Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Genius Behind The Motown Sound...

And one of the biggest success stories of Motown was: Diana Ross & The Surpremes...

Local Natives - Another Relatively Unknown Indie Band...

Recently heard this track on a local radio station as well (no pun intended) and thought it was surprisingly good, and at least worth bookmarking somewhere...

How Billie Eilish's Bad Guy Works | Artists Series S3E1

One thing that I found particularly interesting (for more reasons then one) in relation to this video, and regarding this particular Indie artist, were the comments on YouTube about Billie Eilish recording this specific track, and at least some of her other songs, in her bedroom. (That may not necessarily include the mixing and mastering part of it though). From what I understand, with all the changes in the Music Industry, and with allot of the online services available today, and all the advances in digital recording technology for instance, this has become increasingly more common these days, especially with Independent Artists and musicians...

Friday, October 18, 2019

Joe Biden Partially Responsible for The Huge Amount of Student Debt...

Another great case in point for why we need an Amendment to the Constitution to remove the dark, dirty money from politics, and another great example of why Joe Biden is bought, that allot of people, especially the democratic voters, are mostly not aware of. Yea, I also agree with Cenk Uygur here, that the Progressive candidates (like Warren and Sanders) not only do a great disservice to this country, by not saying much to make voters aware of this, but also risk their own candidacy, by not bringing home this extremely important point and fact. Biden is a bad joke, and a phoney, I'm sorry to say. But unfortunately, it is the truth. And he would definitely be bad for the country if he was ever elected president, and be a bad candidate to run against Trump. 'Cause all Trump has to do is use the facts (including Biden's own voting record) about why he would be a bad choice to run the country, and therefore, just by exposing some of Biden's quite refutable, bare-faced lies, and phoney talking points, irregardless of Trump's own questionable character, would once again (like in the 2016 election) symbolize two of some of the worst choices for President in the country's history.
Also worth noteing here, is that this is another great example of why we need INDEPENDENT media, because most of the (American) Main Stream Media (and the pundits there) are bought themselves, and have their own agenda...

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Curse of Lake Ronkonkoma

Whoa, just read about this. I lived on Long Island, and actually swam in this lake as a kid (before I lived on Long Island myself) but am not sure if I ever heard of this particular legend, or curse. Hmm? Interesting, for more reasons then one...
Note: Ronkonkoma is also a village on Long Island, in which the lake is located...

Very interesting. The dream the lifeguard describes, in this brief video documentary,
is very similar to the dream depicted in a movie, that is also based on real events called: 'The Mothman Prophecies' - starring Richard Gere. Great flick. Allota' somewhat related food for thought there...

You NEED To Know This About Christopher Columbus

Yea, I'm not a Historian, so I don't have access to all these journals and documents mentioned here on a first hand basis and all, but from what I understand, and in all fairness, Christopher Columbus was not necessarily directly involved with most of the atrocities mentioned here and in some of the other commentaries about these incredibly sickening things. In fact, from what I understand, he considered many of them extremely abhorent. (Could be mistaken though). From what I also understand, Columbus took with him allot of prisoners who were like sorta' given amnesty to assist him on at least his first voyage. (Possibly by the Queen of Spain, but not sure).
And they were individuals who were thieves, murderers, rapists, psychopaths, etc.
The bottom line though, is if he witnessed these things happening and did nothing about it, that would not make him a good man, for sure. And definitely, not someone we should celebrate, or name a holiday in his honor. Also, I found kinda' odd in this discussion, is what one of the commentators said here, in relation to Italian immigrants, and the reason why President Roosevelt established Columbus Day as a National Holiday to begin with; where he said, something to the effect, that Roosevelt really didn't need to do that, because Italian immigrants were not necessarily treated as badly as other immigrants. Which is really not true. I seen a documentary once, and yea, it was pretty bad. And I'm not just saying that because I'm an Italian American myself. It is a fact. Also, from what I understand, many of the Indigenous people at the place where Columbus and his men found themselves, did not necessarily die out solely because they were all slaughtered, but much of it was also because of diseases that the Europeans brought with them that the natives had no immunity for. Either way, the incredibly terrible crimes discussed here, and more, did happen. And that this was a VERY dark chapter in American history, that has seemingly been glossed over in our school text books, does appear to be true. And it is just one more telling example of Imperilism (or Colonialism) run amock, and some of the things that were to come...


Whew, bad Karma, man. Poor people...

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ellen Defends Hanging With War Criminals

I just had to post a comment on YouTube regarding this as follows...

"Yea, I have to say, the REALLY strange thing about Rosie O'Donnell's tweet, that completely blew me away as well, and just didn't make any sense at all, is that she is also a 9/11 Truther!!! WTF? 
In other words, she basically believes that Bush was involved with the (alleged) terrorist attacks on 9/11. I'm not saying this is necessarily not true either, but my point is, is the problem with the statement in her tweet on just so many levels. It doesn't even line up with her own beliefs! What? 
(Its like she completely made an about face for some reason). Very strange. 
I'm not sure, except to think, possibly, that maybe some spooks got to her in some way? (Quite possibly, because they noticed we are currently following each other on Twitter?) 
Some kind of intimidation? Not sure. But things just keep getting stranger and stranger. (And a big part of the reason why, in my strong opinion anyway, is all the things that just don't seem to add up regarding the 9/11 thing). 
Anyway, just my 2 cents here. People can be weird man. I definitely learned that. 
And with all due respect to Rosie, maybe that's why Trump himself goofs on her? 
I don't know. Maybe, its like some kind of personal animosity we don't know about? 
But she REALLY does hate him, that may just go beyond political differences, because, as you say Jimmy, Bush was even worse then Trump! I don't get it myself. (At least, not right now). Yea, but there may be something going on there, that we just don't know about. But, once again, it just goes to show you how strange the country has become. Sad..."

Also, could it be, there is really more to George Bush that we just don't know about? Especially in relation to the incredibly strange events that transpired on Sept. 11th, 2001 and the Deep State? Things that very possibly go allot deeper (no pun intended) then we actually realize? And that they (like Ellen DeGeneres and other celebrities, and non-celebrities) are sorta like all part of the same club? And then, that opens up another whole can of worms, as to what that club exactly is...

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Thursday, September 26, 2019

U.S.Navy Confirms UFO Sightings By Pilots, WTF?

I don't necessarily fully agree with everything Jimmy Dore says in this video, but post it here, because of the previous video blog post interview with Steven Greer, and because this particular UFO story interestingly made the news within the Mainstream Media, for whatever reason...

Joe Rogan Experience #331 - Dr. Steven Greer

"This interview is fully blacklisted you will never find it on YouTube just try searching it, thanks for uploading, if you can please download and keep re uploading so people can watch." -Invective (YouTube Viewer).

This statement seems to be true. I had to repost the above video (which is of poorer quality) because the original was 'made private by the user', for some reason...

Interestingly, Steven Greer mentions Northrop Grumman (somewhat briely however) at least several times during the course of this interview, particularly, at aproximately 1 hour and 30 minutes into the video, which kinda caught me by surprise. (Just sayin'). But remember that now infamous news story, when then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, on Sept. 10th, 2001 (no less) oddly indicated that the Pentagon could not account for something like 2.3 Trillion dollars?!!! Oh, yea. Incredible stuff...
Try to wrap your mind around all the incredible, mind boggling implications of all that for just one moment, if you're smart. (Bad guys, career criminals, and sociopaths will reason one way, and honest, smart people, who want to fix things, will reason a different way). Small wonder though, therefore, the reason why allot of people freak out when someone like a Bernie Sanders for instance, comes along, and mentions additional taxes as a means to pay for his 'Medicare for All' plan. (Although, to be fair, his plan would eliminate all deductibles and any out of pocket medical expenses, which if the additional tax burden is comparitively slight, is still a REALLY good deal).
As my point is, that most ordinary working people know that too many of our politicians are just totally out of touch with reality, especially in light of the above statement (about the missing trillions of dollars from an extremely bloated military budget that is, as you have most of the wasted money to fund Universal Health Care right there) as just one VERY important example, and that the U.S. is really awash in cash, but too many of our politicians basically do not know what the f*ck they're doing, and/or really just don't care; and that they are just freakin' out of touch with the financial burdens of the ordinary (honest) American citizen. Or, they know, and they just don't give a shit, and are in politics for all the wrong reasons, and basically just to line their own pockets. (Which kinda' leads us to the next video). But anyway, Mr. Greer is a very interesting individual, and this is a really great interview...

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Angel Olsen - Lark

From what I understand, this music video begins in the mountains around Asheville, North Carolina and ends on the Outer Banks. Interesting sound. Totally unique style. Very etheral and deep. Fantastic music video. She's like a visionary artist...

Jimmy Dore and Why Everyone Hates the Media | Useful Idiots

Friday, August 23, 2019

PROOF Right-Wing Movement Is A Scam

Yea, I figured this garbage out a LONG time ago myself. I was also once a registered Republican, who started seeing through allot of things that just did not seem to make any sense, in relation to making the country a better place to live, and certainly in relation to Christianity itself, as I understood it. And also saw how crazy extreme most of the party was becoming, especially among the Conservative wing. (And then, eventually, even evolving into the spawn that become the Tea Party movement). Notwithstanding, that I could also see that there was some problems within the Democratic Party as well; but unfortunately, we basically only have a two party system of political control in this country right now to begin with. But that's besides the point...

Trump: I'm the King of the Jews

Wow. Yea, when you think he just couldn't get any more outrageous, Trump has really outdone himself this time. Worst still to come, with the escalation of his delusional Trade War with China? May be. Ya know, speaking about President Trump comparing himself to the 2nd Coming of Jesus, I can't help being reminded of that proverb in the Bible: "Pride comes before the fall."
If there is one thing in the Bible where it ever speaks about God hating anything at all,
it is in relation to pride and arrogance. Ironically, that seems to be one of the primary reasons why the ancient Jews so despised the Egyptian Pharaohs, and the Roman Emperors; because of their extreme pride and arrogance, in claiming to be Gods themselves, and therefore worthy of worship, and the same veneration reserved only for God himself. But, regarding Trump, is it a similar kind of like, borderline blasphemy?
Once again, may be. (Or also, quite possibly, someone who has really just lost his mind, and a perfect example of why the 25th Amendment was created in the first place.
And hence, the reason why Trump also seems to deliberately and willingly attract so many other irrational, deranged, crazy people as well, for his followers).
Have to see where this goes, but just sayin'. Pretty unprecedented shit, whichever way you look at it. No doubt about that. Sad, that the country has actually come to this, but I sorta' predicted it, for various reasons, that should be quite obvious by now, as to why the U.S. wound up with a president like Donald Trump, to begin with. And if its not, well then, there's really no help for you, to be quite frank...

Monday, July 15, 2019

Using Color to Harvest Energy

Dutch designer Marjan van Aubel has designed windows and a table that use colored solar cells to convert sunlight into electricity. Her ultimate goal, however, is to all surfaces capable of harvesting solar energy, just like flowers. Absolutely brilliant...

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Baby Bird Takes Uber to Wildlife Rescue Center, Alone

A Utah man wanted to rescue a baby bird, but he was too intoxicated to drive it to a vet.
So he put the bird in an Uber, alone...

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Andrew Yang | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

I really like this guy. He is DEFINITELY, one of the smartest guys in the race right now; although, granted, I don't necessarily know a whole lot about him at this time.
Makes a ton of sense though. And some of his solutions are incredibly practical (compassianate) just, and brilliant. (So, I guess we can count him out, huh?)
I also like this comment from a YouTube viewer: "I like Yang. He is not clinically insane. Gives him the edge." -Neil Mo Funny. Sad, but funny...


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Bernie Sanders Calls Out Poll Showing Joe Biden Crushing Him

Here is a very interesting comment from a YouTube viewer regarding this commentary from Jordan Chariton, and my own response, that I thought was worth mentioning here, for whatever its worth...
"They are rigging the polls to manufacture the perception of Joe Biden's support so when they rig the voting machines for the outcome they want, people wont be asking as many questions and just accept the rigged results. This is why we need a movement RIGHT NOW to secure our elections." -Definitely Human

"Yea, it's funny you should mention that, Definitely Human. Unfortunately, that has been my sense all along. I also get the strong feeling, that individuals within 'The Deep State', the Status Quo, and the Establishment, for instance, absolutely hate Senator Sanders, because he is not bought, like most of them, and speaks out so strongly in favor of the working, middle class; and the poor, for that matter. Ironically, when you listen to Sanders talk, it's almost like listening to Jesus. I mean, think about it. Jesus angrily expelled the money changers from the temple, supported the disenfranchised and the downtroden, was for peace, and against injustice, etc. But yea, VERY serious matter. If they rig the voting machines, as was the strong indication that was the case during the re-election of George W. Bush, for example, we got problems. And you can pretty much kiss our democracy goodbye. With all due respect, I just hope Senator Sanders is smart enough to realize, that this is definitely not outside the realm of possibility, and takes the necessary steps, and possible legal action, to prevent that from happening; because he is undeniably coming against some pretty powerful and corrupt opposition forces, who unquestionably do not want to see him become president. That goes, for maybe a couple of other progressive candidates who are in the race as well..." -Vito Masilotti

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

C-SPAN: Cenk Uygur on 2020 Campaign

I have to say (although I may not necessarily agree with him on everything) 
Cenk freakin' hit it out of the park on this one, man. Just had to post this somewhere. 
He was DEFINITELY on a roll here. BIG TIME! He like, TOTALLY shut-down every caller that disagreed with him. I mean, just look at that face. Its like he's Neo, who just took the red pill. Its like in the movie, Lucy, at that point in the flick when the powerful chemical leaks into her system, and transforms her into a mental monster! 
(You get a sense of the years of experience now, just oozing through his pores). 
Almost like he was born for this moment. Wow...

Biden's Terrible, No Good Presidential Campaign Flops Out The Gate

Yea, once again, just like I said man. In fact, Biden's introductory campaign ad is almost as bad as John McCain's political ad all those years ago, showing the Twin Towers collapsing into their own footprint on 9/11 as the reason we should vote for him for president! (Worst political ad I think I had ever seen in my life). And almost as bad as Hilary Clinton's ad, played over and over again, implying Trump was a sexual predator! Some very informative and interesting points about Biden's voting record in this video though, that are good to know. Yea, Joe Biden is like another disaster just waiting to happen. He's a dinosaur, in more ways then one...

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Steve Hackett - Dancing with the Moonlit Knight

Awesome performance from Steve Hackett and his band, playing an old, but classic Genesis track, from an old, but classic, incredibly innovative, and brilliant Genesis album called: 'Selling England By The Pound'. Just spotted this video of a recent live performance, posted by Steve Hackett himself on Twitter...

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Populist Bernie Ad Is Trump’s Kryptonite (And He Knows It)

Presently, unfortunately, I do not have that much faith in the american people (generally speaking) and our mostly, ratings driven (corporate controlled and Deep State influenced) main stream media (to be quite frank) just judging from our recent history within the last decade or so, but I guess we have to see what happens, huh?
I do have to agree with Kyle on one thing though, this IS a freakin' POWERFUL ad man, from Bernie Sanders. No doubt about it. Presently, at least, I think the country may basically be just a little too far gone now however, for a number of reasons, to actually elect such an awesome (though maybe not perfect) presidential candidate like Senator Sanders to begin with. (And I'm sure the bad guys are counting on that as well).
Have to see what happens though, of course, to know if that is really the case or not. Sad...


I agree with some of Kyle's comments here as well, although, I do kinda' disagree (right now at least) about who will be the biggest Democratic challenger to Senator Sanders. (Even if, I presently do not know allot about Kamala Harris myself). I still think that will most likely be Joe Biden; because he is such a big part of that elite, establishment system, that has been entrenched in this country for so long. (He IS the Status Quo!) And also partly goes to what I stated above, about the country possibly being just too far gone now. Therefore, do not count Trump out just yet! (Man, do I know this country like a book now). Oh, yea. The United States has ALL the warning signs...

DEEP STATE | Season 2 First Look Trailer

Just learned about this series from someone on Twitter. (See my 'Likes' Tab there). Kinda' reminds me of  'The Blacklist' in a way. Looks like a great series, that I am currently unable to watch right now, unless I upgrade my cable subscription.
From what I understand, it is on: Epix. Also, from what I understand, it is a series
"about how American and British Intelligence Services profit from the 'War On Terror' in the Middle East, and their complicity and knowledge of corruption and war crimes"...

Friday, April 19, 2019


Look, I am far from a prude (or a holy roller) myself, and really do not intentionally or maliciously mean any disrespect to Joe Biden either, but this sh*t IS creepy! And if he is intending to run for President for instance, the public definitely has a right to know who they may be voting for (and who has the nuclear launch codes for example) because character DOES matter. (As we have particularly seen played out within the last several decades or so). Especially, say, as to where your priorities lie. I mean, say, in the case of Human Trafficking, and things related to that for instance. Everything is relative...
That is, for the most part, one of the main differences between those who are part of the establishment, and those who are not. (To be kind). In other words, in the sense, when there seems to be a different set of rules for those who are part of that establishment, and those who are not. (Which is why I mostly support the Progressive Candidates). Even though, absolutely no one should really be considered above the law...
Now, the video below, is ALSO very interesting (and seriously disturbing). I am not really going to get into the whole 'Pizza Gate' matter, and the related (alleged) elite pedophile ring, and human trafficking thing here (although it pretty much seems to be ALL pretty well laid out in this video, which I have to say, is pretty damn compelling).
I don't believe myself (as some have said, to discredit any reference to this) that:
"Hilary Clinton runs a pedophile ring from a Pizza Parlor," although, I almost hate to say it man, but there definitely does seem to be some pretty compelling and damning evidence in relation to John Podesta. (And I'm a Democrat).
It seems to me, that it's really up to him to dispute it, and to legally prove it false and defamatory, if it is some kind of malicious fabrication. (After all, he has the money, the power, and the connections to do just that). I mean, if the things said and presented in this video are really not true, it would sure piss me off, and make me want to fight it.
(As they are VERY serious accusations).
But anyway, the main reason I am posting the following video, is because of the particular topic and subject matter of this post (Joe Biden's creepy problem) which is specifically presented at approximately 26 minutes and 44 seconds into the video.
Once again, people who vote (and like myself, want to know and take seriously who they are voting for) have that right to know. Privacy matters aside...
So, in my strong opinion anyway, Senator Sanders for instance, is clearly a better candidate, and for more reasons then one. No offense Joe. But knowing the way things are right now, I probably just swung the election for Biden or Trump anyway! Too Deep. That's how sad this country has actually become. Wow...


One last thing, you cannot (hypocritically) claim to be part of the so called: 'Me Too Movement' and deny this PROVEN fact about Joe Biden at the same time. It is an OBVIOUS contradiction. And I seriously doubt, now former Senator Al Franken for instance, EVER came close to anything like this. So then, you have to ask yourself, what is REALLY going on here? If you are a sincere person that is...

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Bernie WINS At Fox News Town Hall

Yea, former Rep. Dennis Kucinich used to appear on Fox all the time, yet rarely on the other major networks, like CNN or MSNBC for instance. Kucinich was one of the original Progressive Democrats, before the term "Progressive" was even used.
In fact, if I'm not mistaken, he is the one who first coined the phrase: "Deep State" on one of his appearances on Fox. He was someone who also proposed such radical ideas, as putting the Federal Reserve under the mantle of the Treasury Dept for example. And sadly, one of the only politicians who had the balls and the integrity to rightly propose impeachment proceedings against then President George W. Bush...
But anyway, yea, I thought this Town Hall on Fox was a wise move by Senator Sanders.

And in relation to Rep Kucinich and the 'Deep State' thing I mentioned above, here is a clip from one of his appearances on Fox, while the meaning of the term 'Deep State' was still developing and in its infancy; but yet the bad guys were watching (as they are now) never-the-less. (Usually to see how much they can get away with for example). For instance, the White Nationalist Coast Guardsman from Maryland in the news recently, charged with planning a mass terrorist attack, targeting certain democrats and others, was most likely some kind of 'Deep State' operative or Terrorist sympathizer, for instance. As they are usually VERY sinister and sadistic, and involved in other crimes, and like to know just how corrupt, incompetent, and/or deliberately stupid that faction in law enforcement (and the system) can really be; to determine (and using that as an excuse) as to what they should do next, and how much they can really get away with themselves. Case in point...


And make no mistake about it, many of these individuals (who are aligned with this so called: 'Deep State' philosophy) ARE VERY dangerous. Their psychology is COMPLETELY warped and twisted. Especially, in relation to whomever they are targeting, and seemingly negatively obsessed with, for whatever disturbingly sick, malevolent (and delusional) motive. (So sick, that it actually approaches the demonic). They are lunatics! They are: "Kukoo for cocoa puffs." And some of the most INSANE people in the world! (I know). Just take a look at the false flag events of 9/11 and the related anthrax attacks, as their justification for an unprovoked military invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the seemingly endless 'war on terror' for instance, to get just a glimpse of their extremely disturbing (deceitful and criminally insane) psychology; that President Eisenhower himself warned the American public about, all those years ago. As if to also warn us, that the potential was definitely there for the spawning of some kind of monster (or entity, if you will) that could very likely come from what he himself called: 'The Military Industrial Complex'. (See previous blog post). Not completely unlike the (almost prophetic) Arnold Schwarzenegger movie: 'Eraser' for example...
Ya know, I can still remember (with God as my judge) this pundit on one of the the news networks, like MSNBC or CNN for instance, making this REALLY disturbing and bizarre statement (among others) that: "No one owns 9/11." What?!!! "No one owns 9/11"?
Are you kidding me? What the f*ck kind of insane statement is that? (But I knew just what he meant). Oh, yea. Just goes to show, just how far this country has really gone, since Eisenhower's warning. He couldn't have been more right, or prophetic. Damn.
Enough said...

Monday, April 15, 2019

100% FREE TV [Legally] + Prime Video Canada & Google Integration | New Roku Features

Roku TV is GREAT! Highly recommend checking it out. Also, from what I understand, it is the only streaming service that has the Spectrum App for instance...

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Bee Gees - Immortality (Live in Las Vegas, 1997 - One Night Only)

And here's a song written by The Bee Gees for Celin Dion, and (in my opinion) one of the most beautiful and moving ballads ever written...

Barry Gibb | The last Bee Gee | Sunday Night

Freakin' awesome interview, man. In my opinion, Barry Gibb is one of the most brilliant Pop songwriters who has ever lived. Not to even mention, The Bee Gees, which has got to be one of the most successful musical groups of all time...
Ya know, its funny, but I was just recently thinking about a musician friend from Long Island, by the name of Jay Sisto, who had also passed away some time ago.
I can still remember him telling me a story, of how he had a hand in the building of this really impressive, personal recording studio, specifically designed for The Bee Gees down in Florida! So, inadvertently coming across this video was a big surprise, in more ways then one. Also, kinda' sad, for more reasons then one. But I think, this comment from a viewer seems to nail it for me too: "The best 18 minutes I've spent on YouTube in a long while."  -Mark Wolfe  R.I.P. Jay.  And R.I.P. Maurice and Robin Gibb...


Glenn Greenwald Debates Cenk On Mueller Investigation

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Trump Makes INSANE Promise

Oh yea, here they go again. Ya see, I always believed myself (knowing these guys like a book now) that the sorta' like inadvertent removal of the individual mandate from the so called Affordable Care Act by the Republicans was going to come with consequences, one way or the other. Because, there is no more control! (And always felt, that they were therefore, going to try and bring it back, one way or another).
Of course, that was really the worst part of the ACA. (In my strong opinion anyway).
I mean, it was still a step up from Cobra, but lets face it, people, understandably, do not want to have to purchase an incredibly high deductible health insurance plan (because it is all they can afford) so as not to be fined if they don't. And the reason for that, is because, it is not really a government run, health insurance plan. It is, of course, really administered by a 'for profit' health insurance company- only PARTIALLY subsidized by the federal government. It is basically Romney Care. A right-wing health insurance plan.
(And the Republicans still vehemently fought against it, for all the wrong reasons, and because, as they themselves openly stated, they wanted Obama to fail as president to begin with). And it is a program, that was basically flawed from the beginning. Ya see, Obama had promised during his campaign for president for instance, that he would fight for either a Public Option or a Single Payer health care system, if he ever got elected.
Of course, it was a lie. Because he was basically just as bought as most of the Republicans are, as he is really not a liberal, or a Socialist, as they would falsely like to call him, but a neo-liberal. (The other side of the same coin as a neo-con). And that is why, we're in the mess we're in, in the first place...
Trump, of course, is an even bigger con-man then Obama was (once again, in my strong opinion, and what should be so obvious by now) so one has to DEFINITELY be incredulous and VERY suspicious as to why, all of a sudden, he is doing this.
And, that cheshire, cat-like grin on reptilian, Mitch ('I want your soul') McConnell's face just speaks volumes. These guys are somethin' else man. No shame, AT ALL!
They lie, and try to deceive you right to your face, like they're speaking to morons, and like they're actually doing us a favor. When we pay their salaries. In part, at least, because the lobbying money in politics has become so out of control now, that many of them are bought, for instance, by those very same for profit, health insurance and big pharma companies! So (until we get an amendment to the constitution) they really work for them. (Because, lets face it, they have ALLOT more money). Incredible...

This is all in good fun, I guess. HIT IT GUYS!
As serious as these things are, I still think President Trump can be pretty funny man. And Mitch McConnell, was like born to be goofed on. (These guys are like set for life anyway, at our expense). By the way, has anyone ever seen any kind of footage of Donald Trump (or McConnell) laughing? Ever?! I mean, they're like not human. Damn...

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Mueller Report EXPLAINED

Yea, it is all just as I said man. (As I mentioned in a previous post in this blog).
The ultimate outcome of the Mueller investigation (at least as it appears so far) is no surprise to me AT ALL! And I ALWAYS believed myself, that the whole 'Russians stealing the election' thing, seemingly created by some of the not very bright, and malevolent, establishment Democrats, was just TOTAL bullshit. (Making a bad situation even worse). And somewhat indicative of why the Democrats got slaughtered in the 2016 election in the first place...
You had probably two of the most unpopular and underwater presidential candidates in modern American election history, to begin with. Not to even mention, that Clinton definitely seemed to do a great job of blowing the election all by herself!
What is very interesting to me though, regarding all this, is the seeming discrepancy with the Buzz Feed story for instance, some weeks ago already, when the Special Counsel indicated that this internet media company's revelation in relation to the Russian-Trump Tower thing, "was not entirely accurate." (And at a time, when Trump had shut-down the government no less). Where then, did that story come from in the first place? I mean, was it made up? Was there any truth to it at all, that the Mueller team just deliberately ignored? I don't get it? But still, no surprise really...
So far, at least...

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Reflections & Warnings - An Interview with Aaron Russo

Temporarily In keeping with this train of thought, here is a VERY revealing interview from a man, who seemed to have (if true) and to a certain extent, first hand knowledge of what was (and is) really going on (with 9/11 for example) and regarding information that definitely provides ALLOT of food for thought, to say the least...
Much too negative a topic though. (As significant and important as it may be). Sort of like O'deed on the subject myself. I mean, you can only do so much to make people aware, and then it's like the whole "well, I sorta done my part by taking a chance and sharing things like this (even though things like this are already out there) but I really also have to look out for myself" kinda' thing. (Especially when you consider how weird human nature can often be). Never-the-less, it does make one realize certain things (if your smart that is) and where you may ultimately want to call your home; which I am not going to get into here. (Because of the whole human nature thing, and the psychology of the psychopaths who very well may be involved and all, and the nature of the bad guys, which I am well aware of). Incredible stuff.
Therefore, enough said...
Note: I have to say though, that I do not necessarily agree with 'ALL' the views that are presented in this video. (And I am not necessarily a big fan of Alex Jones myself). With that said, however (as I have seen with other videos posted there in relation to this interview) I suspect that YouTube may eventually, possibly, and partially disable this video for some reason. (If not pull it down altogether. No pun intended). Which DEFINITELY seems suspicious to me, in itself, and may very well imply the validity of at least some of the content of what is being said here, as there is really nothing 'inappropriate' of what is being discussed in this video, in my strong opinion anyway.
In other words, if this video suddenly becomes unviewable in this blog post, you may still be able to watch it directly on YouTube; though with a warning, and certain features, such as comments, sharing, etc. disabled. I DO think the things discussed and revealed here, especially in relation to the horrific events that took place on 9/11/2001 are of utmost importance (and in relation to National and World security) for more reasons then one.
That part I cannot stress enough; because at this time anyway (like the related anthrax attack case) once again, in my strong opinion, it is still basically an unsolved crime. I really don't care what anybody says, as that is DEFINITELY my conclusion, for reasons I am not even going to get into here. In fact, to be quite frank, I think (for anyone who has done any kind of honest and credible research on the matter) it should pretty much be a 'no-brainer', whether you are a conservative or a liberal, or even somewhere in-between for example, the truth is still the truth, regardless. And like Aaron Russo (God rest his soul) I myself also believe that America as a nation, will not fully heal and progress with much of the rest of the civilized world, until the truth is legitimately brought to light, and those involved are held accountable, in at least a court of world law. Although, I myself have no misconceptions about this probably being unlikely. But it should at least send a strong warning sign as to where we may be possibly headed as a nation, if nothing else, and the right for decent, sensible people to know why things are the way they are, if they haven't figured it out for themselves already. (The bad guys already know the truth. It's always the way). In other words, there is now really no excuse, not to at least learn the lessons of the past, and choose (and vote) accordingly.
And let God ultimately be your judge in the end. For it is quite obvious to me anyway, that VERY serious and great crimes against humanity have been committed here, to say the least; and of course, those involved (and who have covered up the truth for years now) DEFINITELY do not want to be exposed. (Duh). Despite the already brazenness of some. Enough said. Makes me wanna' puke...
One last thing though, being that many so-called "Conservatives" (Republicans) "Libertarians", and even some establishment Democrats, who selfishly crave power, wealth, and control, but who often (hypocritically) like to quote the Bible, there is a very interesting quote attributed to Jesus himself (that shows what deliberate fools some of these people really are) where it is written: "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet only to lose his own soul in the end?" In other words, it pretty much supports and lines up with another very wise quote from another very significant, modern day spiritual leader (who isn't bought) the Dalai Lama: That "our primary purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." This is basically at the root of most of our problems. Yet, many other people and (advanced) civilized societies throughout the world, who are generally not even considered to be religious, seem to get it! (Yea, as primitive as some parts of the Bible seem to be, Jesus seemed to even indirectly comment about that one too). Why? (Is this just yet, another sign of a nation in decline?) Think about it. And, while I'm on this, regarding this strange, recurring pattern of sociopath leaders, and a seemingly almost demonic, self-destructive, corrupt system, could there actually be some truth to that other passage in the Bible, where the Devil himself says to Jesus something to the effect:
"All these Kingdoms of the World that I am showing you now, belong to me, and I will give them all to you, if you will only bow down and worship me"? Yet, in the Hebrew Bible (The Old Testament) it actually says that: "All the Kingdoms of the World belong to God"!
If there is any truth to any of these statements in any way (despite their seeming contradiction) maybe it means, there is still hope in some way, because there IS still ultimately a power that is greater then evil. (As the ultimate source of all life, who for the sake of the innocent at least, does not really want to see the world's destruction). And, that may be the real meaning of the so called: 'Good News'. And, just maybe, that's what Jesus really meant when he prayed: "God's kingdom come, God's will be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven." Life is a mystery man, to begin with. But, I am COMPLETELY convinced (have come to realize) and that it is even quite obvious (just from what I have read and learned about what is written in the Bible itself, as a kid, despite some of its rather odd contradictions) that if Jesus was living on Earth today, he would DEFINITELY be a Socialist! No doubt about it. (Do not let anyone fool you there). And that, very well, may be what they really don't want you to know. Although, granted, political labels really do fall short here, as I also believe (and as the Bible also seems to imply) that man, generally speaking, is still basically a fallen race, as we can see plainly enough, just from history itself. (And, as one can see from the sometimes odd use of social labels used by these guys in this video. It also falls short of the truth. Although, I know, what at least Aaron Russo is trying to say). Bottom line, if it insults honest reason and common sense, it should be looked upon with suspicion. Enough said. (Too Deep). This, once again, now ends this series on: "WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?"

Monday, March 25, 2019

SCARY Parallels Between America And Rome's Demise

Okay, in looking for a home for some other content from my Google Plus profile, which is going away soon (and in keeping with the theme of my last several blog posts) I also came across this particular post, that I thought was at least worth saving as well.
Here are some of my thoughts, that I had initially posted to my profile there...

Fair and balanced reason in sharing this interview and commentary...
There ARE several interesting FACTS here though; in that much of the architecture of Washington DC for instance, is ironically based on Roman architecture, and that our government (among other things) seems to have borrowed the term "Senator" (and also 'Governor,' if I'm not mistaken) from the Romans themselves! So, it does seems like, at least some of the founders of the United States had the Roman Empire in mind, when the country was first established, to begin with...
O.K. if you want to go a step further, and add some more irony (and food for thought) to this, most Catholic scholars for instance, are in agreement that the Beast spoken of in the Book of Revelation was most likely, at least, a (indirect) veiled reference to Nero.
He was one of the last Roman Emperors' I believe (before Constantine) who among his many atrocities, also persecuted and brutally murdered the early Christians. He was a corrupt, psychopath, mafia-like tyrant, who had the city of Rome burnt to the ground, to then blame it on the Christians! (Hence, the veiled reference to him in the Christian Bible). Sound familiar? (It should). Even many of the Roman people themselves despised him, although he had a following...
Also, from what I understand, most of the founding fathers of the United States were Freemasons, and not really Christians themselves, as many of the Religious Right (and Conservative Politicians) would have you believe. But, they knew the Bible. (For the Freemasons, though considered to be a Secret Society, have as their core beliefs, a rather odd mix - that includes some elements of Christianity, Astrology, and the Occult). So their design of Washington DC and their original design for this country, therefore, may very well have been sorta like an intentional self-fulfilling prophecy, if you know what I mean?
Some even say, that Washington DC was actually, deliberately designed in the shape of a Pentagram! I kid you not...
Not to even mention, some of the odd Freemason/Occult related symbolism on the Dollar Bill for example. (Although, to be fair, most of the early founders WERE also against Banking Institutions having a monopoly on the money supply, and would have therefore, definitely also been against the creation of The Federal Reserve for instance).
So take it for what its worth, but there does seem to be ALLOT of food for thought here as well, and some of it even seems to make some kind of strange sense, when you really think about it. Just sayin'...
One last thing, for whatever its worth. If I can be honest and frank here (or John, Ringo, or Paul) I personally think there are also (currently anyway) some scary parallels to Yugoslavia, several decades ago, and what was going on in that country, at the time. Once again, just sayin'. Think about it. Not good..

And in the beginning, the tone (and stage) was (arguably) set. The untold story of Christopher Columbus...

Some interesting YouTube viewer comments: "American history is so screwed up, they can't tell the truth."  -Kj Hammerman
This one, I didn't know about myself: "I understand that Native people now refer to this as a national day of mourning..."  -HeFockingLeftTheBand (But whoa, what kind of freakin' YouTube account name is that? Weird, and somewhat strangely ironic. But kinda' typical of some of the commentators on YouTube to begin with).
Also, though, from what I understand, Columbus took with him some pretty bad people, at least on his first voyage to the Americas; individuals for instance, who were in prison for murder, theft, etc. So it is also small wonder, there were problems. Duh. But such bad judgement (usually) comes from bad character to begin with. It seems that Spain and most of Europe has since come a long way since these early days of Spanish (and European) Imperialism. But unfortunately, it also looks like, it may have taken several brutal world wars, that left much of Europe devastated and in ruins...

Video Claiming: There are Those Among The World’s Elite Who Are Using Black Magic To Conjure Up Entities For More Power!

Here is a Video Documentary on a rather controversial (and strange) subject - in relation to those (allegedly) among the Elite using Black Magic and Demonology! May also explain ALLOT of things in a way (and also in relation to what are known as Secret Societies) but no further comment. (Except, that it is sorta like in keeping with the theme of last several blog posts here). Holy sh*t!
This now completes this series on: "What Does It All Mean?" I guess. And quite possibly, why things are the way they are. For instance, in the Bible, the Devil himself is often referred to as 'The Great Deceiver'. Get it? Probably not. Only some will. That is the incredible irony here.
In other words, lets just say (according to the Bible at least) that his intentions and goal is not to make the world a better place to live. (At least not for everyone). Still don't get it?
I guess some will, on both sides of the fence, and make their decision from there. It also does seem, that things never seem to happen the way people expect them to, and I guess that's why Jesus allegedly mostly spoke in parables. (As the Bible also states). Because, he knew what was in people's hearts; also referred to as the gift of discernment - a gift that anyone really can have, it would seem, depending on what is really in one's heart. Enough said. Once again, Too Deep...
Note: Just reposting this from my Google Plus account (which is going away soon) as the original video (with the exact same content and all) that I had posted there about a month before this post, seemed to be removed by the user I guess. I could kinda' understand why, for several reasons. Have to see what happens to this one. I personally think the public definitely has a right to know about this stuff. Really makes ya' wonder, as to what is really going on, and very well may explain certain things, and in relation to some kind of secret agenda, that may not only be criminal, but may also violate American and International law. And I can guarantee, that you wont see Mueller's team investigating this one. Call it a lucky guess. But of course, to be fair, that is not what his team has necessarily been authorized to investigate. And, you can bet that Pres. Trump is not going to go down that rabbit hole either, because (no matter what he says) it should be quite obvious by now (if it wasn't before) that he is just as much a part of the establishment as anyone else. In fact, I think this is all just another part of what I had predicted to begin with, that we were going to see the biggest "pot calling the kettle black" debacle in U.S. history. And it looks like, that is EXACTLY what we have been seeing so far. And Trump, like the shrewd motherf***er that he is, (I think) knows it. But all this, is besides the point. Just sayin'...
By the way, (if you are not already aware of this) just to show how absolutely evil 'Satanism' can really be (and is really a religion in itself, with its own specific rituals and all) I saw a show on The Travel Channel about a week ago, that really left a very sad and repulsed impression on me. The name of the show is: Paranormal Caught on Camera. This particular show was Season 1, Episode 3 I believe. It is allegedly a true story, that described a Witches Circle ritual, where the satanists kidnapped a pregnant woman, ripped the baby from her womb, and actually nailed it to a tree, as a human sacrifice to the Devil!!! In other words, if there really are individuals among the elite establishment, who are actually practicing similar rituals, that include some very serious crimes (behind the scenes) which it would seem to me, kinda' lines up with certain things that I myself have heard and seen, and the extremely disturbing nature of some VERY strange world events, like 9/11 (and the related anthrax attacks) for example, we (meaning decent, normal people, who find these things abhorrent to begin with) got problems. And, that is why, I am somewhat reluctantly sharing this video here. (To shed some light on what some of us may really be dealing with). Enough said...

Okay, here is something interesting, in doing some research, as to whether something like this could have any basis in fact. There have been a number of movies that have been released over the years, including this one, that always sorta' like made me wonder, where the influence for the plot came from, or if it was just total fiction, with pretty much no basis in reality or fact to begin with; because, as many of us know, art (and Hollywood for example) quite often imitates life, as the saying goes.
Also, what makes the movie Rosemary's Baby that much more eerie, strange, and occultic, is that it was directed by Roman Polanski. Mr. Polanski at the time, was marreid to the then famous and rising actress:  Sharon Tate, who was later brutally murdered by members of the Manson Family back in 1969. (While she was pregnant, no less!) Just sayin'...

Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Remaining Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Alexa Vega Horror Movie

A supernatural thriller that addresses questions of life, love and belief against an apocalyptic backdrop. A group of close friends gather for a wedding, but the celebration is shattered by a series of cataclysmic events and enemies foretold by biblical end-times prophecies. The survivors face a horrifying, uncertain future as they scramble for safety, but as their world collapses around them in chaos and terror will they choose real life through faith, or just try to survive? Written by AFFIRM Films
Rented this movie today on Amazon. It actually wasn't half bad, and is very scary, I have to say. There may be a mystery hidden here. Sort of like a warning. It would also kinda' solve the 'just,' yet compassionate God problem, in the sense of most of humanity's problems are self-made, and a result of great corruption and evil in itself, and the innocent (and good people) seem to suffer because of those problems, that they themselves did not create; and quite often, even sincerely attempt to solve. But because they often come against the deliberate ignorance, selfishness, greed, and corruption that are the primary cause of these problems (depending upon their particular state in life) are therefore often persecuted themselves, and a society ironically suffers as a result. The Rapture seems to solve that problem, when it actually gets to the point of (almost) no return. i.e. Global Warming, potential mutual destruction and ultimate annihilation, etc. (See my Blog Post at my website dated Dec. 21st, 2012 in the 'Read More' section). Even though, I am not necessarily saying myself, that I believe in such a teaching in a literal way. Never-the-less, it does seem to me, that America itself does seem to be at a very serious crossroads right now, for instance.
And (despite much of the deliberate ignorance) it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why. At least, it is quite obvious to me, anyway. I mean, you can claim to be a Christian and a follower of Jesus, (but as we have learned from history and life itself), can still be very evil. And even, deliberately stupid! I mean, didn't Jesus himself say: "Not everyone who calls me lord will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven"? You bet your ass he did. Or, at least, the Bible says that he did. So, there is definitely a mystery here, in more ways then one; because the Bible also says that: "God looks at the heart." Duh. Enough said. Too deep...

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


What an amazing human being. God bless him, and the kids he cares for...

The Flower Kings- Love Is The Only Answer

I like this. Heard this track for the first time on a local Indie Music radio station on Valentines Day. Kinda' reminiscent of such Progressive Rock groups as: Gentle Giant, Nektar, and early Genesis...

Monday, February 4, 2019

Psychiatrist Warns Trump Could Become “Extremely Dangerous” As Mueller Gets Closer

I totally agree, as Trump definitely seems to be mentally unstable to begin with.
We've already seen this with the recent Government Shutdown, as just one extremely disturbing example. Whether Mueller is really getting close to say, indicting the president for instance, is another matter; which I am not going to get into here (for various reasons) regarding my own opinion of what this may really be all about...
But this investigation has really been going on a LONG TIME now. I mean, come on, "sh*t or get off the pot" already! (As the saying goes). Because, I mean, it should be quite obvious by now, that it's just making an unstable president even more unstable, and even more dangerous (and spiteful) then he already is. (I mean, in my opinion, and from past experience, if this was really about protecting the country to begin with, Mueller and the Special Counsel would have wisely recognized a particular urgency to expedite and openly present their case to congress during the government shutdown, when millions of lives were hanging in the balance, from a corrupt, out of control, and borderline treasonous president). Give me a break. Please! But this seems to be typical for these guys. (In fact, for whatever its worth, I predicted these very things were going to happen, from the very beginning. Sorta' like an: "Uh, oh. Here we go again!") Unbelievable...
But, in all fairness, we got to see where they are ultimately going with this, I guess.
But, I myself (for reasons I am not going to get into here) don't put much faith in these guys to begin with. As, it seems to be, just another classic, sad and disturbing (American) clown show, if you ask me. Oh, my God...

Hey Billionaires, NOBODY Wants You To Run For President!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Revealed: U.S. Spy Operation Manipulating Social Media!

Another example of fair and balanced (and brilliant) investigative reporting...

Pres. Eisenhower's Farewell Address & Warning about The Military Industrial Complex

Now, that's a leader! And arguably, the last normal and genuine republican president...
"This wasn't a speech, this was a prophecy."  -Eibon Tech (YouTube Viewer)

Monday, January 7, 2019

Conservatives In Complete MELTDOWN Over Rashida Tlaib

Here is my own comment (and opinion) to this great video commentary on YouTube...

"The Democratic Party DEFINITELY needs somebody in there with balls, for all the right reasons. 
I really dug the article in 'The Nation' that showed the excellent brief that Rashida Tlaib wrote, which sorta' like lends some rationality to the reason she used the language she did when she spoke to her supporters, that brought the whole thing home, to make a point, that now with the government shutdown and all, and all the pain the President is deliberately causing allot of people and the country for instance, there is at least now more then ever before, a reason (with all due respect to the President) that the impeachment language in that context definitely makes sense, and goes beyond political party and affiliation, because it goes to the reality of the actual damage he is causing the country, and how he has now more then ever proven that he is really unfit to be President, and (trying to use my own language carefully here) has arguably at least, become an actual danger to the country. And in that light, I myself loved that she put it the way that she did to her constituents, where she is pretty much saying: "hey, what more proof do you need that we got to (eventually at least) impeach this monster?!" I mean, I get it. Just my two cents here. Just sayin' - that I really dug her comment myself. Sad that the country has actually come to this point though, of course, and really quite scary, because we are really like on the verge of a constitutional crisis, it would seem to me; and that we really need (now more then ever) for people in Congress (who are not beholden to any special interests for instance) who have the balls to rise to the occasion and do the right thing, for the sake of the country, or we are not going to survive very long as a viable, stable, and free nation..."

This could very well, really be the reason why all this is (currently) happening.
It's nothing more then a robbery. Think about it. Move over, Guatemala! Oh, the irony...

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Fall Of Empires: Rome vs USA (Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 9)

There is allot of truth and food for thought in this very informative video, however, I do also agree with at least most of the comment from a YouTube viewer here - where he says: "This is very sophisticated propaganda, facts mixed with half-thruths and lies. Make no mistake, that "financial writer" and the forbes guy are both lackeys of the billionaire-oligarchs. These super-rich control today all of government, simply by buying elections. They are never satisfied with their wealth, no matter how many billlions they are piling up, it`s never enough. There is one thing they want: MORE. And they are getting it, by depleting the last natural sources, by grinding people with slave like jobs and by cannibalizing public assets like schools, water supply etc etc Privatizing derives from the word privateer, that again derives from the latin word privo which literally means robbing.Money is not the issue, it`s owners vs the people that actually work. Warren Buffet said it himself: “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” -Mr. D

Never-the-less, the historical fact, at least here in the U.S. - is that it was President Nixon who took the country off of the Gold Standard, and in my opinion anyway, that was a very bad thing; and this video documentary also makes another extremely important point, that this was a disaster for previous civilizations as well, especially when they used it in the endless cycle of imperialism - to fund more and more wars (instead of for the benefit of the general public) as was the case with the Roman Empire, and a big reason as to why it eventually fell...