Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Long Island Serial Killings & The People Magazine Documentary

If anyone from Long Island believes they have any information about this case, they should go to the authorities. However, my strong feeling about it, is that it goes deep. And that, there are definitely individuals (some of them, criminal bikers for instance), who do have some kind of inside knowledge of the crime, that crosses state lines. Sorta like, a network of psychopath (career) criminals, who are involved in different kinds of (inside & outside) crimes: and because they are psychopaths to begin with, (and because they have been like getting away with these things for so long, right under law enforcement's nose if you will), bizarre crimes related to satanic like murder, is just like a part of their dark personality, 
and their way of brazenly pushing the envelope even further... 
(And I have excellent reason to believe, they also sorta' like know each other, in more ways then one). Gonna' leave it at that for now, because I also strongly believe (and for more reasons then one), that it gets even more bizarre then that. It's always the way... 
Kinda' weird though, that People magazine, of all things, surprisingly, all of sudden, decides to do a documentary about the case, after I briefly mentioned it here, in my previous blog post. Just sayin'. Have to see where it goes I guess, as I have my reasons for kinda' losing my faith in american law enforcement (and our media) to begin with. Generally speaking. (And being that the country itself has become so corrupt). Because, I guarantee, (with the right help that is), that I could probably solve the crime in about a month...
O.K (regarding how bizarre crimes like this are often known about across state lines, by other like-minded individuals, regardless of whether it is related to this particular crime or not), let's check for any strange (and somewhat recent) comments here (on my blog) shall we? And see if anything in particular makes that person angry, for no apparent reason. (Someone who may even barely look human for example). Wait a minute, what's this? That's right, I sorta' forgot about that comment on my (Dick Cheney) blog post dated June 18th, 2014. W.T.F.? Seems really pissed for some reason. 
Hmm, where's he from? Whoa, pretty strange. In fact, it looks like he deleted his picture (on Google+) since he first posted the comment. And even where he is from! (Wow, that is EXACTLY what I was picking-up. That he was somewhat nervous about being too obvious, for some reason). But from what I remember, his profile indicated that he was from Maryland, living in North Carolina. Unbelievable sh*t. Only in America man...

Monday, October 17, 2016

For Halloween: Documentary My Amityville horror

O.K. Surprisingly well done documentary man, which I am posting here because of the Halloween season and all. Not quite sure what to make of it at this time, except to say,
that I definitely lived in the area during the time the Amityville Horror events (as they were called) took place, (to include both the Defeo and the Lutz family stories), about 2 towns away, on the South Shore of Long Island, in Lindenhurst, New York. In fact, I will never forget the story about how Ronald Defeo went to a bar on Montauk Hwy in Amityville called: 'The Witches Brew' (believe it or not) and told everyone in the bar that he had just murdered his entire family! As a matter of fact, I actually knew a fairly close high school friend at the time, who used to perform and play guitar at this very bar, and so I can personally attest to the fact that such a bar did actually exist; as I had been there several times myself to see him play. I mean, of all places to go, the kid actually went to a bar called: 'The Witches Brew'! (Which was maybe, just about a few blocks from the Amity house itself). Right after he murdered his entire family no less! So the story goes, anyway...
Kinda' gives you goosebumps. Long Island definitely had its share of bizarre and unusual stories, that also got national attention in the news. The latest, from what I understand, is what is known as the Long Island serial killings, which is still unsolved at the present time...

But I have to say, this has got to be the best take on the Amityville Horror story that I have seen myself, and was really surprised. Especially, regarding the main character, Daniel Lutz, who I also have to say, seems pretty credible man. And even kinda' looks familiar, now that I think about it. But I knew so many people from the area, as I grew up and went to Junior High and High School there, and also played music with allot of people over the years. Who knows. Great documentary though...

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Jesse Ventura Interview with Cenk Uygur on The Young Turks

Great interview with the one and only: Jesse Ventura...

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Proof: US Media HATES Peace, LOVES War"

As in the case of Alex Jones (who I mention in the previous post), I don't necessarily agree with everything Gerald Celente says either, but I do agree with most of the things he discusses in this video. Especially, regarding the brilliant 'Occupy Peace' movement (and website) he founded. Good stuff...

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Who Killed Tracey Kirkpatrick?

Just saw this story on Unsolved Mysteries. Caught my attention because it not only mentioned Frederick, MD but also Walkersville, MD! As I had lived in both Frederick (for about a year), and Walkersville, for about 11 years of my life; (and worked in Frederick for about 9 years of my life), although this crime seemed to have happened many years before I had moved to the area. Several things caught my attention about the story...
First, the comments from the psychic, and the accent of the person's voice who seemingly confessed to the murder. For whatever it's worth, I kinda recognize the accent.
It is similar to a West Virginia like droll, common to allot of people from the area.
Which means, whoever made the call was at least most likely from the area itself...
Very sad story of course, and probably hundreds of them from across the United States, but post it here, because of the particular area where the crime took place, and the particularly unusual nature of the story itself...
It was a pretty strange area man, to begin with. I mean, it was actually the place where the feds had traced the source of the anthrax attacks! (Although some years later it would seem). And no surprise, that the Frederick police may have botched the case, and that according to the psychic therefore, it may have even been an inside job in some way...

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Vice-Presidential Debate: The Young Turks SUMMARY

I agree with Cenk Uygur regarding allot of the things that he talks about in this discussion on The Young Turks YouTube Channel, in reference to the Vice Presidential Debate last night, and in relation to most of the subject matter chosen for the Debate...
In my (objective) opinion though, I personally think Tim Kaine won this debate hands down, except for the fact that he kept interrupting Mike Pence during much of the first half of the debate, which I think kinda' hurt him, and made him look more like an attack dog then anything else, and was a big turn-off...
But yea, I wanted to share Cenk's commentary here, because I think he was right-on and makes a very profound point about the 'real' issues thing. (Which are my feelings exactly). The really important issues that is, which effect and concern most american citizens.
I mean, do most Americans really care about our relationship with Syria for instance?
I don't think so. I certainly don't. I think we got enough problems and challenges right here at home, without having to meddle in the rest of the world's business. That's why we pay taxes. Unreal...

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Abby Martin Blasts Rachel Maddow for 9/11 Comments | Weapons of Mass Dis...

Just had to share this great (needed to be said) commentary by Abby Martin, which I just recently came across on YouTube, and which (much to my surprise) sorta' like expresses my own opinion as well...
I definitely agree with Abby on this one, as much as I also still kinda' like and respect Rachel Maddow myself. Her show has definitely changed in allot of ways from when it first started some time ago already. (See some of my previous posts on this Blog for instance).
I also remember being quite shocked when I first heard some of Rachel's comments, in relation to what Abby Martin discusses in the following video commentary, as well... 
And when you look at it objectively, it is most likely in relation to the fact that MSNBC has also considerably changed over the years. And the reasons are, probably because, they are basically a 'Mainstream', (Pro-Establishment), Corporate Media cable news channel to begin with, really not much different then Fox News and CNN in that regard for example; and have pretty much become somewhat more similar to them over the years, most likely because of who their biggest (corporate) sponsors and subsequently, who most of their political pundits now are. (If this wasn't the case, I would have probably been in the news a long time ago man; just from some of the incredible things that I have somewhat reluctantly exposed and shared on my website for example, regarding some of my experiences and revelations in relation to living in the area where the feds initially traced the source of the anthrax attacks for instance. Although, I GUARANTEE many of the pundits and news anchors are already aware of the things that I have exposed regarding this bizarre crime, and probably for more reasons then one; just from some of the disturbing things that I have heard from some of these same pundits and news anchors alone. Including Rachel Maddow! Much to my own astonishment. Therefore, some of her "crazy conspiracy theorist" comments). And most likely, the reason why Chris Hayes dropped the ball on the story about the "Rainy Day Funds" thing for example, and why you never heard any additional news reports about that (potential bombshell) subject anymore, as they increasingly steer away from the 'real' issues that effect all of us; because of who is REALLY pulling their strings. (See my May 14th, 2013 blog post). Everything is relative...
Hence, that is also probably why other (Progressive) anchors like Keith Olberman, Cenk Uygur, and Ed Shultz are no longer with the network, much to the channel's detriment, in my opinion anyway; as well as, being the opinion of many other viewers, from what I understand, also. And has more and more, become like just another propaganda machine, in many ways; although, (in all fairness) from time to time, every so often, Maddow and the Network do still come out with some pretty interesting, informative, and sometimes even revealing (and factual) stuff, despite themselves, never-the-less...