"Just in case no one has told you lately, I'm proud of you. For moving through the mess no matter how hard it is at times. For building resilience and strength every single time you get back up after a long and treacherous fall. For getting up every day despite the heaviness that has settled into your heart. For having the courage to persevere through the storm. For holding on to the hope that something better is awaiting you on the other side of the mountain. For continuing to cradle that hope when everything around you is unknown. That takes strength, bravery, courage, and that is something worth being proud of." -Aakkii (YouTube Viewer).
I don't necessarily agree with everything Jimmy Dore says here (or EVERYTHING Jimmy Dore says, period) but I DO agree with the premise of what he is saying here: That "a Nation divided against itself cannot stand." (Abraham Lincoln). And I also agree (which I think is also pretty obvious and self evident) that IT DOES seem like something insidious has been happening for some time now in this regard, especially within the corporate (non-independent) media, as a form of control; because when people do unite (and agree) on key (common sense) hot button issues for instance (not on a particular political party affiliation per se') whether it originates from 'the left' or 'the right', it threatens their own (all too often selfish) agenda, and stranglehold on the truth.
It's all about sincerity, character (having an open mind) and thinking for yourself...
For instance: "Thank you Jimmy. I'm a conservative who watches your show because the establishment wants us divided over hot button issues so we don't unite to break their control. It doesn't matter what I disagree with you on because no one represents us. The status quo represents the oligarchs." -David Phillips (YouTube Viewer).
I think this whole subject matter is EXTREMELY important to grasp, to begin with (and SO currently relevant). Which is why, when I caught the Jimmy Dore video above, I thought it may be even worth (and couldn't resist) blogging about it, starting with sharing his video above...
And here is just one other example, but from a different perspective, if you REALLY get what I mean...
"But when you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out..."
"This is one of the most important documentaries that all Americans should watch."
-James M (YouTube Viewer). Yea. Damn, this is good stuff...
"You know, I remember when all this Covid mess started and vaccines started being made, I remember saying to my son "when did Johnson and Johnson go from making shampoo to making medicine?" Kinda as a joke yet a real question. I never knew that Rockefeller or Carnegie had anything to do with medicine at all. Thank you for the lesson." -TD (YouTube Viewer).
Hey, has anyone seen the Peyronies-Disease commercials yet?! (Ya know, the pill for Crooked Dick?!) Oh, yea. What a racket. Too Deep...
Since the initial video documentary I shared here with this blog post "has been removed by the uploader", I am posting the above (much shorter) video. The original video was freakin' brilliant and VERY comprehensive, and extremely important information, and really puzzled as to why it was removed, by the YouTube Channel itself no less!
(I don't get it. W.T.F.?!!!) But this video still seems to pretty much sum it up...
Whew. Sick sh*t. Yea, some deep cultural pathologies for sure. Once again, just one more example as to why we need at least a (strong, credible, and effective) 3rd major political party, not beholden to anyone except their constituents. The 2 party system is just not working anymore, and more often then not, seems to particularly attract sociopaths. But (once again) that's up to the American people themselves. (Generally speaking). Everything is relative...
And neither here nor there, but while I'm on this (in my strong opinion) we also need members of Congress with the guts and credibility (possibly even using the anti-trust laws already on the books) to break-up the corporate monopoly strangle-hold and control the Main Stream Media has on so much of the information we get. Because, I get the strong feeling (and can plainly see and hear myself) that there's definitely something going on there. For instance, it's actually become like they have more power then our lawmakers! And that's a problem...
Another case in point, that all these things is a result of deep cultural pathologies that seem to be particularly unique to the United States: Our very society has become sick. No doubt about it. This is just one more example of that. In fact, I have seen and read way too many scenarios similar to this, myself...
Video of Uvalde parents with cops -- "y'all keep fighting with us, go fight that mfer!" pic.twitter.com/icDG2J595a
Yea, this is a strange thing on Twitter. (This definitely doesn't only apply to Joe Biden). And it's DEFINITELY something that I have noticed myself: There's ALLOT of weird (and suspicious) accounts on Twitter! Finally, we at least get something here about it...
And here we go. Ready? ITS TIME FOR GERALD!
Disclaimer: Don't agree with everything (and quite the way he puts it) but still right-on...
Yea, its odd that they're attempting to do this now, I'll give you that. Could be something or someone else trying to pull their strings (in some way) for some reason...
I do have to say (and agree) though, that in using Anthony Fauci as a spokesman for Disinformation is ironic at best, and almost laughable, if it wasn't so sad and disturbing. Just my opinion, mind you. But speaking of irony, the Nazis themselves used the same kind of (propaganda) tactics like: "Protecting 'The Homeland' from disinformation." (For instance). Believe it, or not. Not to even mention, the fact that allot of these guys take money from the pharmaceutical industry to begin with. Bottom line: If it is an insult to one's intelligence, it is suspect...
Yea, some really interesting stuff here, but I still believe Putin is a monster, and Zelensky really had no other honorable choice but to defend his country...
With all that being said however, I do think that the Pope hit the nail on the head, about Putin (possibly) being deliberately provoked, and the related (possible) reasons as to why that could be. (Interesting turn of events when you consider that the Vatican basically did nothing during the Holocaust. Although, of course, there was different Pope at the helm back then). But, no further comment. Sad...
Yea, I knew there was a problem with AOC, and some of the other progressives,
when their mantra became: defunding the police! Something about it was just really strange (and insincere) and quite frankly, REALLY DUMB. And off...
And now here, with this story (which has made them look hollow, disingenuous, hypocritical, and phony) has really earned them (and rightly so) some pretty harsh criticism. Which could very well also be reflected in the mid-term elections. (Showing them to be like their own worst enemy). With all the being said however, I myself do believe that the public funding of elections (and not taking corporate money) should be like a basic foundation; which IS sorta' like part of the progressive politician's platform. And in that respect, still makes them better then most of the other hollow, disingenuous, hypocritical, and phony politicians, BY FAR! But, this is just another example (that as they have in many European countries) why we need more then just two political (controlling) parties to begin with; as the Democratic party itself (like the Republican Party) does not have a ban on taking corporate money as part of their platform to begin with. There, seems to be the problem. Although it doesn't necessarily eliminate bad candidates, it cuts the problem of corrupt (selfish) politicians, like Mitch McConnell for example, entering the political arena (for their own self interests) by ALLOT! But that's up to the American people themselves...
And speaking of Mitch McConnell, this is one hell of an unusual, but interesting video (no pun intended) for more reasons then one. Oh, yea...
Yea, the American Corporate Media has become a HUGE problem...
It makes you cringe in expectation as to what story they are going peddle next.
(They are basically owned by only about 6 corporations now, and since Bill Clinton signed into law the Telecommunications Act of 1996). It's sorta' like, in the movie Network (all those years ago) where the acclaimed anchor Howard Beale was killed because of falling ratings! Like many of our politicians, our media is now mostly beholden to their corporate donors and sponsors and what gets the most ratings, as opposed to uncovering the truth and promoting peace for instance. And it very well may just be another sad example of a nation in decline. (But I hope not myself). Once again, decent people have to wake up. (Which is why allot of people get their news from YouTube and Social Media now, like in this video commentary from Jimmy Dore).
In other words, its all about greed now. (Instead of Integrity). For the most part anyway...
Disclaimer: Just want to say, that I do not necessarily agree with EVERYTHING Jimmy Dore says either. But on this point, for example, I strongly believe he is RIGHT ON!
He's got to stop the tongue thing though (in my opinion) it makes him look a little unbalanced. Its like someone who just told you something that blows your mind, and then like, starts scratching their ass or something! It makes you go: "Noo. Aagghh!!!"
(Similar thing with Gerald Celente for instance, who often says things that just makes you cringe, after just saying something else that makes you go wow). Sorry Jimmy.
No offense. Just some constructive criticism there...
Yep, its just like I said in a previous post, as a definite possibility, and what the implications of that could very well be. And definitely no further comment, if the sociopaths are reading this. Whew. It seems there is just no end to their folly. (And most people don't even get it!) Damn. Although, it is really not written in stone yet, our nation is still dangerously close. Its like karma, in a way. (America's crimes are VERY great). But my prayer is still, that God makes a way out for decent, honest people, who deserve better; whichever way it goes...
And now, some of our leaders (and media) are actually pushing the narrative that Russia may launch a biological weapon attack! Instead of negotiating peace.
(We've seen this scenario before).
Yea, these guys have their head up their ass, to say the least. No doubt about it. Wow. And, once again, I can't help but thinking about what Gerald Celente has said:
"The 20th Century was the U.S. century, but the 21st Century will be China's century." And I am not a big fan of China either; as far as its political system anyway...
As soon as I heard Biden, seeming deliberately (and in a sociopath-like manner) praise George W. Bush in one of his speeches about a month or so ago, I instinctively knew (for sure) we had some serious problems; and wallah! Putin (who IS obviously a madman) knows Bush and Cheney, for example, were like War Criminals themselves, and he (as well as other dictators) uses it as propaganda with his own people.
That's one of the BIG reasons, I myself have always believed, that there HAS TO BE accountability when our own people commit war crimes themselves; but sadly, former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (for instance) was pretty much just about the only one who actually called for the impeachment of Pres. Bush himself! As mind boggling as that is in itself. (To me, anyway). And that's (once again, sadly) but just one example of course. So now, what we have, is basically "the pot calling the kettle black". A REALLY bad position to be in, except for the fact, that as Chris Hedges states here, Putin foolishly took the bait (because, as many self-centered dictators who have gone before him, has become totally irrational) and gone ahead and murderously killed innocent civilians, including women and children. (Instead of prudently and wisely holding back, and taking the matter of the NATO expansion thing for instance, to the UN). Thus making him a pariah (as he deserves to be) in the eyes of most of the free world; but has now also become even more dangerous then he was before! (Let's just hope this doesn't become like that final scene from Planet of The Apes, w Charlton Heston cursing our leaders as he beats his fist into the sand!) Just my two cents here. But yea, this is really serious. The COVID pandemic thing may have just been a prelude. (See my previous post).
But hopefully, they will surprisingly come to their senses, and cooler heads will prevail. Maybe, something like a vision of hell that the children were shown in the alleged visions of Our Lady of Fatima?! Only kidding. But not really...
(Yea, that's the ticket. Like in that scene from High Anxiety. Have their aides drop acid in their drinks, and then before they turn around, put on like a fake pair of fangs and scare the sh*t out of them! Na'. I prefer the Lady of Fatima thing myself). You knuckleheads. WHAT WILL THEY DO NEXT?!
"Hell and destruction are never full, so the eyes of man are never satisfied.
-Proverbs 27:20" (generalmax/YouTube Viewer). May be...
Oh, yea. You crazy MF's. 'I KNOW' you're capable. No doubt about it...
"Possibly the most iconic ending in movie history." -Tom McFarland (YouTube Viewer)
"I was 11 when I saw this movie and I've never forgotten the horror gasp from the audience of this ending. It's etched in my mind forever." -Steve Jorfi (YouTube Viewer)
Way ahead of his time. He said it years ago, man. "Good people have to wake up"...
Whoa. I was never a fan of Putin myself (I really don't like the guy) to be perfectly honest, but yea, lets face it, our Western Media, and many of our leaders for instance, have lost ALLOT of credibility, especially over the last several decades or so (and that's being kind) so I am always kinda' skeptical that we are getting the WHOLE truth to begin with; and therefore, do not necessarily buy into EVERYTHING they may be telling us. (Just from experience alone). We are basically only getting one side of the story from our Corporate Media. But never-the-less, if I was Putin, I would show myself the better man, and just get out of Ukraine. It's DEFINITELY not worth World War III. (Not to mention the continuing sanctions on his country and his people). In that case, NOBODY wins! Although (as much as I hate to say it) I do get the fact (I mean, I know our people like a book now) that it does look like the West (particularly the U.S.) did provoke him with breaking the agreement NOT TO EXPAND NATO! End of story.
(I mean, this was ALL predicted as to what would happen, if the West tried to do JUST THAT! It was like a NO BRAINER). I mean, who really wants peace here? There HAS GOT TO BE some kind of truce, and a seriously sincere consideration of peace talks. By not putting that on the table (to begin with) and continuing to squeeze Putin, is only going to be considered by him as an act of aggression. Especially, if he REALLY HAS BECOME, ya know, somewhat disconnected from reality to begin with. It would be like (deliberately) provoking a bear trying to protect her cubs. (No pun intended). It would be like playing with fire, and EXTREMELY dangerous. Let's just hope to God, that's not what Biden (and his military advisors) really wanted to do. Because, in all honesty, Biden himself... Yea, I'm not even going to go there. Have to see where this all goes. Once again! (Because they can't fool ME, man. I know too much, and am too smart. Just being honest. I know myself. I'm an honest person by nature. But that's besides the point). Whew. What a bunch of characters, man...
Wow. Another political commentary by Celente, as only he can lose his mind! (Damn).
Yea, it never seems to end with these guys. Holy sh*t. How do they sleep at night?
You have to be like, borderline insane, I guess...
Yea, this is not only troubling, but it is also unlawful; and a violation of The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and The Bill of Rights. End of story...
"The most basic question is not what is best, but who decides what is best."
- Thomas Sowell (Ricardo Juliet, YouTube Viewer)
"Let’s give them the reset they deserve. Reset the government and remove lobbyists, add term limits, and restrict political public trading." -Dirt Opera (YouTube Viewer) Exactly!
Yea (once again) I am not particularly very religious, but this passage from the Christian Bible is kinda' interesting (for more reasons then one) as it also seems to sorta' line up with many other so called (spiritual) prophecies within other cultures (and religions) around the world as well...
And while I'm on this, just to show what absolute morons these guys really are, there is another very interesting quote in the Bible that says: "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but only to lose his own soul?" I mean, David Rockefeller himself, and many others (like JP Morgan, David Koch, etc., with their plans for world domination and all) are all dead now! (In other words, nobody lives forever). Duh. I don't get it?
"True American heroes! They possess the integrity and courage to earn the title of hero. We need more heroes in this evil and corrupt society." -Donna Ignatuk
(YouTube Viewer)
"This is what hope looks like. This is what I grew up believing existed all along.
Thank you to every patriot. God bless." -Rick Leetham (YouTube Viewer)
This particular movie trailer video is really just like a parody post. However, this is also not only a REALLY great action flick, but the title of the flick, pretty much says it all. Seagal sorta' like breaks new ground here, in creating one of the first commercial movies about 'The Deep State', before most people (including myself) even knew what the Deep State or 'Secret Government' was. (In fact, Seagal himself once worked for the CIA, and as a cop in real life). Says ALLOT. In the flick, some really bad, criminal elements within what we now know to be what is often referred to as 'The Deep State' are actually planning to assassinate a Senator who cannot be bought! (Hmm?) Seagal (one of the good guys) wants to stop their plans; making him a target, and someone on their most wanted list. Its a real eye opener, and a MUST SEE! I can definitely relate myself, and will never forget the first time I saw the flick, many years ago already; and over time, have even sometimes referred back to it, and would say to myself: "Oh yea, that's what he meant with this script, and the meaning behind the title about those who think they are above the law. Damn!" In other words, it's a movie with a message...
To continue here... In the flick, the character played by Steven Seagal goes on to become a Whistleblower himself. And of course, the moral of the story, is that NOBODY is above the law, and that any kind of secret or shadow government (working against the best interests of its law abiding citizens, and the U.S. itself) is really unconstitutional and illegal, and (also) violates The Bill of Rights; yet is a BIG reason why we have many of the (domestic) problems that we have in this country today...
Disclaimer: I, of course, don't believe EVERYONE in the FBI (or the CIA for that matter) is like this, but I do think there are some really serious problems there that definitely need to be addressed...
Yep, it's the same ole', same ole'. And its always certifiable...
Yea, I have to say, Jimmy Dore (once again) hits it out of the park with this one.
Would be VERY difficult to 'HONESTLY' dispute his findings here, if those findings are indeed credible. And it sure seems that they are...
Once again, this really has nothing to do with the Left or the Right, being that Kelly keeps referring to the 'leftist media' here (as if those on the left are bad, and those on the right are good) as much as it has to do with things like common sense, and the usual, unprecedented corruption (sorta' like an oxymoron, because they keep outdoing themselves) among other things...
Most of the pundits on CNN and MSNBC for instance, are really Neo-Liberals.
(Not so much a label, as a clarification, like in the same socio-economic, self-described political system such as 'Capitalism'). And are pretty much on the other side of the same coin as the Neo-Conservatives. As both, are pretty much for many of the same things, such as foreign involvement, war, corporate socialism, control, etc. They are just as much a part of the 'Corporate Media' as Fox News, but on the other side of the same fence, is somewhat my point. In other words, each one pretty much have their own particular agenda, according to their big money donors, and corporate sponsors.
But yet, there are still some things that can be learned, and both networks (in their own way) do sometimes get some stories right. But that's besides the point...
I mention this, because this is extremely important to understand. And because labels are generally bad, and I am usually kind of suspicious of people who use labels in certain ways, like putting them all in the same box and summing them all up as 'the leftist media' for example. (As some independent, 'left' leaning news programs and journalists for example, ARE really good most of the time, and sometimes even brilliant). Although, I do think I get what Kelly is saying here. I hope...
Bottom line. You have to think for yourself and have your own mind; and glean for yourself, what makes sense, and what doesn't. Anything else, is pretty much being like a zombie, and just mimicking certain talking points that really don't make much sense.
(And that's just one more reason why, I strongly believe, like in many European countries, we need more then just two major political parties to begin with).
And that is why I have this video here, because allot of the things Megan Kelly is saying in this particular commentary (even regardless of whether she may be sincere or not) does still make sense. But that's me. I have an open mind, to begin with...