream organized religions and beliefs like Christianity for instance) have just  borrowed these beliefs (and Near Death Experiences, if you will) and incorporated it into their particular religion. However, there is a passage in the Hebrew scriptures (I believe it is in one of the Wisdom books) that seems to even go to this point in a way, for instance. It says: "The wicked are an abomination to the just, and the just are an abomination to the wicked"! Kind of the same premise, if you really think about it. (And VERY wise and brilliantly insightful, either way, if you ask me). Just like a serial killer, for instance, would be abhorrent to someone who has empathy. Just like empathy is abhorrent to a Serial Killer! (In fact, it is interesting to note, that it has been said, by experienced Exorcists and Shamans for example, and which seems to carry over to sociopathic human beings for example, that demonic spirits absolutely HATE empathy!) Duh. But just my two cents here, mind you, and something to think about...
By the way, I had to use this guy's computer at one point, while he was out, is why I mention this story. It's like they got off on me having to see this image every day, while I was using his computer. And I'm not even very religious (just a seeker of the truth, if you will) but some things are just so blatantly obvious, that it is hard (for any rational and sane person) to dismiss as being normal, in the true sense of the word. "Get some friggin' help man", was my thinkin'. But maybe, he felt he didn't have to, if you know what I mean? And that's where the whole thing of free will comes into play and all, but that is way deeper then where I wanted to go with this...

Well, sure, I would think there would be people within the Israelite community, who had a conscience, and who were really turned off by all the violence that came to be associated with much of their religion, like 'putting everything under the ban' practice I mentioned above, and those specific prophets who supported and promulgated these things, and thus sometimes became associated with the God, Yahweh. (Which basically just means: "I AM WHO AM"). So that very well may explain why they started fondly looking at the other so called 'gods', as written (and seemed to be discouraged) in certain passages of the Hebrew scriptures. (Also, the prophet Samuel does seem to be something of a contradictory character). Either way though, my belief is still, that whatever had a beginning had to ultimately come from something that has no beginning. In my opinion, it's the only thing that really makes any sense, regardless of the belief that there possibly may have been highly advanced extraterrestrials who had some kind of role in creating this planet. i.e. "And God said, let us make man in our image and after our likeness." -Genesis. And that would have to be the only explanation, if there is any truth to the Israelites being liberated from Egypt, and as to what (allegedly) transpired on Mount Sinai. Because, as I indicated above (with proof) that, if there is any truth to the character of Moses himself, he wasn't really a good man. And (with all due respect to the Rabbis who say otherwise) that's a problem. A BIG one. So there very well may have been something else going on there. It HAS TO BE one or the other. It can't be both. In my strong opinion anyway. Especially, if God (the Creator) is a just God, as acknowledged by King David, and his son, King Solomon for instance. With all this being said, when you look at animals such as the terrorist group Hamas for example, whose roots may really go back centuries, as being such a mortal, unjustified, brutal and violent enemy of the Jews, well that's another matter. But of course, that still does not justify the killing of innocent people (in 'The Ban' practice for instance) as a response to their atrocities. Therefore, I also have a problem with certain texts, where they speak in the name of God, to justify things that are obviously abhorrent and evil, and it is not acknowledged as such. Again, that's religion man. As we can see here, it is seriously flawed to begin with. In other words, if it doesn't add up, it cannot be of God. So there's a contradiction there. And we may never really know why, because it goes so far back, and we obviously did not live during that time, to even know if some of these characters (and stories) were real in the first place...

"I was born and raised in southeast Tennessee, where Christian fundamentalists rule. Even as a small child, I never felt comfortable or, in actuality, believed what we were taught. I had a NDE in 2012 (hemorrhage almost to death) and it changed my paradigm and helped me to lose my fear of reading the Bible in a more esoteric, and realistic manner. Thank you, Mr. Wallis, for helping so many of us open our minds to see things more clearly. Translation of the Bible’s many metaphors is key." -YouTube Viewer

"I'm 63 years old and finally I am able to begin understanding the Bible, I am so happy that in my lifetime the truth is finally being revealed. So much confusion and things just not making any sense is now being washed away...thanks to the creator for you." 
-YouTube Viewer

Sunday, December 17, 2023

AMERICA'S LEADING PSYCHIC Reveals ALARMING Predictions for MANKIND! | James Van Praagh

"Anything 'extreme' is bad." I like that. So true. The prediction towards the end of the video though, is a little concerning. But notice what he says: "Yea, its inevitable." (Although, he does put a somewhat positive spin on it, in a spiritual sense). I mean, just look at the subject of the last blog post here for example. I mean, I always said it (in some of my other blog posts particularly) that man is basically (generally speaking) a flawed and fallen creature to begin with. (Hence, the 'inevitable' part). And something, I myself know ALL TOO WELL (and have learned) from experience, if nothing else. 
But what he says, and what I have heard others like him say before, is that: "We are basically here to learn." Although, that is a pretty general statement, I guess, I get it. 
I do like the statement he makes in relation to the spiritual dimension side of things though, where he says something to the effect: "You take the things that work for you, and what you can relate to, and throw out the rest." That's just about always the way I have believed myself. Sorta' like a reaffirmation, for me, anyway. Needed to hear that part at least. Some other good stuff as well...

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Story of a Woman Sold Into An Elite P*dophile Network...

Hmm? Inadvertently just came across this. Really makes ya' think, of what a dark world we really live in. This also seems to jive with the following video. (That I shared to the Gilgo Beach Murder Case blog post). So, it very well may be ALLOT more pervasive then many of us who have never been involved in this kind of puke can even imagine. 
I think so. Unfortunately. In other words (as with anything else dark and malevolent) if it looks like a duck and smells like a duck, its usually a duck. Just to put it another way. And its usually related to something else just as weird and criminal...

EXCELLENT flick, based on a true story. Says ALLOT... Traffik Movie on Prime Video

"I love how Dr. Phil just covered this and let it slip into history with no follow-up or even the slightest HINT of rescuing the others Kendall mentions in this episode and holding the rich people—some of whom he may cross paths with given the $69 million per year he makes — accountable in a court of law. Shame on him for merely “covering his bases” during Pizzagate and apparently doing nothing more." -YouTube Viewer

"I think she altered her appearance with wig/glasses/no makeup, so she doesn't look attractive (she knows her value via 'man who owns her') STILL you'd THINK Phil would follow-up and have protected her more (??)! 😡 All about the RATINGS for him!" 
-YouTube Viewer

Yea, what this guy indicates here, usually means that it goes high-up, and runs deep. Psychological warfare as well, is ALWAYS a sign that some seriously sick (and dangerous) minds are involved. Its like hell material. And their calling card. I know...

Sunday, November 12, 2023

7 Things pro-Palestinians Forgot to Tell You (...this war is not about land...)

"He shall judge between the nations, and impose terms on many peoples. They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; One nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war anymore." -Is. 2:4. Hmm? This prophesy is actually from the Hebrew scriptures! (Just looked it up). Dig it...

Saturday, November 4, 2023

New Rule: The War on the West | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Good stuff...

“It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brain falls out.” -Carl Sagan (YouTube Viewer).

"As a classical liberal, I sometimes agree with Bill and sometimes don't. On this one, he's 100% spot-on. I love it when he calls out the insanity that has become Clown World." (YouTube Viewer).

"I'm saddened we don't have the leaders we need. I'm frightened we may have the leaders we deserve." -YouTube Viewer. Good one...

Friday, November 3, 2023

The Beatles - Now And Then (Official Music Video)

Now and Then's eventful journey to fruition took place over five decades and is the product of conversations and collaborations between the four Beatles that go on to this day. The long mythologised John Lennon demo was first worked on in February 1995 by Paul, George and Ringo as part of The Beatles Anthology project but it remained unfinished, partly because of the impossible technological challenges involved in working with the vocal John had recorded on tape in the 1970s. For years it looked like the song could never be completed. But in 2022 there was a stroke of serendipity. A software system developed by Peter Jackson and his team, used throughout the production of the documentary series Get Back, finally opened the way for the uncoupling of John’s vocal from his piano part. As a result, the original recording could be brought to life and worked on anew with contributions from all four Beatles. This remarkable story of musical archaeology reflects The Beatles’ endless creative curiosity and shared fascination with technology. It marks the completion of the last recording that John, Paul and George and Ringo will get to make together and celebrates the legacy of the foremost and most influential band in popular music history.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Israel: The Refugees of 1948

I do want to say, that not ALL views of The 700 Club (or CBN) are necessarily my own, but I just inadvertently came across this, and with all the violence and misinformation, I felt it was just WAY too important not to share. Whether some of the warmongers in the U.S. just see this as another opportunity, or not, the truth is still the truth...

"WOW...I love this girl, she's telling it like it is. I'm from the a to z community & I stand with Israel!!! Celebrating in the streets the murder of innocent civilians, and especially babies is horrific !!! May God continue to bless this young lady." -meanonymous8793 (YouTube Viewer).

Ya see, the terrorists (in this case, Hamas) don't like to see people having a good time to begin with. (And part of the reason why they really hate the Israeli Jews so much). Their form of religion, is a dark, sick, sadistic, and masochistic form of religion, as strict fundamentalist religion (in my opinion anyway) is just another reason why the world is so fu**ed up in the first place...

"He forgot to write the most famous quote from an Israeli, Abba Eban, about the Palestinians: "They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity" -texclydes (YouTube Viewer).

"Every American high schooler and college student should be required to watch this and do their own research to verify statements made. Our students' stupidity is disgraceful." -twalk6164 (YouTube Viewer).

Friday, October 13, 2023

Officials: Over 200 found dead at music festival site after Hamas attack

"The 'leader' of gaza doesn't even live in gaza. How telling of how he cares about his people." -carfo (YouTube Viewer).

"The very fact that Hamas knew ahead of their assault that Israel would have to respond by bombarding Gaza with all its civilians having no where to go, IS EXACTLY the use of civilians as human shields." -adirsab (YouTube Viewer).

Yea, I can understand allot of people being upset when they see the strikes on GAZA, but it all really started here. HAMAS IS a criminal, murderous, terrorist organization. What did they think was going to happen after committing an abomination like this? (Except to quite possibly make Israel look like the bad guys, because they knew they were going to have to retaliate for such an atrocity. That's how the psychopath mind works). They don't care about their people. (Its all bullsh*t). Should be a no-brainer by now. Regardless, this was a HUGE intelligence failure for sure. I don't get it? 
But because of the extremely sensitive nature of this situation, no further comment. Except to say, Israel is really now left with no choice, but to try to save the hostages, and even attempt to eliminate HAMAS. They are animals, and should be treated like the animals that they are. I've seen clips of these guys actually shooting into porta-potties at the music festival, where the initial attack took place. I actually worked with people like this. So, I think I know where they even got their funding from, and how they got it...

"Seeing a video like this of your daughter and seeing men spit on her and treat her like she’s nothing, and you can’t do anything has to be one of the worst feelings ever." -lalo7768 (YouTube Viewer).

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Is Jesus Too 'Liberal' For U.S. Evangelicals?

Just to switch gears a little bit here, it may also be important to note (and what most people don't know) is that in the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) there are mainly two separate schools of thought, sometimes even side by side from one passage (or book) to another passage or book (in fact, you actually have two separate stories of creation side by side in the book of Genesis for example) which, if you will, can generally be broken down to say: The Right Hand of God (Strict adherence to the law) and The Left Hand of God (Social Justice, Compassion, Wisdom, exceptions to the most archaic parts of the law, 'God looks at the heart', Noahidism, Righteous Gentiles, Jewish individuals dedicated to social justice causes, such as Senator Bernie Sanders, etc.) Just sayin'. To break this down even further, in the Introductory Commentary to the Pentateuch (The Torah) the official Catholic Bible (The New American Bible) states that "this historic sweep is the result of a careful and complex joining of several historical traditions, or sources. These are primarily four: the so called Yahwist, Elohist, Priestly and Deuteronomic strands that run through the Pentateuch. Each brings to the Torah its own characteristics, it own theological viewpoint..." And in that respect, it makes it somewhat different, and yet, somewhat similar to the New Testament, where although some of the writers sometimes quote from the Hebrew bible itself, as what they believe is the basis for their new religion, there are also allot of certain difficult to reconcile contradictions, such as the condoning of slavery! And also, most of the early Christians actually believed that Jesus was returning during their lifetime. So many of the writings were based on the "Kingdom of Heaven" being literally at hand, and just around the corner, so to speak. (This is a fact). And yea (Cenk is actually right on this one) there IS a passage in the Old Testament in relation to a form of (non-intentional) abortion! Believe it, or not. But yea, these guys (the people in question) have sort of like turned the whole thing on its head. It's the oldest trick in the book: using religion as a form of control, and for their own selfish ambitions and agenda. (In fact, it's almost Taliban-like).
And furthermore, with all this being said, there are several particular passages in The New Testament, which I myself find VERY interesting (for more reasons then one). 
The first one seems to contradict many of the statements taught by the most influential of the evangelicals, but the second one, actually seems to even defy logic and reason. The first one is allegedly spoken by Jesus himself where he says: "Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the one who does the will of my father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.’" The second one is also allegedly spoken by Jesus, and is probably the basis (and justification) for more wars and persecutions in the name of religion then any other verse in the Bible. It is from the Gospel of Mark (and from memory, had to look up all these things myself) where it is written: "He said to them, 'Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned'"!!! Now, from what I understand, most Christian scholars do agree that this is a longer end to the document, and added much later then when the original gospel was written. And, that would seem to imply (at least to me anyway) a certain agenda there. (Most likely, by the early Catholic Church). 
I mean, common sense alone, would tell one what this passage is saying; is that any one who doesn't believe in Jesus will be condemned! That raises up ALL kinds of problems. i.e. What about the millions upon millions of people who never even heard of Jesus, for one? What about all the Jewish people, who in good conscience for instance, not only cannot accept Jesus as their messiah, but would also (understandably) consider it blasphemy to worship him as God?! But are still (like many of the others) good (and righteous) people for instance? 
I mean, you could go on and on, really. And it opens up a whole can of worms. So, we can see, that this problem goes back to the very beginning of Christianity itself, which really began as a religious cult. So, my point is, is that it looks like the very doctrine itself seems to have been tampered with to fit a certain agenda from the very beginning, going back to my point, that it is like "the oldest trick in the book", and the reason why it often also seems to attract crazy people. (For instance, in my strong opinion, people who use religion to prey on the vulnerable, the hurting, the lost, etc. are among the worst people in society). Its absolutely disgusting, to say the least. As we can see till this day. (Nothing has really changed). Just sayin'. And, just couldn't resist putting my two cents in here. Had to just get if off my chest. I still have an open mind, but am a sensible person by nature, to begin with. But, that's me...
And so, as not to despair, what does all this mean, in a spiritual sense? Because, it is still pretty obvious (to me anyway) that something had to have put this all here. Ya know, our world being like a huge biosphere and all? To incidentally (and conveniently) include: one Sun, one Moon, an ozone layer and an exact distance from the sun that protects us from burning up, or totally freezing; the moon being instrumental in controlling the ocean tides, the magnetic field created from the earth's inner core that protects us from the suns radiation! The amazing complexity of life, etcetera, etcetera. Well, it just could very well be, that we are living on some kind of alien prison planet. (Which, by the way, may also be hinted at, in a mythological sense, in the beginning of the book of Genesis, for example). And that many of our ancestors were banned here because of things like mental illness and violent and criminal behavior. (And are being monitored in some way by a higher form of life). Now, in nature, there are good mutations, and there are bad mutations. It just may be, that those of us who are like, not of this ilk, are like, good mutations. (As just one possible part of this theory). Although, I do have a pretty compelling video on this blog (and on my website) in reference to all the possible aspects of this theory. It made ME think anyway, but that is beyond the scope of this post. Just something to consider, it would seem to me. As our actual existence, still basically remains a mystery. But that is why, I myself, am not a full blown atheist, but something of an Agnostic, like Albert Einstein was considered to be, for instance. In other words, my own personal belief is that everything that had a beginning, ultimately had to come from something that had no beginning, and that includes the possible existence of extraterrestrials. Too Deep...
And something else in the book of Genesis that one may want to consider, is where it is written: "And God said: 'Let us make man in our image and after our likeness'"!!! 
Yea, definitely too deep, and definitely beyond the scope of this blog post...
It may be relevant to note however, just like Jiu-Jitsu is in relation to most of the other Martial Arts (as considered the oldest of the martial arts itself, and from which all the others originated) for example, so is Judaism (in like manner, as being the foundation) to the other major (Monotheistic) World religions...

Uh, oh. Yea, I get it. (Oldie, but goodie). Its (still) always the way...

And so I end this, with a message of hope. There IS always hope...

And, just to further wrap this up and end this, it may also be relevant to note (being now at that age) that I was able to bring MANY YEARS of learning, knowledge, and experience to this blog post. So (for whatever its worth) one can surely rest assured, that I at least know what I'm talking about, if nothing else. In fact, this seems to have turned into some kind of work of art, instead of a blog post! I, at least, learned something here, I think. But, that's me...

Saturday, August 12, 2023

We Went To a Trump Rally: What We Heard Will Shock You

To be honest, I don't like Trump, but I DEFINITELY get this. Good stuff. Thought it was at least taking a chance (considering the strange times we are living in) and sharing it. (Some pretty intelligent people here for sure). It's that good...

"Corruption at the highest level is destroying America. Greed exceeds the needs of the people." -@tiffanylowman1068 (YouTube Viewer).

"This is the first real conversation I’ve seen with Trump supporters. Some good points." @kelleywimberley (YouTube Viewer).

"Americans are WAKING UP and we are everywhere !!! The gig is up! GOOD vs EVIL. Us." -@angiehorn9417 (YouTube Viewer). 

To a certain extent, I think that last statement may be true, among a certain segment of society, at least. (I myself, hope so). May very well also depend on where you are located, and the particular culture or environment you happen to find yourself. 
I definitely do agree with that part in the statement, that it ultimately boils down to this: 'Good vs Evil'. For me, really understanding (and getting that) is a no-brainer...

In contrast. Ouch...

Yea, I have to be honest here, once again. I am not necessarily a big fan of Joe Biden either, and he has become just another war time president, and does sometimes come across as a buffoon. He also voted for the Iraq war when he was a senator, and I think the pulling out of Afghanistan was therefore just something of a sociopathic ruse, as he actually praised former President Bush in one of his speeches! But notice how the other side never really address that particular issue. (The EXTREMELY bloated Military/Defense Budget). And in all fairness, I do think the Inflation Reduction Act is probably the best piece of legislation the Democrats have passed in something like 30 years! (Which is kinda' sad, when you really think about it). But I believe, that is mostly because of the Progressives, who have now become a more significant part of the party. Biden realizes allot of those issues are very popular, particularly with many young voters, and seniors. (It really just means he's shrewd). But, credit where credit is due. But also, what I definitely do agree with (that what is, of course, hit on in this video) is that what M.T.G. says here really does not make any sense, AT ALL! In my opinion, she sadly comes off as an even bigger buffoon then Biden. No offense, Joe. And really, no offense to M.T.G. either. But come on? You're like asking for it man, with that kind of stupid sh*t! Damn. And now, didn't Moody's just downgrade America's credit rating, once again?! Yea, we DEFINITELY need a paradigm shift. (Because, right now, we are basically just dealing with two sides of the same coin). No doubt about it. But, once again, that's (generally) up to the American people themselves. No further comment...

But here's, what should be a pretty obvious case in point from a YouTube viewer...
"My Lord! She is so stupid. How can she think low income voters, which make up most of the U.S., would be against getting help?" -@redajones8434 Exactly. Duh...

Friday, July 14, 2023

Gilgo Beach murders: Suspect arrested in Long Island, NY serial killings...

Hendersonville RD, Asheville, NC June 27th, 2023

Have to see where this goes, but in my strong opinion (IF this individual IS somehow involved in the murders of these particular women) there is definitely more then one person ultimately involved in the overall multiple serial killings itself, and very well may also cross state lines, as it is a VERY bizarre crime to begin with. And that is almost ALWAYS the M.O. one way or the other. I know. And I am originally from Long Island. 
I know well this type of (sadistic and criminal) psychological profile, from experience.
And if I'm right, these individuals will DEFINITELY give themselves away. One way, or the other. (I know what I mean). First of all, they will ALWAYS be afraid and concerned about anyone who they know is smart enough to (potentially) expose them. Watch what they say (and do) and who they seem to target, and like, seek out. This is a dark crime, perpetrated by dark minds. And the fact, that the former Suffolk County DA and Police Chief were also indicted at some point in the investigation, IS definitely an interesting twist in the case. In my strong opinion again, these crimes were definitely not committed in some dark corner somewhere. Other people knew about it, and most likely were involved in some way, but were deliberately left unchecked, and even allowed to do what they did. It's almost ALWAYS THE WAY in these type of crimes. I know...
In fact, at least part of the discovery related to the 'Gilgo Beach Murders' may very well be part of some kind of dark, human trafficking operation, that does cross state lines...
There may even be more bodies that they haven't even discovered yet...
Case in Point Scenario: "Ah, Officer why are we here?" Officer McDonald: "We're being forced to search for Shannon Gilbert." Officer Dudley: "Whoa, there's a body. Holy sh*t, there's another body! Oh my God, look over there, is that human remains?! Damn, is that a freakin' baby?!" You get my drift...

"In my opinion, just an opinion, there’s so many more victims than three or four. He’s 59 years old. They’re talking from like 2007-2010 this happened. I don’t believe that. I believe that there’s probably a Body farm at the end of this all. I’m also wondering if it was not only him involved. Looking at where they said they found all of these parties over the years. It seems as though this could have been a ring." -@RiverinTha901 (YouTube Viewer).

"Case in progress, many factors to consider. Across state lines, time line issues.. all still on the table. This part closed because definitely provable." -@jjw8222 
(YouTube Viewer).

I post the above video (as food for thought) in relation to the dark, human trafficking ring theory (and 'Case in Point Scenario') I mention above, as a very real possibility, in my opinion; but most likely, will probably not be acknowledged or affirmed, unless they have at least several individuals (including those of high rank) with the character of someone like a Frank Serpico involved in the investigation...

Interestingly, the part in this episode (towards the end of the segment) where Anderson Cooper talks with the (former) FBI Profiler (shown in the next video with Jake Tapper) and asks her if she believes that there are possibly others involved in the serial killings, is not included here; including the part, of course, where she responds to his question, that she does believe that there are others involved! 
And then, the puzzled look on Cooper's face, that she responded that way. 
I was pretty surprised myself that she sorta' like admitted that on Mainstream Media and all. (Even though, that is exactly what I believe is the case). But the perplexed look on Anderson Cooper's face that she responded to his question in that manner was a different kind of surprise, and also VERY interesting. Gonna' leave it at that...
Except, I have to say, that I just intuitively picked up something about those who I believe are targeting me, and most likely reading this blog, are now negatively interested in this profiler! (It was like an all of a sudden, psychic download, as best as I can describe it). Not sure what to make of it at this point, but yea, it's pretty clear, man. They're reading this blog. Oh, yea. What else is new? (Or, it could also maybe be the left side of the brain thing, that some schizophrenics also have going on, with some psychologists having acknowledged as real, but that it's always off kilter, as it is not of a sound mind. Or, it could just be a little of both! But there is definitely something going on there). Which is one of the reasons I sorta' like, hate making these kind of posts. 
But I wanted a record of this, in a somewhat cohesive form somewhere. (And as information that very well may be significant and important in some way). As I just now inadvertently came across this breaking news story on Twitter. (Kinda' wish I hadn't). 
Ya know, when you like (inadvertently) tap into some of their heads... Agghh. Skivatz! 
As the Italian slang goes. They (sadistically) like it though. Ironically, just like she said...

Great flick. (Based on true events related to this crime). Pretty much says it all. 
In a way...

I have to say though, this guy looks REALLY familiar! Not sure if he just has like a familiar face, I don't know. I did grow up and live on Long Island for quite some time, and even had a friend who lived in Massapequa, who's family I knew pretty well, but I just can't place the face. Maybe, one of the bars on the Island, not sure. I know, Long Island started to (generally) get pretty strange, particularly after the downturn in the economy, with many of the defense industry layoffs (and when many of the cool music clubs that we all grew up with and played at closed) and the cost of living spiraling out of control (and at the same time, becoming much more aware of the deep corruption embedded in the system there) around that time. But he definitely looks vaguely familiar. Not sure why. At least, not at this time. Could be nothin'...
(Or it could just be that he looks like a bass player I used to play with back then). 
You know, neither here nor there, but there is something that caught my attention, when he mentioned something about dealing with certain city insiders as sorta' like part of his job, particularly someone he mentioned that I think he got to know pretty well, that I am not going to get into as to why it sorta' caught my attention. Could be nothing as well. 
Or it could all of sudden hit me like a ton of bricks later on! And yea, either way, I am definitely not going to go any further publicly on that one. (I know what I mean). But it could very well possibly fit into the "ring" theory thing the YouTube viewer mentioned above. (Which I also believe is the case). It's like a bad B Movie or somethin', is kinda' the feeling I get. (And I've been in plenty of those myself, for some reason). 
That's enough, I'm done. As it's also always in the back of my mind that the bad guys are watching (and reading) my blog. And I mean, the real deep, serious kind of psychopath. Yea, its the B movie thing I mentioned. In fact, I just picked up, that I (inadvertently like) gave some of them an idea! (The B Movie thing). Whew. Oh my God. They're the real thing, man. Oh, yea. I'm NEVER, EVER wrong. And that's why they're interested in my blog. (In a sick sorta' way, of course). They're like negatively obsessed with me. Holy sh*t. And they get off on it. (I see it so clear). Yea, that's it, I'm done...
(See the photo at the top. Hmm? Validation? "If the shoe fits, they will wear it!")

Whoa! Just (inadvertently) came across this. (Wasn't even looking for it). Holy sh*t. Shannon Gilbert. From the Lost Girls flick. (Was this the girl that the cops are now saying that her death was probably an accident?) Mmm. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, the mother was also (supposedly) accidently killed by her daughter, as the story goes. Freakin' bizarre. It always is. (F**kin' Long Island. "The place where it all began"). Damn. Alright, I said I wasn't going to comment anymore. Yea, I think I should stick to that. But this was just too incredible to pass up, and put somewhere. (I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm like Columbo on steroids!) Wow...
I also noticed, since I posted this blog, the video of the interview with Rex Heuermann (the video before this one) has since been made private! I've always said it, the bad guys are afraid of me, man. It's a lonely life...
Oh wow, here's another bombshell: Gus Coletti? I know that name. From somewhere. 
I think. I mean, its been over 20 yrs now since I moved from Long Island (and neither here nor there) but that name definitely sounds freakin' familiar. Could be mistaken. (And, of course, I am not insinuating anything). But, this keeps getting better and better. (And, of course, I'm being satirical). I mean, one way or the other, the whole thing is definitely freakin' weird. Surprise...
Well anyway, I just want to end this with a few interesting comments from some YouTube viewers... (O.M.G.)

"It breaks my heart that other than ring the police no one was human enough to reach out to shannon.. So many opportunities for shannon to be saved xx" -tonifitz6831

"This is the most chilling audio I’ve ever heard. Literally gave me the creeps. Poor girl. I don’t care if she was a doctor or a prostitute. She had a soul and wanted to live." 

"I don’t understand how they couldn’t trace the call the entire time she was on the phone to 911?" -kimbaker3232


Monday, June 26, 2023

JFK’s Most Amazing Speech On Peace

I agree with Jimmy, as far as the reasons JFK very well may have been murdered. 
As far as me, myself personally, I think the ultimate reason is really hidden in what transpired with Operation Northwoods
If Kennedy would have had his Joint Chief of Staff tried for treason, for instance, instead of just removing him from office, for suggesting a false flag operation against Cuba, that would have deliberately killed innocent Americans, things may very well have turned out ALLOT differently! (And it would have sent a very strong and important message). 
John F. Kennedy, of course, was still a great man, and a great president. I mean, he still puts guys like George W. Bush (and Dick Cheney for that matter) to shame, who saw War (and killing innocent people) as an opportunity. Not to even mention the fact, that the Secret Service at the time, actually allowed the president to ride around in a vehicle WITH NO TOP ON IT!!! IN PUBLIC!!! 
That still blows my mind till this day. (No pun intended). Damn. So yea, there's allot, man. But not even gonna' go there. But yea, as far as our Presidents after Kennedy go (and our law enforcement for that matter, federal or otherwise) my point is: If justice (and doing the right thing) is repugnant to you, you're in the WRONG LINE OF WORK!!! (At least, consider the Karma thing).
Just had to go to Jimmy's point towards the end of the video (which was although to the point, still kind of negative, with no positive answers really) while still sharing this great speech by a great president; as I know how many of our politicians think, if they ever see what he says here (not to mention, those who watched the video on YouTube or even maybe here on this Blog) and how deep our society has sunk. I mean, just look at all the mass shootings that happen on almost a daily basis now. That HAS GOT to tell you something! (If you have any smarts at all). Let's face it, our leaders set the tone... 
It was all psychological warfare (with the killing of JFK) that the selfish, greedy warmongers are expert at. And Kennedy wanted to end a senseless war, based on lies, that benefited NO ONE! Except the Military Industrial Complex, that Pres. Eisenhower (the other great president before him) warned the American people about. (And, on the contrary, it actually destroyed ALLOT of lives). I mean, how do people with that kind of mindset even sleep at night? (And the United States has never really been the same since. As we can see now). I mean, is it just me who sees (and understands) these things? (Can't be). I don't get it? No further comment. Jesus...

Sound familiar? It should. The bad guys seem to get it...

Saturday, May 27, 2023

2023 Peace and Freedom Rally - May 27, 2023

I post this second video here, as one of the speakers at the Peace and Freedom rally (around 1:20 into the video) surprisingly mentions this REALLY interesting (yet, really disturbing) segment from a recent 60 Minutes episode, that I just happened to also inadvertently see. (As many, including myself, were already aware of it to a certain extent). Thought it was at least worth saving somewhere, as it is another mind blower. (No pun intended). As far as everything else, the words of the philosopher who said this comes to mind: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Disclaimer: I have to say, that I do think that Gerald Celente's T-Shirt he has sort of like promoted here is a little over the top, and is not something that I would wear myself. (Nor would I necessarily condone it). Doesn't do anything for the legitimacy of his message, in my opinion anyway. (And may be just one example of why he sometimes gets in trouble). I think he should tone it down a bit. But that's his particular personality type. He's a little over the top to begin with, and just the way he is: A little eccentric. 
And therefore, his way of expressing his feelings and conviction about things, may (understandably) turn off some people, like myself. Still, overall, a great rally. (For the most part anyway). Definitely, one of the best he has put out there, for sure...
It also may be worth noting, that (as in the case of Alex Jones for instance) I believe that at least some of Celente's anger towards politicians and the establishment (in general) is personal, and in relation to a very negative experience I can remember him talking about some time ago already, that I am not going to get into here...

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The REAL Reason Tucker Carlson Was Fired By Fox News!

Yea, I'm kinda' neutral on this (as I didn't necessarily agree with everything Tucker said myself, and there may have even been other reasons why Murdoch took the action he did that he may not be saying, including the timing of it all) but allot of VERY interesting points, never-the-less, made here (which many others are saying as well) including the fact, that Tucker Carlson's show was the most popular news show not only on FOX, but of any major cable news network, period! That is a fact, no matter what you think about the guy; and here (I strongly believe) are at least some of the reasons as to why... Definitely, a HUGE (and even a somewhat historical) move by the network. 
Caught allot of people by surprise, for sure...

Saturday, January 28, 2023

International Holocaust Remembrance Day - The TRAGIC Execution Of Czesława Kwoka - The Girl Of Auschwitz

Czeslawa Kwoka
(May you Rest In Peace)

The International Holocaust Remembrance Day actually falls on Jan. 27th. (So I'm one day late for this post). But I was so moved by this story (from a post I saw on Twitter) that I just had to share it here, and in honor of this poor girl's memory. Yea, Hitler and the Nazis were an evil regime for sure. So evil, they were most likely even demonic, in my strong opinion anyway. If THEY weren't under demonic influence, then there is no such thing. (And remember, Adolph Hitler and his followers actually believed that Hitler himself was chosen by God! They were that insane. In fact, they were actually the Conservative party, on STEROIDS! NOT a socialist party, in the true sense of the term). In my opinion, the Nazi Party (and doctrine) itself was (and is) demonic. You could write a whole treatise on their psychology... 
In fact (unfortunately) I see many of these same disturbing traits in the extremist 
(far-right) faction (and ideology) of the Republican/Conservative Party, for one, I regret to say; and some, whom I even consider to be EXTREMELY dangerous (and deeply sociopathic) personality types. (Although, I do understand that the Democratic Party has issues as well, but I'm not even going to go there. That's how well I know certain types of human psychology myself). Just sayin'...

Yea, Josef Mengele was a particularly vile, cruel, sick, and sadistic human being (within the Nazi Regime). I remember reading a book (in a educated old friend's library) many years ago already, that (among some of the other atrocities mentioned in this video) he would also sometimes experiment on pregnant women, by tying their legs as they were giving birth! He was a freakin' monster. (As most of them were). So, I (and for my own reasons) definitely understand (not withstanding the fact, that there is basically good and bad in every nationality) as to why the Jewish people in particular are so zealous about remembering the Holocaust, and as to why they put aside at least several days every year, to commemorate this horrific time in their history. (As it makes me myself, almost ashamed to be a member of the human race). It should NEVER be forgotten...

"Funny. I’ve been telling people about this since I learned it ten years ago. The funny part is I’m accused of being a conspiracy theorist along with the fact that no one believes me. Sad that people would rather attempt to prove someone wrong instead of doing homework and looking into it themselves. But that would take effort and time." 
-Jimmy Grail (YouTube Viewer).

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Memorial for Lisa Marie Presley...

Rest in Peace, Lisa...

"This is One of the Most Beautiful Memorial Services that I have ever seen! The special fond memories of Lisa Marie were So Heartwarming! The Gospel Singers ushered in the presence of God! After the singing it felt like angels were surrounding the place with the Peace of God!" -Andrea Swanson (YouTube Viewer on The Independent channel).

"A great and haunting song...Elvis outdoes himself with this song! I met Elvis in a gas station in Memphis in July 1975...we talked for 35 minutes while his friends tried to get his Cadillac started.  what a fantastic, funny, humble and friendly man. We talked about cars, movies, motorcycles and, of course, music. I will NEVER forget that 35 minutes." -1JUSTGOTLUCKY1 (YouTube Viewer).

"He always sang from his soul. There’s never been anyone like him..." -Peter Reid (YouTube Viewer).