This is a place where I like to share my views, interests, thoughts, and feelings about things...
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Friday, October 16, 2020
Monday, October 12, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Blogger System Issues...
There currently seems to be some kind of system issue with Blogger. Not sure what it is yet. (But my blogger site seems to be frozen for some reason, among other things). Attempting to troubleshoot. However, I'm not sure at this point in time, if it is some kind of site wide outage or not. Currently attempting to work on a new Blog here on Blogspot at: 'The New Era Project - Blog' just in case...
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Gerald Celente's Commentary on the State of the Economy and Trends in The News - for Sept 11th, 2020
Right to the point, and cutting thru all the bullsh*t as usual. And ya' know what's funny? (For lack of a better word). Celente is right about the official definition for 'Politician.' Because when you google: 'politician definition' (or use Bing for instance) this is what you get: "A person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office." Okay, understandable definition. But also, and here's the real interesting part: "A person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization." Whoa, he was right! Just had to finally check that out for myself, regarding what I have heard Celente say, on more then one occasion. I'm not saying ALL politicians fit this 2nd (alternate) definition, but it definitely makes ya think, and also, unfortunately makes ALLOT of sense, for what (at least) by now, should be obvious reasons. Because, it really is sad, what is currently goin' on.
No doubt about it. I see the W.H.O. though, as being a big part of this. Just sayin'...
"It couldn't be any more obvious." So true. When you're right, you're right. But this is about more then just being a Democrat or a Republican. Or a Conservative or Liberal. (Even though now, it seems like the Democrats have become the bad guys). It's a matter of being right or wrong. It's about character and ethics. And that's the problem with political labels, and our current two party system. And why it keeps going back and forth. It's just not working anymore. Both parties are bought. And this current state of affairs has like made that more obvious then ever before. We need a completely new political system...
I was surprised to come across this video by Scott Baio, and thought it was worth posting here, because of some of the things he brings up. As they are very important things that need to be said. Yea, I agree, dudes like Newsom, Cuomo, De Blasio, etc are monsters. And they pretty much fu*ked their cause, and proved that they weren't sincere (or good people) to begin with, in my strong opinion anyway. In fact, they may have permanently ruined it for allot of people in this country, who want things like a federally mandated livable minimum wage, Universal Health Care, getting off of fossil fuels to renewable energy, etc. But, as I have said before, pretty much more then any other country in the free world, the U.S. has ALL the warning signs; and (currently, at least) we seem to be living in like, a failed state...
For instance, most of the Scandinavian countries like Sweden for example, are considered somewhat "Socialist" countries, and have never locked-down, and are doing just fine. But our country, in particular, has locked on to this COVID 19 Pandemic hysteria, like flies on shit, for a reason. But many people just can't, or really don't want to see it, or admit, that our two party system is just not working anymore, and that we need a whole new system. But that takes allot of work, unity of purpose, and allot of integrity (and wisdom) on a pretty large scale, to make that happen; and many of our politicians (because they're basically just incredibly corrupt) are betting on the opposite. And, so far at least, they seem to be right. And that's why we have all what is going on right now. (It seems to have been brewing for a long time). There's like just no common sense any more. (And that goes back to the wisdom, and character, thing). Sad...
Monday, September 7, 2020
Joe Rogan Looks at Famous Paintings with Aliens in Them
Hmm. All things considered though, I personally don't believe EVERYTHING in the Bible should be taken literally (and that there may even be a certain danger in that) as it IS an ancient book to begin with, as well as also being a compilation of various books written by various individuals, but I never-the-less do believe there are certain things that do stand out, and really make ya' think (especially when we look at certain things, and events, that have happened, and are currently happening in society, for instance) which could possibly explain in some way, certain spiritual realities, and what may really be behind certain things, that kinda' don't seem to make any sense, or add up.
Because (for instance) as far as the Devil, and the demonic thing, ya' just have to ask someone who has experimented with a Ouija board, or who has been involved in some kind of satanic cult, etc. if there is any verifiable truth to it. And, as I said, certain things written in the Bible do kinda' stand out (to me, anyway) such as: "The deceiver of the whole world." "We wrestle against principalities and powers in high places, and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world..." etc.
But, I just put this here as some food for thought, in the context of this particular blog post, as being somewhat interesting, when you really think about it, and in relation to the supernatural, the paranormal, and the unexplained; and mostly for my own interest and understanding, if nothin' else. Too deep...
"This is exactly what the corporates are doing to the world now.. Hollywood knows. We're given signs all the time." -Riki Cooper (YouTube Viewer, from 4 yrs ago, no less).
"To worship our false selves is to worship nothing. And the worship of 'nothing' is hell."
-Thomas Merton
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Saturday, July 11, 2020
The Music of Coldplay & Some of Their Awesome Music Videos...
One of the most brilliant music videos ever created, and an awesome track...
Friday, July 10, 2020
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Trends Journal: Its All Bullshit, The Numbers Don't Add Up
Incredible fact, that Gerald points out here, that most people are probably not even aware of: Which is, the head of CNN had advised the news network to keep pumping out the Corona Virus pandemic hysteria to increase ratings! No surprise to me AT ALL. But this is extremely important to understand, and why I have said before, that much of our media has become way too corrupt, and has WAY too much power...
And that's why most of the other media outlets are all like, following in their footsteps; as I totally agree with Celente here, that the numbers are just not adding up...
Not to even mention the fact, that Dr. Fauci himself has admittedly lied from the very beginning! (So why doesn't Trump remove him? Its mind boggling in itself).
He is one deceitful, creepy human being (himself) if you ask me...
This whole sham has got to be investigated, so that this catastrophe can never happen again; but Washington is infested to begin with. So, people have to wake up and demand change, because (like the unique to America mass shootings) it's like WAY out of control now...
But I tell ya', I really don't see it in the soul of America. (Generally speaking).
From what I have seen so far, with all the violently stupid race riots (which the media also seems to be influencing) among other things, I really don't think the country has what it takes. (Generally speaking). Hope I'm wrong, but yea, I really don't see it.
(At least, not at this point in time). So, I guess we have to see where this latest abomination goes. Whew...
Incredible fact, that Gerald points out here, that most people are probably not even aware of: Which is, the head of CNN had advised the news network to keep pumping out the Corona Virus pandemic hysteria to increase ratings! No surprise to me AT ALL. But this is extremely important to understand, and why I have said before, that much of our media has become way too corrupt, and has WAY too much power...
And that's why most of the other media outlets are all like, following in their footsteps; as I totally agree with Celente here, that the numbers are just not adding up...
Not to even mention the fact, that Dr. Fauci himself has admittedly lied from the very beginning! (So why doesn't Trump remove him? Its mind boggling in itself).
He is one deceitful, creepy human being (himself) if you ask me...
This whole sham has got to be investigated, so that this catastrophe can never happen again; but Washington is infested to begin with. So, people have to wake up and demand change, because (like the unique to America mass shootings) it's like WAY out of control now...
But I tell ya', I really don't see it in the soul of America. (Generally speaking).
From what I have seen so far, with all the violently stupid race riots (which the media also seems to be influencing) among other things, I really don't think the country has what it takes. (Generally speaking). Hope I'm wrong, but yea, I really don't see it.
(At least, not at this point in time). So, I guess we have to see where this latest abomination goes. Whew...
Monday, July 6, 2020
Gerald Celente & The Occupy Peace and Restore Freedom Rally - Independence Day 2020
Founded by Gerald Celente, "Occupy Peace & Freedom" is a not-for-profit movement to honor the Constitution and Bill of Rights, which are being continually violated by politicians who take us to war and rob us of our Freedoms to fulfill their agendas...
Brilliant talking points, extremely well said...
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Jeremy Camp - Walk By Faith
Yea, I really admire this guy. (Just saw the movie). Good man. One of those few genuine people, who really seems like he has dedicated his life to give encouragement to others (through his own past suffering and trials) and lead them to what he believes is the truth. I mean, dig the words in this song: "Well, I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see. Well, because this broken road, prepares your will for me." (Seemingly turning a negative into a positve). Once again, I really think some Christian music is so powerful, full of light, comfort, and hope, in an often crazy world, where there is so much darkness, indifference, malice, deceit, and despair. (As we can also see and hear how toxic and depressing our own main stream media can be, and the real reasons as to why that is). What else is there, when you really think about it?
What does it all mean? Nobody can really explain it...
Things, like that burst of intuition, a word of knowledge, insight, discernment, et cetera...
Where does it really all ultimately come from? But it takes faith, I think is what this song is really saying. As in that part in the movie (and music video) where they are in the planetarium, gazing at the incredible majesty of the universe itself. Yet, some people see it (when you realize at least that much) and others don't. That, very well, may be a sign of the seeds of faith right there, I don't know. But one way or the other, its an incredible mystery, that's for sure. Mind blower...
But, never-the-less, I believe what Camp is also saying in this song, is that God is a personal God, who does care about human suffering, and the direction the world is going in. And that changes everything. And, that faith, is like a gift. (As I believe that is what the Bible says). For instance, I remember there is a very wise quote somewhere in the Bible that says: "They are always learning, but never really coming to a knowledge of the truth." Makes allot of sense, in so many ways. It sorta' reminds me of a track,
that lines up with that part in that song by Michael W. Smith: 'Live and Learn' where it seems to be quoting from some poem at the beginning of the track, that goes something like this: "Tis the blink of an eye. Tis the dawn of a breath. Till the paleness of death. Oh why, should the spirit of mortal man be proud?" So true...
Enough said, as I'm still living and learning myself. (And for other reasons).
But that much, I understand. For the believer its: "We walk by faith, not by sight."
(A quote somewhere in the Bible). It seems that's the quote that this song is primarily based on. Something to think about, I guess. Seems there's allot of meaning there...
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
MercyMe - Greater. And Vids of Encouragement and Hope...
Just heard this track while inadvertantly watching a movie on Netflix. The Music Video for the song (above) currently has over 40 million views on YouTube! Yep, there's allot of hurting people out there. But, if by posting this, it can help even just one decent person (in these dark times) then it was at least worth taking a chance and sharing here. (As, things related to this are rather personal to me, and I am definitely not a 'holy roller' to begin with). Although, I think I needed to hear it myself. Powerful track...
Whoa, Netflix just provided a suggestion in relation to the movie: "God is Not Dead"!
(Wait a minute, didn't they kill 'im? All those years ago? Or someone who claimed to be him? Deep stuff, when you really think about it).
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (1John 4:4)." -Samuel Deng
(YouTube Viewer)
Of course, there is a fine line between being presumptuous, and humbly recognizing the need for something that very well may be greater then any problem. Although, if I remember correctly, there is another passage somewhere (in that same book) that says: "Without faith, it is impossible to please God..." And if I remember correctly,
it goes on to say: "Because those who come to God, must believe that he exists, and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him." Yea (depending on the circumstances) that could possibly take ALLOT of faith. I guess, there may be a lesson there somewhere, but it seems to mean, that we have to believe that God DOES want to bless those whose heart is in the right place. And sometimes, that DOES take allot of faith. (And of course, faith is not the only thing it takes. We have to act on it. God may give us the signs, as maybe even an answer to prayer, but we have to do our part as well. And he will never violate our free will. Not withstanding, certain things that may be beyond our control. Then it may take a miracle). Lesson to learn there, for me as well,
I guess. But anyway, all this is besides the point. And for the sake of reflection, if nothing else, there is another curious passage that says: "Only the fool says in his heart: 'There is no God'. Interesting, but I get it...
Of course, that may not neccessarily apply to those who may doubt for understandable reasons, if he is really a compassionate (yet just) God to begin with, he would have to understand; because there IS allot of fu*ked up sh*t (and bad people) in this world...
Although (like Albert Einstein) I think I'm still somewhat of an agnostic, while never-the-less admitting, that I cannot explain allot of things that are just WAY beyond mere human comprehension; so yea, I get the above passage. Makes sense in so may ways. But, of course, you will have those who will fight both tooth and nail (as the saying goes) to try to prevent you from believing anyway. (Because it can be something positive, and life giving, and they're negative, life sucking vampires, and evil). I get that too...
In other words, I do believe in the opposing forces of good and evil, regardless. (Just from experience alone). But, I want to be on the side of good. (And if God is really good, then I am on his side, and I guess then, he is on mine, and anyone else who is on the side of good, regardless of what we do or do not fully understand, or even believe for that matter). He would still be what he is (and what he may want us to believe) regardless. (But anyway, the name of the movie was: 'God Bless The Broken Road').
Yep, I'm sorta' like a sucker for this kinda' stuff, in a way. Enough said...
And I definitely do not want to come across as some kind of religious, holy roller, or somethin', because I am not; but never-the-less, there is some kind of an attraction there, I guess, that I don't fully understand, but prefer to keep that part of my life, as far as spiritual beliefs and all, as mostly personal. But, I guess, if you were to have like an aversion, or a revulsion to certain religious objects and the like, however, which I myself have never had, or a fixation or obsession to do harm to a certain person, or persons, for no apparent reason, then I guess, you got a problem. (And should get some help). But that's besides the point...
There's allot of stuff I don't fully understand myself. Its deep, that's for sure...
But with all that said, it seems, that when God wants to reveal something to you, he reveals it to you, for whatever reason. Maybe to show that he does care. (And/or for other reasons). I don't know. I am not the Messiah...
Yea, I have to say, some Christian music is just so beautiful, full of light, and encouraging. (Elvis Presley even seemed to wisely recognize this himself).
I can see why there are those who would despise it, for those very reasons, and more.
Definitely seems to have its place, in contrast to allot of music that really doesn't say much, for example, although I know, some of that music has its place as well...
And then, there is unbiased, secular music like this, that does have an equally positive (and hopeful) message as well, that is also very profound and encouraging...
The Beatles recognized the potential (and even the possible dangers) when they used this (alternate) form of songwriting themselves, a long time ago. (And that's when they even went abstract with some of their material). Just sayin'...
Brilliant (and powerful) stuff. Just thought I would throw it in here, to like compliment that same theme. Makes me think, anyway...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Sunday, April 19, 2020
NJ governor ignores Bill of Rights in exclusive Tucker interview
The governor of New Jersey actually said that the Bill of Rights is above his pay grade!!! Damn. Just goes to show you how insane this sh*t has become.
Makes ya' wonder as to what is REALLY goin' on. Time for an alternative, common sense, major third party if you ask me. I have to say, Tucker Carlson makes some brilliant points here. Excellent interview. But also, extremely disturbing...
The moral of this story (and blog post) is think for yourself, and don't believe the lies.
And that same lying spirit motivates certain individuals to do what they do, and jump on the bandwagon, that's all going in the same direction of chaos, destruction, and damnation; as they attempt to deceive, and bring other people down with them.
They would rob you of your very soul, if they could. You have to be your own person...
I also have to say, many of Gerald Celente's predictions (as my own, if I have to say so myself) were SPOT ON! As we can (also) see here...
We very well may be living in the time, when many evil (foolish and shortsighted) individuals, will turn against (and persecute) certain other individuals (who speak the truth for example) but it also, may very well indicate: 'The fulfillment of all things'...
One last thing I will mention here though. Remember what I said in the Blog post on my website dated: Jan. 8th, 2016? And the particular wording I had used (while head tapping the bad guys) about the feeling and impression I was getting, that 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks were like the first phase? And that they were sorta' like planning something else? (Oh, yea). What is the word these freaks are using allot now? In the media, and by some of our politicians, and the like? "PHASE"!!! Damn. And they are making sure they are using it in sentences like: "The Stimulus Package is the first phase". "Congress is working on a second phase stimulus bill" etc. Wow. I'm not even going to go there. At least not right now. But I know a conspiracy when I see one. And I am definitely not saying that EVERYONE in Congress is involved in a conspiracy.
I mean, I know how that sounds. I'm a sensible person by nature. But, I am also not stupid. Something is DEFINITELY going on, one way or the other. (And it very well may have ties to something much deeper, and to certain bad guys and career criminals, who make a living, and see an opportunity in such things). Just too many things lining up, not to be ignored. I mean, what is happening now (in this country in particular) has never happened in the history of the world. It's unbelievable. And freakin' unprecedented, to say the least. (I mean, they are literally destroying the country right in front of our eyes!) Something is going on. Something we are not being told. But they will tell us subliminally, in a way. Like the 'phase' thing. (And things they may know I am smart enough to pick up on). I mean, there are definitely criminal elements within our government, and media. (And among our politicians). I'm absolutely sure of it. I mean, many of them are sociopaths and psychopaths to begin with. Whew. Mind blower, man. In more ways then one...
But anyway, something came to my mind recently (especially regarding all that has been going on within the last few months or so) related to when I was studying Kabbalah. And I mention it here, for those decent people who may be trusting by nature (because they themselves can be trusted) but who are also smart enough to recognize things that are just not adding up, and need something to really bring home a certain point, about the psychology of the bad guys, that is not in their own nature.
(Good judgement comes from good character). Like a doctor who has become an expert on cancer without actually having the disease. (To know by negation, if you will). Its a passage from one of the ancient jewish wisdom books, particularly designed for just those type of people, like myself. It's like a reminder. An instruction, and a teaching.
And it goes like this...
"In our prosperity we cannot know our friends; in adversity an enemy will not remain concealed. When a man is successful even his enemy is friendly; in adversity even his friend disappears. NEVER trust your enemy, for his wickedness is like corrosion in bronze. Even though he acts humbly and peaceably toward you, take care to be on your guard against him..for if given the chance, he will NEVER HAVE ENOUGH
of your blood." (Sirach 12:8-18). Brilliantly insightful; and incredibly wise advice,
and so true. Advice that could possibly even save your life. You just have to be perceptive enough to recognize the signs. (And it defintely can also be understood in relation to more then one individual, for whatever reason or motive they may have concocted their sick scheme). That's it, I'm done. Take it for what its worth. Too deep...
Except to say (in the same spirit of the above passage) what is happening now, should NEVER be forgotten; because if they can do this (and strip people of their constitutional rights, and take away our freedoms, based on a lie) they can pretty much do anything.
Nazi Germany was a perfect example of this. And what man is really capable of...
With all these things being said however, I am not necessarily saying either, that there is no such thing as some kind of strain of flu, that anyone can pretty much label as: Corona Virus. But what I am saying, is that when the cure is MUCH worse then the disease, and the solution is MUCH worse then the problem (and all the real data seems to bear that out) it is like a clear indication that something is going on, and that they are using this particular form of the flu (as they did with Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden for instance, who WERE bad people mind you, and like in that example, I strongly believe, that those involved are also using this) as like the Boogey Man they need, to foster some kind of agenda. I am just saying, that it definitely seems to me, to be part of an M.O. that I definitely recognize, and that they have used before, as a form of control; and like something they can pull out of their bag of tricks, if you will, to use for whatever other motive or reason, whenever they like, if people don't become aware (in a practical way) of what is really going on. In other words, I myself (just from experience alone, and instinct) think the whole thing, IS very suspicious, and not adding up.
And that's why, I myself, strongly believe it is (mostly) based on a lie.
And I also have to say, I am VERY suspicious of anyone in the media, particularly, who like FERVENTLY attempt to push the narrative that we will all die, for instance, if States ease their restrictions of forcing people (and businesses to close) against their will,
and thus further peddling the hysteria, and promoting the destruction of the economy, and the country, and ruining people's lives. Just sayin'...
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Trump Tells Truth About Bernie Dropping That Democrats Won’t
With all this being said here though (and in keeping with the incredible stupidity, shadiness, and self-destructiveness of the establishment Democratic Party and the DNC) I'd be AMAZED if Biden actually chose even somebody like Elizabeth Warren for his running mate. I think the chances are, he'll most likely lean more towards choosing someone like Kamala Harris. At least, that's the way I see it now. Because, then, he might actually have a chance of winning the election! That's how freakin stupid they are. Sad. I tell ya', I'm actually starting to wonder, if we are not in the end times or somethin'. That's how surreal this sh*t is becoming...
At one time, the Democratic Party was actually the majority party in Congress for something like 40 years, for a reason, because it was like the party of FDR.
It has since increasingly become almost like a different political party now, because too many of them (as with most of the Republican Party) are really not working for the people anymore, but their big money donors. (And the country has suffered accordingly). But (once again) I still choose to believe, there is always hope, in some way; somewhat like the quote from Martin Luther King Jr I guess: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice."
"The Democrats weren't screaming for Medicare-for-All, they were screaming Russia, Russia, Russia!" -A. Aziz (YouTube Viewer)
"Trump is smart for tweeting this. He knows what he's doing" -Jack Kulinski
(YouTube Viewer)
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Tucker Carlson Tonight 4/3/20
Okay, don't know how long this particular video (of the full episode) is going to last, but another great show. Pretty much, the only thing I disagree with Carlson about, of course, is his somewhat brief, yet rather harsh assessment of Alexandria Cortez towards the end of the program. I do get some of his points however, but saying something to the effect of her being like a rich girl who kinda' doesn't understand real hardship was kind of bizarre, and WAY off the mark. Cortez worked as a waitress before she got elected to Congress, and even knew what it was like for her and her family to go through foreclosure, during the mortgage crisis and the great recession of the last decade. (That kinda' does say something about Carlson's character himself, but I also understand some of the Democrats sort of brought allot of these things on themselves; and/or possibly Carlson is a little mis-guided, although he does work for Fox, which really is part of the Mainstream Media itself). But with all that being said, there is an excellent part of the segment where he interviews someone who does seem pretty credible, regarding a potential cure for the Corona Virus, which just about no one else is talking about at this time, and which the Democrats should DEFINITELY take heed about. But ya' know, its going back to that ole' wise saying by Abraham Lincoln:
"A nation divided against itself cannot stand." And what an unwise nation it has become. And so, I predicted allot of what is now going on, but I just wasn't EXACTLY sure how they were going to go about it. I still choose to believe, however, where there are wise people of good character, who cannot be deceived, there is always hope, in some way. Sad though. Really is. That those of us who are cut from a different cloth and all, have to go through this...
"The cure cannot be worse then the disease." Exactly. The solution should not be worse then the problem itself. That's insanity. And needless to say (in my opinion) at least somewhat suspicious...
And this goes back to the (actual and perfect example, meaning, and spirit of) the quote that: "A nation divided against itself cannot stand." For Trump (if sincere) seems to be giving Sanders an opportunity for a common sense solution, but Sanders seems to (stupidly) insist on continuing to call Trump the worst president in american history, for seemingly political motives. Which, I think, is a bad strategy. I mean, worse then Bush? Come on? (Okay, even given the fact that Trump at one point, did actually shut down the government and all). Yet, all things considered, in relation to some of the positive things Sanders did fight for in the stimulus bill, I agree with some of the points made here, in the sense, that Sanders once again did seem to (deliberately) screw up; where he could have at least really tried, to seize on this opportunity, for the benefit of the country, and the millions of people who are now going to be without health insurance...
Never-the-less, I have to say, he is still at least, light years better then Biden, and Clinton, for example, which is really not saying much to begin with. But, it also goes to just another example, as to why our country has become so messed up: A lack of wisdom, and true, honest leadership. For, "a nation divided against itself cannot stand."
And with all the things already against him, Sanders has to at least come across as being real, sincere, firm, and wise. Sad. Once again, sad. What a freakin' mess...
In other words: "You break it, you fix it!"(?) It therefore, becomes the responsibility of those who created this mess in the first place, if we have any kind of decency left among our leaders, and politicians, to begin with...
For the same reasons as indicated above however, I do not necessarily agree with absolutely everything spoken about during this interview. Enough said. Whew...
"What a difference from the Biden interviews lately" -evolused (YouTube Viewer)
Friday, April 3, 2020
Tucker Carlson Tonight 4/2/20
Yea, I happened to catch the full show (on Fox News, of all places) and WAS surprised.
Don't necessarily agree with everything that was said, but whew, finally some sanity in the midst of all the madness, on national television and cable news. Overall, this was a great show, and some very wise (and insightful) talking points by Tucker Carlson (that just common sense will tell one, DEFINITELY needs to be addressed) I have to say;
while MSNBC and CNN (for example) just keep promoting more constant hysteria. Sad...
"And....America is being destroyed from within. Open and leave everything open...will more ppl die, yep. If you keep every thing closed for 6 months or more, the country will be destroyed. Too bad, but Dr faucci or whatever his name is still has his job. This whole thing is ridiculous and a sham" -Jeff Curtis (YouTube Viewer)
Case in point...
Hmm, interesting. So what is REALLY going on? I have to say though, I would be very suspicious if Sweden's current approach to the Corona Virus Pandemic scare changes, because it looks to me to be a very wise policy, that does seem to be working;
and the majority of the population do seem to support it, and that says ALLOT in itself...
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Trends Journal: From Dirty Cash to Digital Trash
Yea, I TOTALLY agree, Governor Cuomo is freakin' OUT OF CONTROL!
He is PURE ego, and arrogance, and a dangerous sociopath, in my strong opinion anyway. It seems to me, that he is like 10x worse then even his father...
I lived in New York, when his father, Mario, was governor. He was an extreme Neo-Liberal (who never saw an oppressive tax that he didn't like) and the main reason why I had become a registered Republican back then, before eventually, years later, registering as a Democrat during the disaster that was the Bush presidency...
But yea, Andrew Cuomo is a POTENTIAL disaster himself. He is using this situation for his own political ends. He is a potential NIGHTMARE! Take it from me...
Looks like the establishment Democrats have really fu**ed themselves BIG TIME this time around. With all that said, however, I do not necessarily agree with Celente's rather brief assesment of FDR, when he became president at the beginning of the Great Depression back in the 1930's. Cuomo is DEFINITELY NO FDR! (Even if he is attempting to pretend to be, for political reasons, and negative political motives). Although, in all honesty, I would need to do more reseach regarding what Celente is saying, that seems to be in reference to the confiscation of gold during that presidency, and as a response to the severity of the Depression back then. (Which many believe, was sorta' like, an indirect result of the somewhat recently established Federal Reserve, and its influence on the economy and the stock market, to begin with). I mean, FDR may not have been perfect, and maybe even made some mistakes, but one thing is for sure, neither Cuomo nor Biden are even REMOTELY close to being like FDR...
Neither here nor there, but I am beginning to start to believe (as often suggested by Jimmy Dore for instance) that we need some kind of separate, alternative, major third party, with the base foundation of its platform being the public funding of elections. Because (once again) its like WAY out of control now. But again, that's basically up to the american people. Some interesting YouTube viewer comments:
"The country is committing suicide out of fear of death." -D. Anderson
"This is not about a virus." -Bk Bk
Case in point...
However, with all these things being said, and what Jimmy Dore fails to mention, here anyway, is that Bernie Sanders (an Independent, who often votes along Democratic lines) did fight (big time) for a just Unemployment Insurance Compensation package, that many of the Republicans, like Lindsey Graham for instance, are against. Let's face it, they totally screwed up the economy to begin with, with all the forced business closings, so what are people supposed to do? Work for min wage, if they can even get that? (Most people cannot pay their bills with that to begin with). And I think Pres. Trump would still sign this bill, which does go to what Dore has been saying, about Trump actually going to the left of some of the establishment Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Manchin, for instance. However, the fear mongering among many of the Democrats, HAS JUST GOT to stop. Its scaring people half to death, and what has been a primary factor in causing the destruction of the economy to begin with.
In other words, they owe it to the country to begin wtih, for fu**ing it up, in the first place!
And it very well may turn out to be, just all smoke and mirrors, as it is now all just digital money anyway; because with a flick of the switch (so to speak) the Federal Reserve (and Central Banks) could technically establish, like a year of Jubilee, and wipe out all world debt to begin with! So, we have to see where this ultimately all REALLY goes,
it seems to me...
Friday, March 13, 2020
Gov't Imbeciles Destroying Global Economy
Yea, I may not always agree with Gerald Celente's choice of words, expressions, and such, but I think he is right on. And looks like I was RIGHT ON once again myself. Because, remember what I wrote in my previous post below dated March 8th? I said: "The course the country is presently on, is basically unsustainable. I mean, its like a law of physics. Which leads me to believe, this is all leading to something, in relation to some kind of agenda, quite possibly. As I know, that many of the type of individuals involved, are also certifiably insane." Well, here we go. Just like I said. ('Cause I know their psychological profile LIKE A BOOK now!) And this may not even be the "end all, be all," as the saying goes. This could eventually fizzle out, and they could come up with something else to take its place. Or they could possibly continue this indefinitely, or until a certain purpose is achieved. Either way, it all boils down to the same thing. One way or the other. I have to say though, this definitely reminds me of 9/11 in allot of ways. That's what I mean: Same sh*t, different story. Jeez, no further comment...
They're watching this. (The bad guys, I mean). I'm getting that strong impression again. (But why?) Hmm. It'll come to me. It ALWAYS does...
Yea, I agree with some of the comments on YouTube regarding this video, in particular, the comment in reference to it all being about the Globalist agenda, and control.
I don't necessarily believe that EVERYONE (among the elite) is evil, or that EVERTHING is a conspiracy though. (Although, of course, the bad guys watching this thing, IS like conspiracy related, from what I am seeing, hearing, and intuitively picking up).
I do think (or would like to think, anyway) that there are still some pretty good leaders out there, though some may also be somewhat mis-guided. And I do also believe, that there is always hope, although much of that also depends on a mass awakening of decent people doing the right thing, and acting in the right way; which will determine which countries (and communities) ultimately succeed (or fail) and which countries learn from the experience, or just stay out of this mess altogether, like Iceland, for example...
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Bernie Warns of Biden's BIG Weakness
Therefore, we very well may be watching the election being rigged right in front of our very eyes, in real time! There's no other real explanation, except for the general American voting public being extremely and deliberately stupid. And if the election is being rigged, that is another very serious warning sign, that we have officially become like a Banana Republic, and that the nation is in decline. It is a known fact, in itself, that electronic voting machines are easy to rig. (In fact, I have excellent reason to believe, that this very thing is what was going on during the re-election bid of George W Bush during the last decade). This has also very credibly been exposed in the past, in various documentaries and the like. This is also, a VERY serious crime. Hopefully, Senator Sanders will be aware of this, and (like Trump during the 2016 election) have a professional team of people on the ground. Of course, that probably costs allot of money, but he also, I would think, has access to the Secret Service for instance. In fact, investigating election fraud is part of their job description. Oh well. Right now, at least, as you can see in this video discussion, it doesn't look very good for this country.
Most of the establishment elite DEFINITELY does not want Sanders to be president. Because, it is as George Carlin said, that they basically: "want more for themselves, and less for everybody else." And of course, the American main stream media, like CNN and MSNBC for example, has allot of power, in fact (as is the consensus from allot of professionals) too much power, to influence our elections as well. (As they are part of that same establishment elite to begin with). However, the course the country is presently on, is basically unsustainable. I mean, its like a law of physics. Which leads me to believe, this is all leading to something, in relation to some kind of agenda, quite possibly. (As I know, that many of the type of individuals involved, are also certifiably insane). But still, the american people have to smarten up, or its pretty much over. Sad. No further comment...
Joe Rogan SHOCKED By Hitler Conspiracy Theory
Whoa. So, it does seem like there were allot of Nazis, and quite possibly even Hitler himself, that not only escaped capture in Germany, but escaped to South America; as well as, being recruited and re-established in the U.S. by the CIA. I do know that it is a fact, in relation to Operation Paperclip, for example, that allot of these guys were relocated to Fort Detrick, Maryland. In fact, I remember when I lived in the area (before I learned about Operation Paperclip myself) I can recall noticing, and thought it kind of curious and somewhat odd, that there were allot of people there, including allot of kids (ya know, like teenage males for instance) who had these rather strong arian like features, and characteristics. So it very well could be, that many of these Nazis transports had made the area their home, and actually started families there.
Just sayin'...
Friday, February 14, 2020
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Friday, February 7, 2020
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Sunday, January 12, 2020
George Harrison: All Things Pass
I will never forget the time when George Harrison had passed away. I was just moving from my apartment in Frederick, Maryland to the house I rented in Walkersville, for like the next eleven years of my life. (And an old magazine that just happened to be laying there, in the living room, featuring an interview with Harrison, with his picture on the cover, like staring right back at me!) It really saddened me, for more reasons then one. 'Cause now, two Beatles were gone. Both John Lennon, and George Harrison. (You can never really replace people like that). No doubt, the attack on his life mentioned here, several years before his death, may very well have shortened his life in some way...
I can also still remember, when I was a kid, and being blown away by the All Things Must Pass album. I used to play it over and over again. Harrison was not only a brilliant singer-songwriter and musician, but also, a fantastic human being...
Note: It seems the particular video above may not be viewable on this blog using Google Chrome. Something about the browser not supporting HTML 5 video.
That one caught me by surprise. Never seen that message before. It is a pretty good documentary (and tribute) so here is the link, to at least view it on YouTube:
Does play on this blog using Internet Explorer however. (Seems to be the way the blog is constructed, or something). Fancy that. Rest in peace, George...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
What Has Happened to Gibson Guitars?
Yea, its really a shame, as to what has happened to Gibson Guitars. Gibson has always been like an american institution for allot of guitar players, and was once as american as apple pie, but has since, unfortunately, gone the way of all too many american companies. (And institutions). At least, that's the way it is right now...
"They jumped the shark when they started making a guitar that tunes itself instead of a guitar that stays in tune." -Danny Jesse (YouTube Viewer)
"$5000 guitars that's what went wrong." -ZapAndTroy44 (YouTube Viewer)
Friday, January 10, 2020
Neil Young Reveals the Secrets to Hit Records
"I like to play with people who can play simple and are not threatened by other musicians thinking they can't play. So that eliminates 99 percent of all musicians."
- Neil Young (YouTube Viewer CBS67)
"The example of genuine humility, honesty and professionalism. He is spelling out the absolute truth about what it takes to make the music happen. How few tell it as truthfully as he did." -Vini Cola (YouTube Viewer)
Yea, I have even more respect for Neil Young after watching this interview. Good stuff...
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted
Just heard this in my car. Great track. Big surprise...
Music Video IS kinda' dark though, and a little weird, I have to say. But, that is sorta' like a reflection of the Entertainment Industry itself, in a way, where it like targets a certain kind of demographic following; and some artists (and their promoters) may use that to their advantage, and as part of their marketing strategy. Just sayin'...
But yea, never-the-less, it is a surprisingly beautiful track for sure, with a kind of ethereally unique sound...
Very interesting. Very cute...
Very interesting. Very cute...
Democrats Pretend To Oppose Iran Attack They Enabled
Yep, right once again, regarding what I said on my website. (That something was most likely going to happen now, and to watch what comes out in the Mainstream Media,
and what some of the pundits and politicians say, in more ways then one).
Yea, I'm not a big fan of Iran myself, but there are certain truths expressed in this video, that are just too hard to ignore. (And that I understand myself). Its all just a sick game, by individuals playing both sides of the fence, because of all the Military/Defense related money they take, and for other reasons...
Once again, President Eisenhower himself warned us all those years ago, when he said in so many words: "Watch America's newly formed: 'Military Industrial Complex', because we may have a very serious problem there, and which may have to be dealt with later on..." He himself, was basically saying, that he knows that all the money now flowing into that industry (and the quest for more money) may very well cause an extremely serious corruption problem, that has the potential to effect not only the U.S., but the entire world itself...
As American history continues, my prediction, is that we are going to see a greater and greater distinction between the legitimately tuned in, and the mindless, and even quite possibly, the mass exodus of those who are wise enough to know the difference and understand all the warning signs. And, who (like myself) despise the deep insanity; recognizing the very serious dangers of its resulting senselessness, and lunacy...
Albert Einstein recognized that very similar kind of deep insanity himself, during the rise of the Third Reich in Germany, for instance, and was smart enough to get out of a place that he knew was headed for deliberate self-destruction, as he also watched the persecution of those who seemed to be cut from a different cloth. (Including himself).
As a matter of fact, this influenced, and formed the basis for allot of Einstein's views.
Case in point...
And here we go again! It seems like once you watch a video on YouTube from a certain channel you are subscribed to, YouTube will keep recommending other similar content, even if you just happen to be viewing something else. (Which I really don't mind, and think is kinda cool). But because of that, I just inadvertantly came across another very similar subject matter by Jimmy Dore, like the video above it. And it just happens to be another mind blower. Ya know, I really don't want to believe EVERYONE in the FBI is like this, or we got some real serious problems. Although, I'm not naive either, I DEFINITELY know there are bad apples within the agency, but wow, once again, this is some incredible information, and would kind of explain allot; and really, is extremely important, and has some serious repercussions for the whole country. Therefore, I'm just gonna' take a chance and post my own comment to this post on Jimmy's YouTube channel below...
"Whoa. Wait a minute. (Never saw this before). Did I just read and understand that correctly, Jimmy? The Intercept tweet, posted by Glenn Greenwald, that you presented here, mentions some kind of 2016 spying scandal, not only by the FBI, but by the Mainstream Media as well?!!! (Hmm). Damn. That's mind boggling, to say the least.
So, does that mean there are bad elements within the agency, that are actually presenting shit to other bad elements within these media outlets like MSNBC and CNN for example? Like some kind of MK ULTRA shit? For like personal reasons and things like that? Ya know, that's a VERY serious crime, right? Just sayin' man. Thanks for presenting this, Jimmy. Makes ME think. Because, I myself, have heard some like incredibly strange, sociopath type shit coming out of the mouths of some these hosts, pundits, and politicians. Ya see, I was one of the few honest people who lived in the area of Maryland, where the Feds themselves had traced the source of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. I sorta like witnessed the cover-up as it was happening. So, I am sure, they already know, that I know, what was really going on. Because, I was being targeted myself. Not necessarily by the FBI, but by the seriously sick individuals involved in the crime. (Ya see, I know the crime was definitely not the work of one 'lone' scientist). However, it kinda opens up a whole nother' can of worms, if you know what I mean? Because, of course, to cover up a crime, makes one guilty of a crime. Whew.
Kinda' makes sense in a way, but not gonna' go there. Ya think I should get legal representation? In other words, do you think I got a case? I know I probably wont get an answer, but anyone's guess is as good as mine, as to what kind of attorney would be willing to go down that rabbit hole... However, most likely would make them famous,
as being the case of the century, HANDS DOWN!!!"
Now, of course, regarding the searching for legal assistance thing (and at the risk of sounding paranoid and all) common sense would tell one, that this opens up a whole 'nother can of worms as well, in relation to the content in this video, and my comment above, as to, the illegal spying issue for malicious reasons, or gain. Which would be another VERY serious crime, in itself. (Spooks possibly involved in the crime, or to just keep the whole matter from being exposed, would have the kind of technology that most ordinary citizens just wouldn't have, for instance). But not gonna' go there either.
So, any decent person just trying to live their life in peace and unhindered, can see the seriousness, and dangers, as to what is presented in the above video, and that certain laws would have to be amended or changed, at the very least, to protect a person's civil rights, and who has commited no crime especially (or who may be the witness of a crime) from certain rogue shit. (If you know what I mean?) But, I still would like to believe, the majority of individuals within the FBI are decent people, although I also am aware, that money (such as bribes to look the other way, and the like) definitely has the potential to corrupt. (And there is definitely a history there, of this kind of abuse of power as well, and even where certain individuals within the agency have also gone to prison). Especially, if the individual who is being targeted, does not know what is really going on, and if these things are sorta' like being done behind the scenes; and when it is in relation to a certain kind of VERY serious, conspiratorial related crime, that I mention above for instance. As these things, of course, can also be used to attempt to set up that person in some way, as part of that cover-up, or for whatever reason. And that's something else I picked up on, that I am not going to get into here, as well...
Bottom line, if there is deep corruption within the agency itself, it has to be cleaned up, and people would have to go to prison (including certain individuals who may be involved in the media itself). Because, as many of our politicians are now saying themselves: "No one is above the law". (But that is beyond the scope of this post).
End of story...
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